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      Thumbs up [SUPER HOT SHARE] Danny Margulies – Freelance Copywriter’s Code

      I’m a freelance copywriter who earns over $10,000+/month.

      Now I’ll show YOU exactly how I write high-converting copy clients love — from START to FINISH

      Freelance Copywriter’s Code

      My proven step-by-step system for writing high-converting copy clients love…from start to finish.
      I’ll never forget what my favorite teacher told me back in high school:
      “The best way to walk through a minefield…is in someone else’s footsteps.”
      For years, Freelance To Win students have been asking me for a freelance copywriting course. Now, after years of development and testing, I’m finally ready to offer it to you.
      Take a look inside Freelance Copywriter’s Code…

      Freelance Copywriter’s Code is a 7-week course packed with real world, cutting edge training for freelance copywriters at all levels.
      In Week 1, you’ll learn how to write copy that gets results and is virtually guaranteed to be loved by clients — even if you’re brand new. (You’ll find the complete details on Week 1 in the next section below.)
      Then, in Weeks 2-6, you’ll learn my exact step-by-step systems for writing SPECIFIC types of copy, from start to finish… Including what to do before you’ve written a single word, all the way through to the finished product.
      I’ve carefully chosen each specific type of copy you’ll learn in Freelance Copywriter’s Code based on the following factors:
      They’re all in high demand, so you’ll always be able to find clients who pay well for them
      You don’t need to spend weeks or even days on each piece — some can be completed in as little as 1-2 hours with practice
      I’ve systematized them, so you’ll never have to reinvent the wheel, start from scratch, or stare at a blank page wondering what to write about
      They’re high value pieces, so you can charge above average (or even premium) rates for them
      They can be learned and even mastered relatively quickly, so you don’t have to spend years “paying your dues” in order to become great at them
      What you’ll find inside Freelance Copywriter’s Code:

      WEEK 1

      How to quickly turn out high-converting copy clients love, consistently and predictably
      How to train your brain to become a Conversion Machine, so you can write copy that converts without worrying about needless and complicated tools (like A/B testing platforms and other approaches I’ve never used as a freelance copywriter)
      My counterintuitive and unconventional method for ensuring you always have more than enough information to turn out awesome copy (while avoiding getting bogged down with painstaking research or info-overload)
      Proven psychology hacks for making any piece of copy 10-100x more persuasive — in minutes
      Why there’s no way to write a “perfect” piece of way to write a “perfect” piece of copy — and what to do instead
      How to avoid the most common copywriter-crushing misconceptions about the psychology of conversion copy (and what to think about instead)
      In-Depth Case Study: How I quickly helped a client increase their conversions when nothing else seemed to work (even though they thought they were doing everything right)
      Why clients have trouble seeing things about their business, even when it’s staring them in the face (and how you can leverage it to look like an instant genius)
      In-Depth Case Study: How I helped a client sell high-end $30,000 websites — by IGNORING practically everything he told me
      My “Magic Question” for instantly cutting right to the heart of what clients really want (this took me YEARS to figure out, and even most top professional copywriters have never picked up on it)
      In-Depth Case Study: The unconventional strategy I used to persuade people to buy an expensive product (hint: it wasn’t the overused “Time’s Running Out” tactic)
      Why canned questionnaires usually result in bad intel and mediocre copy — and what you should use instead
      Why “fact-finding” before you start writing copy often results in mediocre or even poor results (and what to do instead)
      Advanced strategies to virtually guarantee clients love your work, even before you write a single word
      A complete list of powerfully penetrating questions you can use (word for word) to get amazing material for your copy — every single time (again, most copywriters miss these in favor of more obvious, but less effective, questions)
      Advanced tactics to transform yourself into more than “just a writer” and 10X your value to clients
      My rock solid technique for minimizing “back and forth” with clients, and eliminating do-overs
      My exact process for delivering and presenting copy to clients in a way that makes them fall in love with it (this was inspired by eating at world class restaurants — not reading copywriting books)
      How to quickly turn lukewarm, mediocre, or even awful first drafts into great copy clients love — quickly and effectively
      How to tap into the client’s own ideas to create instant “source material” and make your life and job 100x easier
      The exact formula I use to write copy 10x faster than my competitors, and how you can too
      My word for word script for getting positive, helpful feedback from clients when you send them your first drafts — so you can use it to polish your copy into something they’ll love
      How to ensure you never miss a deadline and ALWAYS deliver your copy on time (even if the client doesn’t follow your schedule)
      The exact word-for-word script I use to lay out a simple and easy timeline for clients before starting a project (I’m bad at planning, but this script makes it dead simple, even for me)
      The 3 questions I ask myself to quickly get inside the head of the reader and write copy that converts
      Why so-called “conversion” gimmicks often don’t work — and the time tested psychology you should use instead
      How to write high-converting copy without resorting to tired old tactics like “agitating” readers
      The exact “filters” and tests I use to tell me if a piece of copy will convert, or bomb
      How to write persuasive copy for today’s modern reader (Hint: Most conventional copywriting wisdom literally predates sliced bread, and a lot of it is downright hopeless today)
      My 4 favorite “conversion levers” — the ultimate shortcut to create copy that’s highly persuasive, without needing to reinvent the wheel every time
      What to do when clients don’t give you enough information to work with (and how you can get paid extra to solve this problem)
      How to become indispensable to clients, so they keep calling you over and over and practically throw money at you to help them solve their problems
      3 hidden “revenue generators” most freelance copywriters miss — and how to use them to earn more money while doing less work
      And more…
      WEEK 2

