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      Default [GET] Sreejan Niyogi – DragonBite SEO

      [GET] Sreejan Niyogi – DragonBite SEO

      Archive : Sreejan Niyogi – DragonBite SEO

      After spending lots of precious time and a few paychecks, I have figured out the easy way to getting all that FREE traffic I’ve been dreaming about. It was easier than I thought and I want to share the secrets with you today.

      Is Ranking Possible in 24 Hrs?

      YES! If you are targeting a keyword like “petrol pumps in Antarctica”

      On a serious note I know you know there are a lot of ebooks, membership sites and courses out there promising you #1 listings in Google in 24 hours.

      As much as I would like that statement to be true, it simply can’t happen! Maybe for keywords with NO traffic. Most of these courses are full of nonsense that has nothing to do with ranking high for high traffic keywords. They structure their courses this way for a reason:



      What Brought Me Here?

      In the year 2014 I was completely broke. I invested a lot on SEO and did not make a single penny back. I almost gave up.

      I was building 1000s of backlinks and not getting any result.

      I used paid softwares, paid proxies, live coachings and even seminars- nothing helped.

      I also outsourced my website to many SEO Services and ended up wasting time and money.

      Deep inside I knew if I could crack the Google code ONCE then my life would change.

      And I could make back in one month what I lost in one year.

      Then I realized what I was missing and it has been a hell of a journey since then.

      I ranked few high volume keywords like these below (You will find out the complete method inside the DragonBite SEO training)

      Today TOP AFFILIATE NETWORKS Want Me to Promote Their Products.

      I now know how to rank any of my SILLY websites on the first page of Google. And I do not need to experiment any new methods. You too can rank any website of any niche by following the exact same strategies.

      I will reveal all the secrets on Google ranking and staying there at the top for as many websites as you want.

      Would you like to know them?

      I can go on a mini vacation, create a website and get it ranked – everything is controlled by me and there is no external dependency. You too can create and rank sites at your own convenience.

      By knowing these methods, you can make as many sites as you want and rank them at will.

      Many top marketers are creating and ranking websites on demand! They have dozens of such silly websites and are easily making over $1000 every week.

      So is it really that difficult?

      Not at all!

      latest Reviews From Buyers of DBS

      The System is 100% Guaranteed To Work

      I dont blame you for not getting fast rankings! Truth is with so many SEO rules in place, its easy to get confused. You only have to know the method once and then, I promise ranking will be a child’s play for you! if you know what Google wants and give it exactly that then ….

      Your Website is B00ND to Rank. Period.

      Let’s See What You Will Learn Inside DRAGONBITE SEO

      SECTION 1: Getting Started With SEO

      The first section is a brief understanding of SEO and contains videos on the following subjects:

      + Introduction to The DragonBite SEO Course

      + Learning SEO Basics

      + Understanding How Google Works

      + Importance of Quality Control

      + Optimizing Content For SEO and Readability

      + Tips To Using Keywords In Text

      SECTION 2: All About Niche & Keyword Research

      The second section is dedicated to finding profitable niches and keywords so as to build a long term site that can easily make $10k/mo. This section contains videos on the following subjects:

      + Understanding Niche Fundamentals

      + How To Shrink Your Audience

      + Tips to Choosing Your Audience

      + Finding A Profitable Niche

      + Finding Problems In a Niche

      + Sorting Out Profitability of a Niche

      + HowTo Do Proper Niche Research

      + How To Do Keyword Research

      + Doing Competition Analysis The Right Way

      + Planning Your Money Site For Long Term Profits

      + Where To Find The Hottest Products To Promote

      SECTION 3: Mastering ON PAGE SEO

      I dive into ON PAGE SEO in the Third Section of this course. We all know how Important ON PAGE SEO Is In 2016-17 and that’s why I have covered everything related to ON PAGE SEO in this section. The section contains videos on the following topics:

      + Brief Intro To On Page SEO

      + What Is A CDN and Why Should You Use It?

      + Solving The Homepage Dilemma For Once And All

      + Importance Of Keyword Density For Rankings

      + Writing Epic Posts – Articles Which Google Would BEG To Rank!

      + Reseaching Epic Posts

      + How To Organize Epic Posts For Better Crawling

      + What Are Supportive Posts? And How They Should Be Done?

      + Correct Method to Interlink Supportive Posts

      + What Exactly Is A Silo Structure?

      + Importance of Silo And How To Do It?

      + Boosting Website Speed to Increase SERPs

      + Quick Tricks to Make Your Websites Lightning Fast

      + The 5 Minute Trick To Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

      SECTION 4: How To Score 10/10 on OFF PAGE SEO

      OFF Page SEO is the most crucial part to getting ranked In Google. I have dug deep into OFF PAGE SEO and few things which many people overlook. You are going to learn the following topics in this section:

      + Evolution Of Off Page SEO

      + Facts About Anchor Text That You Didn’t Know Till Now

      + The Perfect Anchor Text Calculation

      + [HOW TO] Anchor Text % Which Google Will Love You For

      + Busting Sandbox Myths – Does It Exist?

      + Quick Tips: How To Get Out From A Sandbox

      + Link Diversity and Its Significance

      + Tiered Link Building- What And Why?

      SECTION 5: Ranking Your Sites

      This is my most favorite section and herein I will teach you what you are most interested in – Rankings! PBNs are the best ways to get ranked fast and easy. The section will cover everything that you need to know before setting up your own PBNs.

      + Welcome To The Amazing World of PBNs!

