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      Arrow How a TINY list can make over 6 figures... ($160,000 Email swipes included)

      Are The Big Auto-Responder Companies Lying To You And Your Clients?

      "The Controversial, But Legal Tactics
      A Former 'Hacker Spam King' Used To
      Steal $167,538.52 In Affiliate Commissions
      With Legitimate Email Marketing"

      ...And How The Auto-Responder Companies Are Lying,
      Ripping You Off, And Hiding A Big Secret
      They Don't Want You To Know.

      Fellow Warrior,

      The Auto-Responder companies are lying and ripping you off!

      All their claims about 'CAN-SPAM compliance' and 99% deliver-ability are out right shams, and if you have ever tried and failed at email marketing, odds are it's not your fault and I want to prove it to you.

      But first I have a confession....

      I started my internet marketing career as a spammer.

      Now I wasn't writing the type of spam you see in your spam box every day that looks like they've been written by some robot in Russia promoting fake Rolex's and 'male enhancement' pills, no, I was much more clever...

      My spam emails actually made it to your inbox, and looked like emails sent from a company you have already done business with. And they converted well!

      This was no easy task...

      When you send spam for a living you pay attention to every little detail in each message that goes out - just one little screw up and none of your emails will get read, or even worse, all of your emails will end up in the spam folder.

      Every email I sent had to be crafted to get past spam filters, look like a legitimate email so it would get opened and sell you on clicking the link to buy whatever affiliate product I was promoting. AND I had to set up the server to send the emails without getting blacklisted by the ISP's!

      Needless to say I had to become an 'expert' in email marketing pretty quickly to survive, but even that wasn't enough...

      With CAN-SPAM and the ever-evolving spam detection algorithms it was becoming harder and harder to do what I had considered 'email marketing'.

      So I gave up on my spam ways and started doing it the hard way, building real double-opted in email lists the way the "guru's" said I should.

      And it worked well, In less than a year I turned a small list of 2000 subscribers into over 18,000 and generated over $
      167,538.52 in affiliate commissions!

      *Proof* $167,538.52 In Affiliate Income In 2011

      I was making good commissions and thought everything was easy just by using the auto responder like the 'gurus' told me too. They handle deliver-ability and even have a built in 'test' to tell me if my email was too spammy.

      I figured I wouldn't have to worry about deliverability, I could just send my emails and let the auto-responder do the rest... boy was i wrong!

      After seeing a steady decline in my open rates, I decided to run a few tests of my own on their claims of "99% deliver-ability" and how effective their spam tests where...

      Shocking: This "Fat Loss/Viagra/Adult Dating"
      Email Passed Aweber's Spam Test?

      Are You An Offline Marketer?
      Your Clients Need To Know This
      (And Will Pay You Big Bucks After You
      Reveal The Auto-Responder Scam)

      The spam test proved to be completely unreliable!

      Not only that, I found that more than half of my emails we're being sent from blacklisted IP's and were not even getting delivered.

      At that moment I stopped relying on what the AR companies told me, and started writing emails the way I did as a spammer - the way I knew emails need to be written to get read by prospects, and get them to take action.

      But this time, I did it in a way that was completely compliant with CAN-SPAM
      and devised a strategy that spread my emails out to overcome the BS delivery claims and knew exactly which AR company to use at what time.

      The difference was dramatic!

      My open rates, click rates and commissions went sky high! All because I was taking the time to make sure my emails would get delivered in the first place, and not rely on the Auto-responder to do everything.

      I was making almost twice as much money with the same size list with just a few tweaks in my email copy.

      Many of my coaching students have been asking me for help with email marketing since they noticed a drop in their own conversions and deliverablility...

      So I put together an email marketing template that anyone can use to make serious money with any size list (or no list at all)

      For starters, I'm going to show you how to get your emails delivered even with the unreliable auto responder companies holding us back:

      Revealed: The Truth About Getting Your Emails Delivered -

      • The surprising characters and punctuation you should never use - using the wrong punctuation and characters can instantly flag your email as spam (and no spam test will tell you this)

      • 85% of messages flagged as spam get this one thing wrong - Every email you send is made up of 2 parts and if you get this wrong, you are guaranteed to end up in the spam box.

