Having a good website is important to your online business. It's not the only thing that you need though. You need to make sure you promote your business to the masses. This is where mobile marketing comes in. Not sure where to begin with it? Don't worry; this article has helpful mobile marketing tips to get you started.

If you really want to convert sales with mobile marketing, work hard to make visiting your site a pleasurable experience for people. Because most mobile users are on-the-go users, they're more inclined to quickly browse through multiple sites than PC users are. Give them a reason to stick around.

Listen to your customers in your mobile marketing campaign so that you can always better cater to them. If you assume you know what your customers want, you are going to make a serious you-know-what out of yourself. Instead of assuming, listen to their needs and then work from an informed standpoint.

Split-test your landing pages to see which one performs better. This is a great tactic to use in your mobile marketing campaign because it allows you to quickly put the better material out there. By creating two unique landing pages and then using HubSpot tools, you can perform an A/B Split Test and find out which page to go with.

Build web-based landing pages that are specialized for mobile devices. These mobile landing pages streamline design and content to offer a cleaner, more engaging mobile experience for the reader. There are many website plugins available that add mobile landing pages to your site. Check your content management system to see what plugins are on the market or hire a designer to develop one for you.

Make sure that your company and brand are instantly identifiable from the beginning of a mobile marketing message. If your consumers have to read though the entire text to find out what company it is from, they will be annoyed and possibly see it as a sneaky marketing ploy.

Do not use text abbreviations in your mobile marketing message. While it is acceptable for person to person communication, it looks unprofessional coming from a business. Also avoid using all caps in your message. Your consumers will feel like they are being yelled at. However, it is acceptable to use all caps in your call to action.

A great mobile marketing tip is to ask your customers to share their videos. Customers use their mobile phones to capture real events that happen in everyday life. This is a great opportunity for you to build a community and to help engage customers by having them participate in your marketing efforts by submitting their own videos.

Use your message recipient's real name. People like to feel important and recognized, and adding their real name to any messages you send out will give them those feelings. Making your customer feel like you are personalizing messages to them is a great way to make them feel welcome to your business.

When sending out messages for mobile marketing, let your customers know that you are sending out messages for a special mobile marketing promotion. You might have to create your own excitement about it by generating flyers and submitting press releases. It does not matter how you get the word out as long as it gets out.

Yes, a good website is essential to an online business, but as you have read, it needs to be properly promoted to your customers. The most helpful way to do this is through mobile marketing. So, what are you waiting for? Use the above tips, and start improving your mobile marketing plan!