Proven Method to Capitalize on Daily Deal Sites and Make MILLIONS!
Brand new method, never released before now!
Originally $199 and $1,499
90% Off!!
You will learn exactly how to find the right vendors, choose the proper products, and get your products listed on some of the most popular daily deal websites in existence! This offer is for a broad guide to get you through the door, into a seemingly untouchable market.
The information held in this method I have personally cultivated over the last 4 years of doing this same method myself and making a killing! Now, it's time for the world to know exactly what I know!
With the optional upgrade, you can get your hands on the list that took me 4 years to create! The list includes contact information (Name, Email Address, Phone Number) of the major Daily Deal buyers for the top deal sites out there!
With the Full Package, you will also receive the complete and current list of all Daily Deal websites that have revenue generating potential!
30 day money back guarantee!! (With proven attempt to implement the method)
Here is some data from before I closed down this bank account... This shows deposits from one deal site (I personally use 1 bank account per deal site).
$182,607.65 from 1 deal site in 4 months!
Bonus for the next Platinum package buyers!
Additional Bonus -> 10 days of 1-on-1 coaching over Skype for FREE!
- My 2 previously undisclosed vendors, ones who I trust completely and can provide massive amounts of products
- My personal step by step plan of action roadmap, very brief steps to guide you down the path in the correct order of events
- The secondary Daily Deal Millionaires method, to double your money rocket fast! This method requires no inventory purchases, buyers pay you DIRECTLY (they can pay through Paypal even!)
- The direct contact information for the largest daily deal site to employ your secondary method!
- The EXACT email copy I use when reaching out to the daily deal sites!
The above bonus is now automatically provided in the download once payment is made!
Congrats to one of our Platinum buyers who locked in their first deal making them $7,000 in PROFIT!
Congrats to another one of our Platinum buyers who locked in a deal making them $4,500 in PROFIT!
And another who just made $9,500 PROFIT on her first deal! WOW!!!
One more!! He pulled in $5,900 PROFIT on his first deal yesterday!