      How to write captivating emails that get opened and read every single time

      Why email copywriting is totally different from all other forms of copy, and how to seamlessly adjust for it
      How to create emails that cut through the endless clutter and grab the reader’s attention (and make you look great to your clients)
      The one question that leads to great email copy — even though most of your competitors never think to ask it
      Real examples of high-open-rate emails, with in-depth breakdowns of why they performed so well
      The secret to writing emails that people are EXCITED to read (rather than just tolerate, or worse, ignore)
      Step-by-step walkthroughs of actual email projects I did for clients, with a detailed explanation of the approach I used and why it improved their results
      Side-by-side comparisons of different email copywriting approaches and when to use each one
      How to determine the optimal length for email for any piece of email copy you write
      My surefire approach for always knowing exactly how to start each email, so you’re never staring at a blank page wondering where to begin
      How to write emails that clients love because they engage their audience and get responses (including real examples)
      Real examples of effective B2C and B2B emails, and how to tackle each one
      Examples of real emails I wrote for clients with detailed breakdowns on my exact thought process and what each section was designed to achieve
      In-depth Case Study: A step-by-step explanation of how I increased a client’s conversion rate by 300% (without using fancy tools OR A/B testing), and why their previous campaign failed
      How to write an email series for clients who need one — including how to know what each email should contain
      An easy way to uncover readers’ hidden desires and use them to supercharge your email copy’s effectiveness (most of your competitors won’t do this)
      How to write email sales copy that doesn’t feel like sales copy
      How to write emails that captivate and entertain readers — even if you’re writing for a boring industry, or you’re not a “natural storyteller”
      My secret for generating attention-grabbing stories for emails ON DEMAND
      My never before revealed PERSONAL vault of story prompts you can use to kickstart your email copywriting today immediately
      The exact method I use to find interesting facts virtually anywhere and turn them into pure email copywriting gold
      My powerful technique for turning ordinary (even seemingly “boring”) stories into amazing email copy
      How to consistently generate fascinating subject lines that get readers excited to open emails
      The different types of subject lines, and how to choose which one makes the most sense in any situation
      The exact method I use to come up with awesome subject lines in minutes, every single time (includes real examples AND even a list of “bad” subject lines I’ve thrown out)
      And more…
      WEEK 3

