Ready To Break Into the Mystery and Suspense Genre, But Have NO IDEA How to Craft An Exciting Plot?
After almost daily emails for months, I am finally releasing a set of 10 mystery/suspense fiction plots!
You won't find these plots anywhere else on the market since most pre-written plots out there are romance related (as are mine). These plots could be regular mystery/suspense OR you could add a romantic element to them as well.
I worked in conjunction with an experienced mystery/suspense writer on these, so you can rest assured that they offer you the unique ability to change them up and make them into really cool books.
They can become short stories, novellas or novels. The only limit is your imagination and ability to change things up to make your stories unique.
Want to get some books out before Christmas to take advantage of the HUGE Christmas rush (and the even bigger January sales flurry)? Then you need to start writing NOW.
These plots will help you get books written at lightning speed!
You WILL need to change up the names, places, plot points, etc in order to make your book stand out from the crowd. Everyone writes differently, so it is virtually impossible to write an identical story as someone else.
For instance, if the main character is a 23 year old female private investigator, make your main character a 30 year old divorced mother of three. Write in third person. Write in first person. Set your book overseas or in the South or in 1920. Change things up and you can use these plot structures over and over!
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