      + Why Fools Are Afraid Of PBNs

      + Benefits Of Expired Domains

      + How To Find Expired Domains Manually

      + Checklist Before Buying Expired Domains

      + Sources For Buying PBN Domains

      + Common And Uncommon Mistakes To Avoid While Buying Expired Domains

      + How I Acquire My PBN Domains

      + How To Buy PBN Domains

      + Expert Tip To Host PBN Domains

      + Trusted and Recommended Sources to Buy Hosting

      + Protecting PBNs Using CDNs

      + How To Setup Cloudflare + PBN

      + Step By Step Setup Cheatlist for Setting Up PBN Sites

      + 30+ Footprints That You Should Definitely Avoid

      SECTION 6: Advanced Training on PBNs

      I take the level of this course few notches up inside this section and reveal few of the best kept secrets of the industry regarding SEO, PBNs and Rankings. With the following videos in your kitty, you will never have to worry about ranking again:

      + How To Rebrand Expired Domains For Your PBNs

      + Important Point on Posting Articles

      + Why You Should Hide your PBNs from Bots and Competitors

      + How To Hide your PBNs from Bots and Competitors

      + How To Get Your PBNs Indexed in 2 Minutes

      + How To Maintain Your PBNs

      SECTION 7: A to Z About Backlinks

      This section on Backlinks will have all the information that you will need to have 100s of high quality backlinks taking you to the top and crushing any site that lies infront. You will also learn how to salvage every ounce of link juice that you get and use it properly:

      +What Makes An Awesome Backlink

      + How To Keep All The Link Juice To Yourself

      + Hacks To Get Niche Relevant High Quality Backlinks for Free Part 1

      + Hacks To Get Niche Relevant High Quality Backlinks for Free Part 2

      + Correct Rules For Internal Linking, External Linking and Inter-Linking


      Many website owners have suffered from this. I understand your pain man. It can be really frustrating if you do your SEO right, your website goes up smoothly to the 2nd page and then gets stuck. No matter whatever you do, it just wont move. There are few things which you need to do insuch a scenario to get unstuck and move swiftly upto the #1 position.

      + Small Tweaks, Hugejumps ==> Top 3 Position Guaranteed!

      + How To Find the Perfect Keyword Density

      + How To Get Your Money Site Unstuck Part 1

      + How To Get Your Money Site Unstuck Part 2

      SECTION 9: Penalties And Alternative Solutions

      Aaahhhh the dreaded penalties! Not anymore. With DragonBite SEO you will be able protect your sites from any penalties and sleep peacefully without worrying about any overnight drops. Plus if you have any site which is ‘already penalized’ then you can bring it back to the serps and restore its rankings!

      + How To Outsource Your Work And Save Time For Yourself

      + Alternative Solutions to Creating PBNs

      + How to Rent Links From Other PBNs

      + [COMPARISON] Renting vs Owning PBN links

      + Easy Trick To Remove Penalties 9 Why You May Be Penalized And How To Avoid It

      + Easy Solution to Messed up BackLinks

      SECTION 10: BONUS SECTION- Worth $297!!!

      Now this is one bonus section which I have added to not just skyrocket your rankings but also to streamroll any of your competitors. The best secrets are the ones which are revealed at the last!

      + Easiest Method To Get Brutally Powerful Backlinks Part 1

      + Easiest Method To Get Brutally Powerful Backlinks Part 2

      + Taking The Decision- Flip It Or Keep It?

      + How To Dominate The Entire First Page And Not Just #1 Position

      + Secret Tips To STAY Ranked Easily

      How Will DRAGONBITE SEO Benefit YOU?

      Take Control of Life!

      You will be able to rank and bank any keyword you want with this training. Its time that you finally call the shots and live life your own way.

      No Dependancy

      No more contacting 100s of websites and begging for links. You will be self sufficient to rank keywords as per your own will.

      Works In Any Niche

      DragonBite SEO will work for you irrespective of the niche you are in. As long as you follow the methods Inside, you will get ranked – each and everytime

      Long Term Success

      This is not a loophole that will vanish tomorrow. Its a complete system that is going to work for years to come.

      Work For Yourself/Clients

      You can work for yourself or take up clients or even do both! Ranking will be child’s play after you have gone through this course.

      Endless Possibilities

      Ranking on top of Google means you get free traffic. Its totally upto you how you monetize that traffic. The possibilities are endless.

      The 6 Impressive Reasons Why DRAGONBITE SEO is Very Different

      oHit the Bull’s Eye everytime you want to rank for a keyword. No more waiting being unsure about the results.

      ranked and ready to roll.

      No need to brainstorm or find out reasons why your sites are not ranking. DragonBite SEO has more than enough info to get your website

      Skyrocket your rankings for every keyword you target. More traffic means more money and with this course, you will have all it takes to get rankings and traffic.

      DragonBite SEO is based on ONLY PROVEN methods. No fluff or BS content. You will get all the steps required to take your site to the #1 Position in Google.

      Be an expert in SEO and start your own agency. Have clients who will pay you $1000 every month just to rank for some silly keywords!

      With great rankings come great commissions! Need I say more? The amount of money you can make is totally upto you! There is simply no limit how DragonBite SEO can redefine your future.

      Bonus Section- 3 Amazing Recurring


      SALES PAGE.>>>>>>>>>>

      DOWNLOAD PAGE>>>>>!nzI31AKa!Z7GeZwU443mN4nMwXNxjuA


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    Default Re: [GET] Sreejan Niyogi – DragonBite SEO

    uh huh bub

  • #5
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    Default Re: [GET] Sreejan Niyogi – DragonBite SEO

    Hi! There are and other methods to place your link higher in the google search. Getting a higher ranking on Lighthouse (which is a Google tool to optimize a website) will place your website higher than other sites with a lower grade. If you're not satisfied with the score that you get (and you should not be if it is not 100) then you can follow some steps that I found in this article about website speed test The speed that users get will for sure influence the number of visits so invest as much as you can to puch it to the limit.

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