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    1. #1
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      Arrow How You Can Make Fast Affiliate Commissions and Rank Rapidly On Google In 2014

      YES! You Really Can Rank Fast In 2014 And Put Yourself In A Better Position To Make Money Online Working From Home In Your Pajamas And Finally Telling Your Alarm Clock To Take A Hike!

      How You Can Make Fast Affiliate Commissions, Rake In High Paying Clients, Sell More Products, and Rank Rapidly On Google In 2014 Using Google Against Google!

      It's no SECRET that Google is not playing nice anymore!

      They're making it near impossible to rank websites quickly and destroying hard earned page one rankings with their zoo of animals.

      It's getting to be a real problem and challenge to drive quality free targeted buyer traffic from Google.

      And it's no wonder everyone's running scared of Google, because of all the crazy animal updates (Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird) that are destroying others website rankings we're actually embracing Google, and using Google against Google!

      We'll actually be revealing how we're doing it, and how you can duplicate our system to finally start getting fast traction to making easy affiliate commissions without having to wait for slow rankings, or worry about getting your website rankings slammed by Google.

      YES This Is Easy Breezy And ANYONE Can Do This...We'll Show You HOW You Can Get Results Like These!

      Disclosure: These affiliate commissions were generated without an email list. All the traffic was organic with a page one ranking through a Google Hangou

      AND This Is Just One Affiliate Campaign Of Many We've Got Running On Autopilot!

      What's our secret technique?

      Google Hangouts!

      That's right we're using Google Hangouts against Google to get rapid rankings and make fast affiliate commissions.

      Hello Fellow Internet Marketer,

      This Frank Schwarz and Anthony Aires!

      Combined we've got over 20 years of marketing experience.

      Frank has been working with high paying local clients for over a decade now.

      And I've been leveraging the internet over a span of 10 years to generate over 7 figures in affiliate commissions, build a huge SIX Figure email list, launch best selling info products, and also generated tens of thousands of leads generatin 7 figures in real estate deals during the real estate boom.

      While everyone else is offering Wordpress Plugins, Wordpress Themes, Video Players, Weird Apps that bog you down we've been quietly and secretly doing what works and keeping it simple.

      None of those of things are really providing you with the solution to the problem of ranking rapidly and making fast easy affiliate commissions.

      Because Google is making it harder and harder to get on the first page, so we stop wasting our time and money on trying to beat Google or out smart them, and instead we decided to just join Google and play by their rules.

      And You May Have Heard How Fast Google Hangout Videos Rank (sometimes faster and higher than YouTube videos with less work)

      Yet You Still Haven't Really Been Shown How To Profit With Google Hangouts.

      Well that ENDS today...inside Profit With Hangouts we'll show you how we're raking in easy breezy affiliate commissions!

      We are actually using Google Hangouts to make money TODAY.

      It's a a PROVEN system that has been bringing in affiliate commissions weekly and monthly for over a year now.

      Over a year ago, Frank started showing folks how easy it was to make money using Google Hangouts.

      He revealed how to use this amazingly simple and FREE Google platform to make faster affiliate commissions by getting in front of targeted buyer traffic rapidly.

      We've Made Tens Of Thousands of Dollars and Hundreds of Hangouts have been produced to PROVE revenue can be generated with Google Hangouts.

      FACT: Anthony Aires and Brad Gosse made Warrior Forum History by being the first to ever launch a WSO on The Warrior Forum with a Live Google Hangout during their WSO Launch!

      3,240 Units Were Sold In Only a Week!

      Here's the sales generated when their Live Google Hangout was used on the WSO thread during their launch of Cold Traffic Blackbook.

      You may be thinking the same things we were thinking?

      How long is this take to work?

      We're actually seeing Google page rankings in hours not days and when we embed the Google Hangout videos on our sites their ranking too which means we're getting two spots on the first page of Google.

      How long is this going to last?

      We've actually been doing this now for over a year and it's getting easier to rank on the first page of Google every time they roll out a new animal update. Google is really pushing Hangouts to the first page faster NOW than ever before.

      We obviously can't guarantee what Google will or will not do, however it seems like it would be common sense for Google to favor their own properties and keep them ranking high as long as your providing value to the Google users.

