Are you frustrated trying to find business in your local area?
Sick of competing with other people who offer online services and web designers?
Are you looking for a way to position yourself ahead of the crowd?
I know exactly how you feel. I had an unexpected career change a few years ago that left me with no business, no leads, and no local platform to work from. I had bills to pay, rent to find, and a family to feed, so I did not have the luxury of time! I wracked my brain thinking how can I quickly establish my self as a go to guy for web design and other web related services, even though I have never been known for this in my area?
I came up with a few key strategies that have worked so well I cannot help but share them with you here, because I know that they work. This WSO is one of those key strategies and comes with everything you need to implement this cool door opener to rapidly establish yourself as someone who knows what they are talking about, without having to do all of that painful hard selling that feel so uncomfortable.
I discovered that the best strategy to build a bridge and have local businesses coming to me for help was not to try and get something from them, it was to give something to them!
I wanted to be an authority, so realised that I needed to be an author (it is no mistake that the word authority is derived from the word author by the way), and the book that I needed had to position me in the mind of my prospects as someone who could solve their online headaches.
And so I sat down, and created this little gem of a book, written precisely with busy local businessmen and women in mind.
Winning Google for Local Business is crafted to be so simple to read and understand, but leave your prospects with lots of questions HOW they can actually put it all into practice – and that is where you come into the picture – the LOCAL HERO!
The 37 page book covers the importance of appearing in search results, and how that can be achieved, domain names, the architecture of a winning website, the imporrtance of quality content and how it brings visitors to your site, backlinking the right way, turning visitors into leads, The Mobile Revolution, using social media for local business, apps and plenty of opportunity to sell your services throughout. Each short chapter is a worm on a hook begging for your prospects to ask questions how you can help them implement these strategies.
The PLR book (yes, you will be giving it away or selling it as your own) is:
- 37 pages of quality information relevant to the online presence of every business
- Easy to read (essential for busy people which is who you are looking to work with)
- Looks great
- Is cheap to print (although you could give away digital copies completely free if you want to)
- Covers a wide range of subjects that are relevant to local businesses
- Opens the door for you to offer loads of different services (everything from Facebook pages, web site design, mobile site design to SEO services, auto responder set up or Social Media management – whatever it is that you would like to do)
- Does all of this in a really friendly and non-threatening way
This little book has been worth several thousand pounds worth of work to me in a very short period of time. It cost me some time and money to create it, but it has paid for itself to the tune of thousands of $ (£ in my case here in the UK). Local businesses are looking for answers, but who do they look to – don’t just give them (another!) business card – give them something that will actually be helpful to them.
Just one web design job at $1000, or a couple of commissions to set up the social media pages for a local business for $500 would pay for the cost 100 times over (if you jump in early).
In the WSO package I share information on how I use this method, plus I put in your hands the raw files for you to use yourself in your own local web design and services business.
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