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    1. #1
      LifeTime VIP Member

      Join Date
      Jul 2019
      Time Online
      3 Days 8 Hours 38 Minutes 27 Seconds

      Default Tony Jeary's RESULTS Faster!

      8 Powerful Modules

      To Help You Design Your Perfect Life
      And Achieve It Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

      Module #1:


      In Module #1 You'll Discover:

      • What mindset you need to make this course work for you... and... how to best access the materials in this course so that you can help to guarantee your own results...
      • How to utilize Tony's famous Results Audit to take an accurate measurement (one that might surprise you) of your current life plan and ability to achieve...
      • Why this course might just be the one thing you've been looking for to help you achieve more while working less... PLUS: You'll discover the best way to put all this teaching together to multiply your results...

      Module #2:


      In Module #2 You'll Discover:

      • A definition of “Wealth” that might just change the way you view your own motivations and goals... (HINT: If you feel like you've been spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere, it's probably because you've been chasing the wrong thing...)
      • How to restructure the way you set goals following a simple 6 step system so that your goals match your true intent and desires even if you don't know what those are yet...
      • Why so many people fail to achieve “true success” because of one simple mistake in the way they approach achievement...
      • How to “reverse engineer” your goals to increase the likelihood that you will reach them without putting undue pressure or stress on yourself...
      • What the major difference between success and thriving is... and... Why you should reconsider everything you've ever been told about success if you truly want to live your perfect life...
      • How to set goals that work FOR you instead of AGAINST you... (If you feel like you keep bumping up against the “glass ceiling” you'll love this simple process for making goals work for you...)

      Module #3:


      In Module #3 You'll Discover:

      • A simple two-minute exercise that you can do RIGHT NOW to double or even triple your ability to focus on the things that are important...
      • How to use a simple three step formula to determine what activities matter, and which ones are slowing you down on your journey towards progress...
      • What separates the ultra-high achievers from average achievers... and... you'll be given a simple step-by-step process for instantly cranking up your ability to produce without increasing the time you work...
      • The art and science behind High Leverage Activities that could be the turning point in your ability to reach your goals with nearly perfect execution...
      • How to strategically design your life using a simple (but effective) mindset hack that allows you to clearly identify your “next steps” towards success...
      • The one activity that Tony requires from all of his CEO clients no matter how successful, smart, or accomplished they might be... (Do this one activity and you'll discover exactly why his clients call him “The Results Guy”)

      Module #4:


      In Module #4 You'll Discover:

      • The #1 secret that high achievers use to create a built-in support system that gives them the motivation and assistance they need to successfully play the “long game” of achievement...
      • A step-by-step walk-through of the 8-point Presentation Mastery System that Tony has used to deliver his message to thousands of people across the globe... (You already know that the key to success is persuading others, here's the key to persuasion)
      • How to build your very own Life Team of highly supportive individuals that allow you to engage in high leverage activities without sacrificing time, money, or effort...
      • Why the most successful achievers look at time differently than you... and... You'll discover a brand-new mindset shift on how to leverage and utilize the most important time of your day...
      • Time management vs. free flow activities: Which is better? You'll be surprised to hear Tony's answer based on 25 years of results getting for CEOs across the globe...
      • How to leverage Strategic Selling to convince others to help build your dream life without having to “sell out” or use uncomfortable tactics to do it...

      Module #5:

      Force Multipliers

      In Module #5 You'll Discover:

      • A quick and easy way to break through roadblocks that are holding you back from achieving your highest level of success and fulfillment...
      • How to distinguish between good advice and bad advice instantly... (This is a critical skill to learn you want your success to last)
      • The fundamental key to building connections that will push you towards your goals without having to attend mass networking events or cold calling strangers...
      • Specifically, what tools Tony recommends to his clients for dramatically increasing results in even less time...
      • How to develop the skill of Strategic Thinking so that you'll never follow a False Path again...
      • The single most powerful thought patterns you can develop that will give you a revealing breakthrough moment and provide a new level of clarity and focus like never before...

      Module #6:


      In Module #6 You'll Discover:

      • The timeless secrets of finding, creating, and building daily habits that empower you to achieve a level of proficiency which can't be ignored...
      • How to use Long Terming to decrease the amount of time it takes to achieve maximum proficiency in the most critical (yet financially lucrative) areas of your life...
      • Why the ultra-achieving crowd measures efficiency and success differently... and why you should too if you want to compete in today's marketplace...
      • The proper approach to personal development that requires less time and provides better (long term) results...
      • How to properly approach perfection without letting it paralyze you or distract you from your goals...
      • Tony's Daily Standards that you can use starting right now to dramatically increase the results you achieve without sacrificing your time to do it...

      Module #7:


      In Module #7 You'll Discover:

      • Tony's 25 key steps to successful leadership... (some of his most effective teachings that he reserves for his CEO clients)
      • How to leverage your natural personality to lead and manage teams who are happy and willing to help make you more successful...
      • Why almost everything you know about leadership is wrong, and how to become a better leader by doing less...
      • How to overcome the stress of “being in charge” by relying on a simple formula that Tony has taught to thousands of leaders across the world...
      • How to maximize the results of your teams and followers by ignoring common leadership advice and relying instead on a proven leadership method...
      • Why everyone is a leader—even if you don't think so—and how to develop this in-demand skill no matter your experience or background...

      Module #8:

      Putting It All Together

      In the final module of this extensive course, you'll discover...
      How to put all the pieces together into an easy-to-follow blueprint for your own success.
      Imagine walking away with a step-by-step process, designed specifically for you with your desires and intentions, that you can use to build a better life starting TODAY!
      This is your chance! An invitation and opportunity to really commit to taking action in your life.
      These are the same strategies, system, principles and extras that Tony delivers to his top clients for tens of thousands of dollars...
      This course will provide that and so much more if you are willing to be open-minded about the process, and commit to taking action.
      The strategies, systems, principles and more are all here for you to use.
      And Much, Much, More!

      Last edited by TenFigure2021; 07-27-2019 at 10:50 PM.




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