Do you feel like there's never enough TIME in the day to make Instagram work for you?
Between finding beautiful photos to share and the right words to include in your caption (too long? too short? does anyone even care about what you have to say?!), creating Instagram stories - and now there's IGTV, too - engaging with your followers, and finding new accounts to follow...
Does it all just seem a little bit daunting?
Do you struggle with consistently creating beautiful CONTENT?
You know you should be posting regularly. You know your reach would improve if you posted every day but you feel like everything you put out there has to be perfect and so you rarely get a post out every other day?
Maybe it's because you think your life isn't exciting and you just don't know what type of photos to share? Maybe you know what you want to share, but you just don't feel confident about your photography skills?
Do you have no idea how to REACH more people and ENGAGE your followers?
You keep posting and commenting but it seems that you're buried in some dark corner of Instagram. Your engagement is at an all-time low, and your growth has hit a plateau... Is it the algorithm's fault that your followers aren't seeing your posts? Or why is no-one engaging with your content?
And how can you gain followers that really follow instead people who are just playing the follow/unfollow game? You know, real, interested people, potential clients and brands, not just your friends and family, or accounts that follow just to unfollow you 2 days later.
And when it comes to MONETIZING your following, do you have NO IDEA how to get started?
Whether you want to be an influencer and work with brands, or use Instagram as a way to get more clients, how do you go about turning your followers into $$$? You might have reached out to a few brands, but if they're interested it's usually just in sending you free products.
And potential clients? How do you reach out to them without being sales-y or making things awkward?
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