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    1. #1
      Member begemotikpro's Avatar
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      Default How to avoid click fraud?

      Who knows how to avoid Google Ads click fraud? Or maybe software for click fraud?


  • #2
    Member begemotikpro's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to avoid click fraud?

    The PPC advertising market is getting tougher. We want to show you how you can fight attacking, dumping, insidious competitors.

    Important: We do not call for black methods of work, but our clients come to us to find solutions when click fraud has already occurred.

    We try to help and restore balance in such situations.
    Click fraud occurs with a competitor or several competitors.
    Our program - Begemotik
    What it does:

    • Clicks ads in search results. With in-depth settings of how to do it.
    • Imitates the behavior on the sites. With deep tuning
    • Creates a unique image of the user, uses server cookies to show the system that this is a real person with a natural behavior

    What our program can do:

    • Click ads of 1 competitor
    • Click ads of all competitors
    • Increase CTR (not a popular solution)

    What results will the competitor see?

    • Increased CTR
    • Decrease of conversion (an increase of the cost per conversion)
    • Increase of the budget consumption
    • Waste of the daily budget for the 1-3 hours per day (with the proper click volume)

    What can the competitor do?

    • Stop advertising campaign
    • Close ads (if you will use only 1 proxy), but you can use absolutely any proxies
    • Write to Google support (but they will answer that this is a market issue and CTR within the 85-90% do not bother them and they will not refund money)

    __________________________________________________ _______________________

    I will briefly tell you about the filtering stages that each click on the ad goes through:

    Stage 1. The system immediately sees that the click is invalid and it does not take money from your account. You can check the number of invalid clicks for which you have not been charged, by clicking on the tab "All campaigns" and adding a bar below.
    Invalid clicks.
    I have checked your account from May 5th and see that the system has filtered out 568 invalid clicks for which you were not charged during this time.

    Stage 2. If the funds were charged and the system identified the clicks as invalid, it will return the money to you.

    Step 3. A manual check took place in your account and showed that everything had been filtered out earlier.

    Protecting Google Ads advertisers is Google's top priority, so our system will continue to monitor all clicks on your ads to prevent possible violations.
    __________________________________________________ _______________________

    Above is their basic answer. This answer does not have a matter, the program easily bypasses all these filters and protections.
    __________________________________________________ _______________________
    Client: It turns out that the expenses that were yesterday and today will not refund?
    More than $300 were charged in the first 2 hours since the start of advertising

    Google ADs specialist: Checked the costs for yesterday - 260 dollars. For today we have to wait for the processing of information by the system (because the advertising account data is not displayed in real-time). This money was charged for the clicks, but the system will re-analyze them. If there were invalid clicks, the money will be refunded for them.

    But spending money is not only related to clicks, but also traffic, so at some hours the advertising activity may be higher, while at other hours it may be lower

    Client: Political answers and nothing more) sorry
    Clear fraud with clicks from 9 to 11 two days in a row and a CTR of over 85% across two groups - you call this natural behavior?

    Client: How would you describe a situation where the CTR is 85% and there are more than 10 competitors in the search results?
    __________________________________________________ _______________________
    As I wrote above, CTR above 80% for the first two hours of the ad campaign does not bother them!)
    __________________________________________________ _______________________
    Google ADs specialist: Alex, I understand, but CTR also depends on traffic and users who click, so it can go up. But I understand that you may be worried that not all clicks are filtered. That's why I recommend you to contact your provider, taking server logs for a specific period, and fill in this form for a more detailed analysis.
    __________________________________________________ _______________________

    Then they give you a form in which you have to try to state everything in detail, to show that the clicks were from 1 IP or several. But the program uses a mobile proxy so there are hundreds of IPs and it is simply not realistic to make an argument for a click fraud based on IP.

    And as the result the owner of the ad campaign gets like this:

    Wild CTR, a lot of expenses, zero conversions, and it's all for the first two hours of the ad campaign. Naturally, within the next hour, the ad campaign stops at the limit of funds. Further search results and the market goes without it, while the owner thinks how to be in this situation.

    How is the program sold?

    It is sold under the monthly license scheme. This is convenient for both customers and owners. You do not need to pay large sums at once, and the program will be constantly updated, improve the functions and be current for the entire period of the license fee.

    The cost of a month is $500.

    What else do I need to work with the program?

    Server or PC (we recommend the server for stable and good work, we will prompt which one will be suitable for you). Approximately $50 per month
    Proxy (average cost of mobile proxy is 30$ per month, the exact number of proxy for your task should be discussed with the manager)
    Fingerprint (to pull the main data for generating further in the software) - $10 per month

    What geolocation will the program work in?

    In any. Pass acceptance of cookies and understand all the languages of Google and sites. If the program encounters any problems - we solve problems for our client and announce the updated program.

    How do you check the program working?

    Customers think that working with the whole market, they will stay alone. This is a mistaken belief because often the clicks capacity is not enough to shut down the entire market, plus there is apparently a protective system in Google ads, which does not allow advertising only of 1 site when other 15-20 participants have problems.

    Clients who want to make sure of the effectiveness of the program should use two explicit test options:

    - Fraudulent clicks on your ad campaign. You will see how your CTR will change, how clicks will go, how the cost of spending will increase, how the cost will not be refunded. This is the easiest way to find out how does the program work!

    - Fraudulent clicks on your competitor`s ad campaign. This way your competitor will spend daily budget without result or just stop because he or she will see problems with the ad campaign.

    Is it possible to take the program for a test?

    Yes, it is possible, it requires:

    - Request a test for a week from the manager

    - Buy a server or work on your PC

    - Buy a proxy for work

    - Buy a fingerprint to work

    - Make proper settings and set clear objectives for the test before its launch

    - Start a test and measure the results
    - Make conclusions that everything is OK and buy the program

  • #3
    Member begemotikpro's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to avoid click fraud?

    for questions write alexgads (TG)

  • #4
    Member begemotikpro's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to avoid click fraud?

    for questions write alexgads (Telegram)

  • #5
    Member begemotikpro's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to avoid click fraud?

    info (dog) begemotik . pro



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