"Who Else Wants to Learn How to Sell and Deliver A Very Lucrative Facebook Ad Service to Bricks and Mortar Businesses?"
Lee Cole here!
A very easy product to sell to local businesses is Facebook ad management. It's easy to do, when you know how. You can target the ads to easily focus on your client's target demographic(s). And, you can make good money by spending only a few minutes a day managing your clients' ads. Best of all, you can use this knowledge to get business for yourself! 
To help you get into this very lucrative offline niche, I've just completed Facebook Ad Management for Local Businesses. This is a 9 page report, plus a 20+ minute video where I show you everything you need to get started selling your Facebook ad management service to local businesses.
Here's what you'll learn with Facebook Ad Management for Local Businesses...
- Exactly what I charge for my Facebook Ad service...page 3 of the report
- Exactly how to set up your Facebook ads, even if you've never done this before...page 4
- A complete 20 minute tutorial video on how to set up Facebook ads
- My favorite methods for finding clients...starts on page 5
- How to walk in to any business and interest them in your Facebook ad service...page 5
- 3 other ways to get quick business...in case face-to-face selling is not your gig!
- Including...My #1 favorite method for finding clients, with complete instructions! (I tell you word for word what to say!)...page 6
And...here's exactly what you get when you buy Facebook Ad Management for Local Businesses...
- 9 page, no fluff, pdf
- 1 20+ minute instructional video
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