      Do I need an email list?

      No we're generating all of these affiliate commissions without a website or an email list

      What kind of affiliate offers can I promote?

      You can promote virtually any affiliate offer under the sun.

      We use this system to create rapid Page One rankings to earn affiliate commissions with JVZoo, Clickbank, Commission Junction and many other affiliate offers.

      Can I Use This With Local Offline Marketing?

      HECK YES! We use this system both online and offline every day in our business.

      Our local clients hire us to get them the exposure that a Google Page One ranking offers and some are happy to pay up to $10,000.00 per video per keyword (depending on the lifetime customer value the keyword generates for our clients and business... of course every business and every keyword is different).

      Here's A Real Life Rapid Affiliate Commission Case Study Video For You To Review!

      profit with hangouts sales page case study video - YouTube

      Quick affiliate commission wins like this are easy and are everywhere for the taking and they add up quickly too.

      What could you do with $80.50 a day?

      Would an extra $2,500.00 a month help you or your family?

      Could this be the start of a beautiful thing?

      How many Hangouts would you do to start to change your life?

      Would You Like To See Your Video With These Kinds Of Stats?

      Hangouts on Page One get the extra love of more views, subscribers and SALES. Learn what we do to get these kind of results.

      Would You Like To Rank Fast and Rank High Like These Examples!

      Ranking Case Study #1 - Keyword: Video SEO Phoenix

      Ranking Case Study #2 - Keyword: 2 Rockstars Theme

      Ranking Case Study #3 - Keyword: Instamember

      Ranking Case Study #4 - Keyword: OptimizePress Testimonial

      The Proof Is Evident ... Using Google Against Google Just Plain Works!

      And Profit With Hangouts Shows You Exactly How To Use Google Against Google For Rapid Ranking Results!

      We need to WARN you ...

      You'll never see our Profits With Hangouts system at this LOW investment and without OTO's or Upsells.

      We just want to give you fair warning that It's going to cost you a lot more money later if you don't snatch this up today!

      This is an easy to follow plan that a beginner or an advanced marketer
      can add to their tool box and put into action by the end of today.

      Here's What We Got For You and What It'll Do For You!

      • The 3 Styles of Hangouts and How and When You Should Use Them (avoid the costly mistake most make by not using the right Hangout

      • You'll Get Our Top Secret Resource Guide So You Can Outsource To Right Providers And Get An Inside Scoop On The Tools We Use

      • The Complete Profit With Hangout System In A Step By Step Hand Holding Format So You Can Start Using It Today Withing Hours and Not Days.

      • Everything's Organized Inside NO-FLUFF Pdf's For Easy Fast Implementation

      Listen we're the rare breed of marketers that actually care about how well you do, and we love to reward people who take action.

      So for the next 2,000 buyers Frank and myself want to include special EXCLUSIVE fast action bonuses...

      Fast Action Bonus #1 (value $97)

      Ranking With Hangouts LIVE!
      (This Will Be Recorded and Added To The Download Page)
      Happening On 12/19/13 8pm EST

      This is the simplest fastest system I know for generating targeted traffic on Google that actually buys.

      This will actually show you more powerful Google Hangout ranking techniques that you can also use to push your websites up to the first page.

      So you can have a Google Hangout Video ranking and your website both ranking on the first page of Google.

      What I did was pull a few strings to get 7-Figure marketer Ryan McKinney to come on LIVE with us to give you the most unique (and thorough) Google Hangout Ranking strategies and techniques on the planet earth.

      Here's just some small snippets of what we'll be covering:

      • How to also push your website to the first page by using a copy and paste Hangout technique
      • How to position your offer to attract high paying clients, get you more affiliate or product sales, and give you expert status rapidly.
      • Google Hangout rankings for super competitive keywords in Billion Dollar niches
      • How to automate your Hangout optimization tasks.
      • Over the shoulder case studies of Hangout ranking success
      • Live Questions and Answer so you can grill us about anything Hangouts

      After attending you'll be armed with even more secrets to get faster rankings using Google Hangouts.