      How to write powerhouse press releases that get clients publicity and exposure

      How to write press releases that have the potential to be seen by millions of people — even if you know nothing about Public Relations or Journalism
      The reasons most press releases get ignored, and how to craft one that grabs attention
      The 3 most important ingredients journalists look for before they decide to share a press release with the masses
      Real examples of powerful press release headlines (and detailed explanations of what makes them so good)
      My exact process for taking just about ANY press release idea a client gives you — no matter how boring — and making it newsworthy
      The psychology of writing press releases reporters will want to share with massive audiences
      Why the traditional “write for your audience” copywriting advice is misguided when it comes to writing amazing press releases — and what you should do instead
      Why some press releases fail, and how to flip the odds in your favor
      Side by side comparisons of great vs. lukewarm press release headlines
      REAL examples of successful press releases I’ve written, and a line-by-line walk-through of my exact process
      Case Study: How I beefed up a dull “check out this new app” story, and turned it into a powerful press release with a solid news angle
      My proven formula for coming up with a newsworthy “hook” that grabs
      attention and gets reporters interested (including lots of real life examples you can use for inspiration or model off of)
      Case study: How I took a mundane story and strategically turned it into a cool and relevant piece of business news
      Line-by-line teardowns of real press releases I wrote for real clients
      The exact questions I ask a client prior to writing even a single word of a press release
      Writing press releases for local businesses vs. national companies (including examples of both)
      How to quickly and easily make any press release 10x more credible and more interesting (with very little effort)
      My actual notes from a real press release I worked on for a huge Fortune 500 company
      My 4 key criteria for a great press release headline (these will grab attention in a split second)
      The biggest mistake average and amateur press release writers make (Hint: they teach this in journalism school…but you can skip class and learn it here instead)
      How to transition from a catchy headline to the opening of your press release without losing momentum or missing a beat (no vague advice here — I’ll show you exactly what to write)
      Real life side-by-side comparisons of GREAT vs. “not so great” openings
      Beyond the headline and opening: A straightforward roadmap for seamlessly gliding through the body of your press release quickly and easily
      The all-too-common copywriting habit that journalists have zero patience for, and how to eliminate it from your writing
      Additional go-to “ingredients” you can use whenever you get stuck, need inspiration, or need to beef up your press release (I’ve personally used these countless times)
      A detailed, paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown of a press release I wrote for a well-known client
      A complete analysis of a mediocre press release that may look OK to the untrained eye, but really needed a lot of work (as well as a complete “rewrite” from me personally so you can see exactly how I improved it)
      Advanced PR tactics you can use to DOUBLE your value to your clients (these are simple tricks ANYONE can learn, regardless of your background or experience level)
      And more…
      WEEK 4

      How to write explainer video scripts that get watched and shared

      Why explainer videos often have tight deadlines, and how to deal with them
      The business behind explainer videos, and how to work seamlessly with the companies that produce them
      How to pump out explainer videos in record time, maximizing your income
      The #1 mistake most copywriters make when writing explainer videos (Hint: it has to do with what happens to your script AFTER you submit it to the client) — and what to do instead
      Why EVERY business — including small and local businesses — can benefit from having explainer videos (not just apps and tech companies)
      The misnomer behind the word “explainer video”, and how to write a script for just about any goal a client might have
      Tons of real examples of varied explainer video scripts — and the common threads they all share
      The psychological triggers I use to grab viewers’ interest, keep them engaged, and even get them to take action
      My 3 rules for consistently turning out scripts that connect with readers emotionally in any situation
      What people will relate to most about your video script — and how to use that to your maximum advantage when writing it
      How to use “VIP Power” to write an awesome script clients and viewers love (this is the same principle that makes celebrities’ tweets go viral, and anyone can use it once they know how)
      The exact questions I ask clients BEFORE writing a single word of an explainer video script (these are different than most other forms of copy, and most writers miss them)
      The one thing I spend HALF of my time on when writing an explainer video script
      Why you don’t need to know every detail of the “target audience” — and the specific details you should seek out instead
      How to write explainer videos that are easy for clients to create visuals for (clients LOVE this because it cuts down their costs and production time, while increasing their profits)
      The “hidden” agenda of any explainer video script (Hint: It’s not really about “explaining”)
      The #1 mistake amateur copywriters make when writing their explainer video story
      Specific side-by-side comparisons of great explainer video copy, vs. mediocre or bad copy (you’ll also learn exactly WHAT makes one better than the other)
      The 2 key ingredients that will help you amp up the drama of your script and make it more entertaining and engaging
      How to use the “Law Of Opposites” to supercharge your script’s engagement capability
      Why charging a flat fee for your explainer video copywriting will usually earn you more money (plus the exact word-for-word script I use to flip hourly-paying clients to flat fee)
      How to write the first draft of your explainer video script in MINUTES — not hours — and still have it turn out GREAT
      A simple method for quickly organizing all of your information before you start writing, making the process much simpler and easier
      The exact checklist I use to go from “rough draft” to polished script in MINUTES (not hours or days)
      Real script examples, including progressions from “first draft” to “final draft” so you can see exactly what changes from draft to draft
      Line by line teardown of an actual script, including specific suggestions, critiques, and comments
      My “Idea Toolbox” that guarantees you’ll never run out of ideas
      Tricks for filling up space in case you run out of useful information to write about (these hacks took me YEARS to figure out, but you’ll have them TODAY)
      How to position your script in a way that helps clients stand out from their competition (clients go crazy over this because it helps them achieve their business goals and shows them you’re so much more than “just a writer”)
      And more…
      WEEK 5

