CodeCanyon WP IMDB Poster v1.6
Current version 1.6
WP IMDB Poster is an innovation which offers users the ability to import automatically movie’s information from IMDB.com the biggest movies database.This script can be used even by people who do not know PHP scripting or WordPress,having a very simple sistem it doesn’t need to be configured.Plugin’s settings are available to anyone.
Plugin features:
- import and autoupload movie’s poster as thumbnail
- import a short description about the movie
- import full storyline of the movie
- import genres
- import release date
- import directors,stars
- import the number of awards and oscars
- import musicians
- import imdb votes and mpaa-rating
- auto upload HD trailer from youtube
- auto generate keywords from movie information
- expert SEO added for every post
- admin can choose what he wants to be poster or not
- admin can post up to 10 movies suddenly
- trailer’s player custom width and height
- images for every row of information
- five templates of images (red,black,blue,green,orange)
- posibility to select in what category to be posted
- speech input for adding movies
- crop system for post thumbnail
Hidden Block (you must be registered and have 1 posts):
You do not have sufficient rights to see the hidden data contained here.