      Fast Action Bonus #2 (value $97)

      Profit With Hangout Mind Map

      Get A 30,000 Birds Eye View Of The Whole Profit With Hangout System

      Fast Action Bonus #3 (value $97)

      Hangout Affiliate Success

      more underground Hangout Affiliate secrets revealed in a closed door workshop Frank and I held that reveals how to pick affiliate offers for Hangouts and how to upload promotional affiliate videos you don't have to create to Hangouts.

      You'll also discover how we use Hangout Affiliate Promotion Videos to beat out the competition, and generate commissions.

      Includes real life examples and additional case study.

      Fast Action Bonus #4 (value $97)

      Hangout Local Video Marketer Process

      Use Our Hangout Local Video Marketer Process To Gain High Dollar Clients Like Us.

      This is the same process we use to get rake in HIGH Dollar clients that pay up to $10,000 for maximum online video exposure.

      Our clients use our Hangout Local Video Marketer Process to market their product/service. This system alone can make you a leader in your Local Market.

      Disclaimer: Not every client pays us up to $10,000. It depends on their keyword, the competition and the lifetime customer value of their customers.

      Fast Action Bonus #5 (value $97)

      Fast Ranking Money Making Hangout Affiliate Case Study

      Get Your Hands On A Real Life Fast Ranking Case Study!

      We don't just show results.

      We show every step.

      From beginning to the 24 hour results where we rank on the TOP of Page 1 for more than just one keyword!

      As you can see the fast action bonuses we added really skyrocket the value you'll be receiving from us today.

      We've definitely lost our minds, because what we're revealing is worth hundreds more than what you'll be able to snatch this up for so make sure to act fast and act today before we come to our senses.

      So now it's time for you to click the add to cart button below and join us on the other side.

      This WSO is set as a dimesale so expect the price to keep rising.

      Now's the time to jump on board.

      * * 100%, No Questions Asked, Take-It-To-The-Bank Guarantee * *

      I personally guarantee if you make a diligent effort to use just a few of the techniques in this course, you'll get fast rankings on Google.

      If you don't see fast ranking results within the next 30 days, we'll refund the entire cost of the course.

      NOTE: There's nothing else to buy ... No Upsell or OTO! You get the complete Profit With Hangout System today all rolled into one.

      So by now you're probably thinking Frank, Anthony ... How much?

      First let's summarize everything you're getting here today!

      1. The Complete Profit With Hangout System System - value $47

      2. Fast Action Bonus #1 - Hangout Ranking LIVE Workshop - value $97

      3. Fast Action Bonus #2 - Profit With Hangout Mindmap - value $97

      4. Fast Action Bonus #3 - Hangout Affiliate Success Workshop - value $97

      5. Fast Action Bonus #4 - Hangout Local Video Marketer Process - value $97

      6. Fast Action Bonus #5 - Fast Ranking Real Life Case Study - $97

      Total Value = $532

      Plus if you wanted to get us on a live call and right now would cost over $2,000 for one hour which means it costs thousands to get this level of training.

      And sure you could figure this out on your own like we did but it's going to cost you a lot of time and money like it did for us.

      You can skip all the wasted months of tedious testing and trials and short cut right to the formula.

      This will be a limited offer here on the Warrior Forum ... which means we'll be taking this down soon and packaging it up for a much higher asking price later on the webinar circuit.

      But since we've both been there too and have achieved our knowledge from others who have shared with us we want to pay it forward and give you the opportunity to get Profit With Hangouts no where the valued price of $537.00.

      No instead we're going to let you get the complete Profit With Hangouts System plus the 5 Fast Action Bonus for then next 2,000 Warriors for only...

      Thanks for taking the time to review and show interest in our Profit With Hangouts WSO.


      Frank Schwarz and Anthony Aires

      P.S. Remember you're getting a complete Google fast ranking system for 2014, there are no upsell or OTO's. And the first 2,000 warriors to take action get all of our fast action bonuses.

      sales page

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    thank you!

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    working links pls thanks in advance

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    Post Re: How You Can Make Fast Affiliate Commissions and Rank Rapidly On Google In 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by david77478 View Post
    pease repost
    sorry... i don't have backup....



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