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    1. #1
      :::::::: Moderator ::::::

      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      Aug 2013
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      Thumbs up Brute De Force – Tour De Force Course

      I’ve been here before. For the 10,000th time I’m down to my last 2 grand. Most would say it’s dysfunctional. I say living life on someone else’s terms is dysfunctional.

      Waltz into the coffee shop at 6am. Packed house. A liquid cigarette (espresso) slides into my hands. Tastes like motor oil. It makes me irritable. My first victory every morning is one over myself.

      I’m at 2x the speed of every passerby. I’m a SPEARHEAD of purpose in a crowd of aimless wanderers. Daily occurrence. Strangers are constantly startled or jolted by my presence. I turn corners fast, I exit doors faster. Nitroglycerin in my veins.

      I have a flight to catch. For the 4th time this week I’m flying into Las Vegas from Los Angeles with my net worth in my pocket.

      As long as I have ammunition, I’m sending rockets into the abyss.

      By 4pm, all my last cash will be in a straitjacket hitched to the outcome of multiple baseball games. I’m going all in. Hoping to get lucky. If I don’t, so be it. Luck only lends, never gives.

      See, money doesn’t bring me peace of mind. My stronghold does. If I go broke, I’ll wake up a hellhound the next day and get right back into Olympic weightlifting, I’ll be at my steakhouse for dinner, I’ll make an appearance at the lounge.

      My network is a zoo with exotic creatures. “Normal” people don’t make the rounds at these places.

      I don’t take money seriously. I always have it because I always need it. I eat what I KILL.

      I take my routine seriously. Take away my routine and nothing else is possible. It’s the Great Equalizer. It’s made me the creature that I am.

      I don’t let rage combust inside me like dynamite in an apple core. I enslave my demons and make them push ridiculous amounts of weight. Don’t kill your demons. Put them to work.

      Whatever damage your demons have dealt you, they deal double when unleashed on obstacles.

      Understand that if you are not as physically strong as possible, you are leaving free health reserves on the table. You need all the health you can get for hardcore voyaging.

      Strength is a narcotic. A perfectly strong man is a brutally simple creature. Everything else is play.

      —-plane screeches down on the tarmac and I deplane like a thunderbolt from Zeus

      I’m in the Holy City. There’s no sin here like the great myths say. Risk taking, sex, spirits, and smoke. Uncaged. Primal desires are virtuous, not sinful. Denial of the beast within is pretend. Pretend is sin.

      I Gallup into the casino like a bull with nostrils flaring. Claws pawing at the ground. Look of a madman painted on my face. I have a no research policy when picking games. I don’t care about trends, pundits, “information.”

      I demand FULL ownership for my wins & losses. Can't offset blame to anyone else when you go with your gut. I'm the master & commander of this ship.

      I’ve been eviscerated with my net worth on the line thousands of times. I’ve been dropped to my knees by every buzzer beater, every last second fumble, every bottom of the 9th home run you can dream of. In a past life I was fazed by this. Not anymore. I’m primed for this occasion. The outcome is meaningless.

      I pick 5 baseball teams and bet $1800. If all 5 win my payout is $57,000. If one single team loses, my payout is 0. Yes it’s wild. Yes the likelihood of winning is crippled. I can’t stress how little I give a ***Marked As Spam******Marked As Spam******Marked As Spam******Marked As Spam***. The reward is in the adventure. I’m playing life on my terms.

      Most people don’t have the stones to make this play once in their entire life. This is the 4th time I’m doing it this damn week. Lady Luckdoesn’t just fall into the lap of the timid and stagnant men that wish for her. Only the man that seduces her with such boldness, ferocity and vigor that it transcends the LIMITS of his very soul, has the chance of feeling her passion for a night.

      The rush is ***Marked As Spam******Marked As Spam******Marked As Spam******Marked As Spam***ing Herculean. I can feel my receptors fill with electricity. I’ve got a lightning storm inside. Win or loss is irrelevant. The point is my army is working for me, my money is in the aether.

      Because the odds of winning are so low, I don’t bother to wait around Vegas for the outcome.

      3 hours later I’m back in Los Angeles, games have already started, and I’m headed to my steakhouse where I’m the #1 regular. $200 to my name now. The last of it will be gone in an hour. So I think.

      A cowboy rib eye, beef heart, and a dragon's milk (beer) later, I tip 60% and have 0$ to my name. What’s to be afraid of? I know tomorrow all I have on my schedule is weightlifting, coffee shop where rich folks linger, and another steak dinner. I’m so well known here now, I have a house account. If I need to I can open a tab every night if I have to and pay it at the end of the month.


      I inhale the last bite of steak like a Rottweiler and check my phone. 4 of the 5 games are already in. Straight green across the ticket. All wins.

      Down to the final game to potentially win $57,000 for a day of work. Keep in mind before I boarded that plane in the morning I had NO CLUE what teams I was even picking. Now the dream is a little more real. I live for this shit, the rush is like none other.

      Sales Page:

      Last edited by BlackHatX; 10-14-2022 at 01:03 PM.


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