      • The shocking truth about email deliverablity and how to test your auto-responder company (the results will shock you)

      • Why you should never send mail from your server and how to choose the right auto-responder company. ( I've used and tested them all)

      • The 'Seven Deadly Email Sins' that are guaranteed to send your emails to the spam box - these are the 7 most common mistakes email marketers make and you can double your delivery and open rates just by avoiding them (Even if your spam tester tells you otherwise)...

      • The surprising words you never thought were spam triggers (and why trying to hide the words is actually worse than using them!)

      • Fact: Even the best auto-responder company has servers that are blacklisted - How to know when your emails are being sent from one of these servers and deal with it quickly... Guaranteeing every email you send is delivered to the inbox and read by your subscriber.

      I am on everyone's AR lists in every niche and it amazes me how bad most of the emails are. The emails I receive from legitimate marketers are more salesy and spammy than the Viagra emails in my spam box as I'm sure you can relate.

      I make sure my emails instantly stand out (not just because they are in your inbox) because I write in a keep it real style that generates curiosity rather than hype...

      How My 'Keep It Real' Style Of Subject Lines
      Invokes Curiosity As Opposed To Greed Or Hype
      And Sends Email Open Rates Through The Roof

      It's amazing how the old email persuasion tactics I used in spam work even better with double opted in subscribers.

      I have included all the tricks I use to get people to open the email, read it and buy whatever I am offering. From the subject lines that no one can ignore, to the email body copy that can take any subscriber and put them in 'buyer mode'

      The Subject Line That No Subscriber Has Ever Ignored
      (Old Spam Trick That Works So Well It Should Be Illegal)

      And I only send emails promoting products, never any freebie tips or newsletters. Every email I send is promoting some product or service as an affiliate, but I do it in a way that my subscribers thank me for the promotions. This means subscribers stay on my list expecting to be emailed offers.

      How To Email A List 1-2 Times A Day
      And Have Subscribers Thanking You
      For Recommending Products!

      I've even received emails from subscribers asking me for product recommendations on days I forget to mail!

      Just A Taste Of Some Of The Email Sales Copy Secrets:

      • The one subject line that never gets ignored - This simple subject line is an old and controversial spam trick that works so well it's almost illegal... it works in ANY market and is guaranteed to slaughter the open rate of your best email!

      • Seduce your subscribers to read EVERY sales letter you email them like a 13 year old boy reads the new issue of playboy - Simple email pre-sale tactics will make your subscribers excited to read ANY affiliate sales message you send... Put them into 'buying mode' with credit cards in hand before they even reach the sales letter.

      • The 5 minute email copy method that will triple your email conversions - instantly know the hot buttons of any product you want to promote and triple your conversions just by mentioning them in your email...

      • The 'odd punctuation' I end all of my subject lines with that will instantly increase your open rates by at least 10%

      • More than half of all email marketers are sending emails from the wrong email address - the very email address you send the email from can dramatically affect your open rates... the wrong one will instantly kill your credibility

      • My 'curious sniper' subject lines that are super short, but drive so much curiosity in the recipient that they are forced to open the email and find out more - copy and paste just one of my high performing subject lines into your own email campaigns and instantly see the difference in open rates (and affiliate commissions)

      • Entice subscribers to watch every minute of any sales video with one simple line - The more a visitor watches, the more they are going to be sold! Use this simple one line email copy technique to guarantee they will watch any sales video in it's entirety (and increase your affiliate conversions)

      • How to shock your subscriber out of his zombie state and instantly into buying mode as soon as they open your email - No one reads emails looking to buy something, use my email swipes to put your reader into 'buying mode' before you send them to an affiliate sales page.

      • The "link bait trick" that gets subscribers to click affiliate links in your email even if they didn't read the message - Most subscribers will not read your entire email, but with this trick you can be sure they will click through to the affiliate offer.

      • The truth about long vs. short email copy - Actual test results between using short or long copy emails, the results are the exact opposite of what I had expected!

      Now as a full disclosure, I do sell my own products and some of my list are in fact buyers. But the truth is, only about 5,000 of the 18,000 subscribers I have acquired are buyers, the rest are not my customers. You don't need to sell products to build a hungry buyer lists when you can think like an 'ethical spammer'...

      I specifically target subscribers who want promotions, who are looking to buy more information products, more software, and more services in different niches. This is one of the biggest reasons my email marketing is so successful - I only market to the right people.

      It's not the size of your list it's the quality!

      As a spammer I would need a list in the millions to make the money I can make with a list of only 1,000 'rabid junky' buyers.

