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      Default [GET] Andrew Warner - Bot Academy

      [GET] Andrew Warner - Bot Academy

      To do that, I'm introducing:

      Bot Academy is a 5-week course that will teach you everything you need to know to create a successful marketing campaign with Messenger.
      Bot Academy includes:

      Week 1: How to build your bot (If you can use MailChimp or Aweber, you have the technical skills to do this)

      I’ll show you how to setup your first campaign, add messages, drip it to your audience, and follow up. You’ll be building your bot alongside me.

      Week 2: How to write your chatbot script (one that converts super high, and is designed to sell).

      In this module, I'll show you how to write short-form, persuasive copy...even if you've never written sales copy before.

      Plus, you'll learn a tip we discovered for increasing click rates by 20% and how to create a funnel that leads to a sale.

      Week 3: How to get people to opt-in (and get signups 4x to 8x cheaper/faster).

      I've seen a lot of people who build great bots...but no one signed up. So then they think bots are a waste of time, when really, they screwed up. You can't expect someone to come to you and subscribe to your bot (or your client's bot). You have to promote it. In this module, we'll show you how.

      You'll learn how to do one-click subscription, how to automate it, how to incorporate your bot with your other marketing campaigns, and more.

      Plus, we've written custom code to that increases bot subscriptions even more. You'll get lifetime access and clear instructions on how to use this code, exclusively available to Bot Academy students.

      Week 4: How to get clients.

      The secret is showing your potential clients just enough so that they understand how bots work and see how it'll deliver a clear ROI, but not so much that they get overwhelmed. We'll show you exactly how to do that, along with how to do a demo that closes the sale.

      You'll also get a template you can use inside Pipedrive, a sales management app, to help you close sales and stay accountable.

      Week 5: Advanced Optimization: We'll work directly with the group to improve everyone's bots and give personalized help when needed

      This is where we go deeper into bots. We'll show you how to add more intelligence to your bot, how to combine different bots, how to mix bot platforms, how to get tracking data, how to collect payment, and more.
      And, I've also put together a special bonus package:

      Bonus 1: One free year of ManyChat marketing software, to create marketing automation chat bots that send scheduled emails. That means you won't have to pay anything to run your first campaigns (a $1,740 value).

      Bonus 2: Six months of Botmock for free, which will help you design the flow for your bots (a $270 value).

      Bonus 3: Six months of ShopMessage and a bonus training module on how to use it (a $197 value). With this training and software, you can help Shopify businesses close more sales. How? By building a bot that recaptures customers who’ve abandoned their shopping carts. (The close rates on this blew my mind.)

      Bonus 4: My bot campaign template, which you can use with your clients. Swipe away. I’ve really tested and developed this campaign, and wouldn’t sell it on its own for less than $1,000--the minimum I’d charge just to setup a bot. But as a Bot Academy student, it’s all yours.

      Bonus 5: Five group coaching call sessions during the course. These are so helpful that past students have asked me how they can continue joining the group calls. We've never let anyone leave the call without addressing their issue. We also bring in guest experts on these calls. And you can also get one-on-one help during office hours.

      Bonus 6: Insider strategies from the top entrepreneurs in the world, via a six-month complimentary subscription to Mixergy Premium (a $294 value). This is the stuff top entrepreneurs only talk about behind closed doors, or in masterminds that cost up $50,000 just to get in the room.

      These bonuses give you the tools, strategies, and coaching to become a successful bot creator, and even start your own agency, if that’s your goal.

      But I also want to help you land clients. To do that, I’m offering:

      Bonus 7: A listing as one of my certified bot consultants. Once you complete all the modules and have proven you can build high-quality bots, we’ll certify you.

      That means you have instant credibility with clients.

      However, there’s another big benefit to being certified...

      I talk about bots all the time. And I’ve given presentations about them at conferences like Converted (Leadpages), Ontrapalooza, Fireside (the Canadian tech community), and Social Media Expo. So businesses and startups contact me to ask who they can hire to build a bot.
      Melissa is asking where do you go to hire the Bot Academy students?

      When that happens, I refer them to the certified people in my Bot Academy directory (that’s you). Just one client can easily mean $2, minimum.

      SALES PAGE >>>>>>>

      DOWNLOAD PAGE >>>>>!6v41mAbR!aZ-YPq6aI-paCJHq4jX5-w


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