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I would not recommend at all doing Amazon selling at this point. It was good a few years ago (like over 3 years) but that train has left the station. I have been selling for over 3 years and found it very difficult and the competition has virtually wiped out any gains I had made before. I would stay away from Amazon selling as the market is way way over saturated with sellers now as of Jan 2018. Please take my advice seriously and DO NOT sell on Amazon. DON'T fall for the get rich selling on Amazon as they are selling a scam, you will NOT get rich on Amazon, nor will you even break even. The Amazon fees are nasty, dealing with products from China is very difficult, Amazon treats the sellers terribly and do not even have a call in center anymore and will close your account for any reason and you will pay huge storage fees after 6 months of dead in the water products you have stored there. The market on Amazon, for the number of sellers on it now, is way over saturated. I am on many FB forums with other Amazon sellers and practically everyday I read a new post of another seller packing it in or worse, going bankrupt. STAY AWAY FROM AMAZON SELLING ! You have been clearly warned!