      The Ninja List Building Methods I Used To
      Build A List Of 18,000 Subscribers In Under A Year

      Don't Want To Create Your Own Products?
      Great! Less Than Half Of My List Was Built By Selling Products

      Once you know where to find these 'junky buyers' you can open the flood gates and build a responsive list...

      How would you like to get paid $10 for every subscriber you put on a list without selling any of your own products?

      Fast-Acting List Building Strategies Revealed -

      • Capture buyer leads from Google by instantly ranking with an untapped keyword strategy that no one is using (except me)

      • The 'reverse squeeze' lead capture method that generates leads without a squeeze page - Without the need for a squeeze page, this method opens the door to capture leads from traffic sources that were never before possible (hint: content syndication).

      • The simple software that can generate leads on auto-pilot in any niche (i used this software idea alone to build my first list of 2000 subscribers)

      • The 'Affiliate Syndicate' method I use to steal buyer leads from other product creators - Creating your own product is the slowest way to build a list of buyer leads, just steal them from products that are already out there - and quickly!

      This is a complete guide to all my tricks in email marketing that turned a small 2,000 person list into $167,538.52 in income in less than a year.

      But to get newbies started I am including all the emails I sent to make the money. This means you can simply copy and paste my work and make money immediately with just a small list. Combined with the rapid list building strategies in this course, you can be making money in email marketing in as little as 3 days from scratch.

      The Exact Email Swipes That Made Me
      $167,538.52 Promoting Other People's Products!

      I'm including all the open rates, click rates, and conversion rates for each email so you can learn exactly what the highest converting copy really is.

      A Copy-Paste System To Bank On
      The Exact Same Promotions I Used To Make The $168k

      "His strategies have helped me generate over $53k in affiliate commission in a little over six months." - Luther Landro
      Originally Posted by Luther Landro
      Jimmy Reilly's email instruction is the number one reason why I have a growing, responsive and targeted list. You can learn untold volumes of intelligence from his book by understanding his in-the-wild swipes from the very emails that get results.

      His strategies have helped me generate over $53k in affiliate commission in a little over six months.

      Thanks, Jimmy!

      Complete 6 Figure List Building Template -

      • Hint: the first line of your email effects open rates just as much as the subject line (find out why and how to effectively use this to your advantage... Most marketers are doing it wrong)

      • 180 email swipes sent over a one year period that earned $167,538.52 in affiliate commissions - Just copy and paste these proven affiliate emails to make quick money with your list.

      • The simple message that made me an extra $50,000 this year alone by getting me higher commissions on every product I promoted.

      • Why including the subscribers name in your emails can be a 'conversion rate death sentence' - This common mistake instantly makes your email stand out as automated (even if you think you have their real name)

      • Swipes include the open and click-through rates so you can see exactly what subject lines, keywords and sales messages worked the best over the last year.

      • The 'value formula' I use to calculate exactly how much money I will make promoting a product before I even send a single email.

      • Your list will be dead in 6 months if you don't take action immediately - How to keep you subscribers wanting more and looking forward to your emails every day

      • Find and target the 'junky buyers' who will buy everything you recommend - I target customers who look forward to affiliate promotions because they are hungry for new products (target ONLY these types of subscribers and you will never have to work again)

      Here's The Deal:
      This course is going to reveal the lies that the guru's and auto responder companies preach to us about email marketing. More importantly, I am giving away the underground but still legal tricks I learned as a spammer to build a list and market successfully

      Whether you are an affiliate marketer or you're doing marketing for offline clients, email marketing is essential to a successful marketing campaign. Without these tactics you are at the whim of the auto-responder companies, an marketers like myself are dominating in every niche.

      I'm gonna take you by the hand and walk you through every aspect of email marketing and to get you started I'm providing 180 email swipes that made me over $167k.

      Here's what to do now: press the buy now button below to purchase the 6 figure list template and immediately download the course. Follow the list building strategies to build a list quickly and then simply copy and paste the swipe templates to make fast cash.
      The Price Is Set To Increase Every Few Sales... Grab Your Copy Now
      And Beat Your Competition To The Punch

      sales page

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    Default Re: How a TINY list can make over 6 figures... ($160,000 Email swipes included)

    cudo's with this can i get the link via pcloud
    thanks in advance!

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    Hi. Can I can get the link please

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    Please kindly drop the link

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    Nice man

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