      How to write mouth-watering case studies that help clients make more sales

      The difference between an average case study, and one that CONVERTS readers into customers
      How to write mouth-watering case studies for any client regardless of their business, profession, or industry
      Why all clients have a never-ending need for case studies — and how you can fill it
      The psychology behind what clients look for in a case study copywriter (and how to use that information to get more business)
      How to write case studies clients can share via email, social media, and more — and their readers will love it
      How to position your case study in a way that appeals to the broadest number of people — without being boring or “vanilla”
      The exact step-by-step process I’ve been using for years to produce amazing case studies that convert like crazy
      How to use information you’ve ALREADY gathered in order to produce case studies quicker and easier (this creates a win-win for you and your client — they get more valuable copy, while you earn more)
      The difference between case studies that fascinate vs. boring, “corporate,” or total snoozefest ones
      What your favorite movies can teach you about writing case studies that command — and keep — attention
      The simple framework you can use to plan out any case study in just a few minutes
      Complete breakdowns of real, proven case studies that continue to engage and convert
      The #1 factor that can make or break your case study copy
      My 3-point approach for writing the perfect title, without wasting time or energy overthinking it
      How to write an entire case study without using an ounce of imagination or creativity
      The exact questions you should ask before you write any case study (these took me years to develop and refine, and you can have them all today)
      How to guarantee you get detailed, juicy answers to all of your questions (while avoiding vague, generic answers that lead to dull copy)
      The most important factor to consider when deciding which information to include in your case study, and what to leave out
      My personal case study template that will allow you to practically copy and paste your way to a workable first draft
      The 3 key criteria that will help you quickly choose which quotes to use in your case study, and which ones to instantly discard (including lots of real examples of each)
      How to quickly decide what to cut when editing your first draft
      What to do if you have two quotes that are similar (Hint: You shouldn’t automatically discard one of them)
      How to create exciting drama, twists and turns that keep readers engaged (and are fun to write)
      How to easily identify any “gaps” in your story — and quickly fix them so you can move on
      How to structure your story so that the subject of the case study does most of the “writing” for you
      My simple rule for doing a minimal amount of writing, while still creating an awesome case study (so you can be faster, more productive, and earn more)
      Your #1 job as a case study writer (Hint: this is far from obvious. It isn’t writing…or selling…or even keeping the reader engaged.)
      Tons of examples of real case studies, quotes, and breakdowns that will help you every step of the way
      The 2 types of words that help you infuse case studies with excitement and drama (these require minimal effort on your part, yet they’re incredibly powerful)
      My simple trick for turning ordinary facts into dramatic twists and turns
      The #1 narrative mistake most writers make, and how to easily avoid it
      How to create “mini chapters” that keep readers engaged and entertained
      A simple way to handle stories that don’t seem to have a clear beginning, middle, or end
      How to know exactly where to place each subheadline, so you never have to sit there thinking about it
      How to use “dumb subheads” to speed up your process and pump out case studies faster, without sacrificing an ounce of quality
      The most important — and underrated — part of a case study (most writers gloss over this, but you’ll know better)
      Why it’s OK to have only a vague idea of your story before you start writing it — and how to “automatically” figure it out as you go
      How to position your case study in a way that’s extremely compelling to readers (writers whose mantra is “just write a good story” get this all wrong, and pay the price)
      The simple checklist I use to tighten up my story so it reads like a masterpiece
      And more…
      WEEK 6

      How to write landing pages that get your clients leads and subscribers

      The first and most important question I ask clients before I write a word of landing page copy (Hint: It has nothing to do with the writing — or even their target audience — yet it will make or break your copy)
      How to help your client figure out what type of landing page they need (clients are often confused about this, and you can skyrocket your value by helping them with it)
      How to write great opt-in copy that helps clients turn their landing pages into leads (and eventually sales)
      Tons of real examples of landing pages I’ve written for REAL clients
      Done-for-you templates you can use to write a landing page (in a fraction of the time it takes to do it from scratch — plus, the client will love it because it’s ready to send straight to the designer)
      3 key questions you MUST ask in order to write a successful landing page (Hint: These are unique to landing pages…and most copywriters overlook them completely)
      A simple, 60-second hack you can use to write a high-converting landing page, even if you’re totally clueless
      How to choose the best landing page for every situation
      How to create landing page copy that looks amazing in your portfolio and helps you attract high-paying clients
      The exact landing page portfolio samples I used to land a client worth tens of thousands of dollars
      The mental framework I use to break even the most complex landing pages down into easy-to-complete tidbits
      What to do if you discover you’re short on info or source material (without having to call or email the client to get more)
      The 2 strategies for masterfully crafting captivating bullet points, and when to use each one
      How to use your landing page copywriting skills to write awesome Home Page copy too (this gives you more options for finding new clients, higher earning potential — and I’ll even give you a template you can use to make it dead simple)
      The danger of “headline confusion,” and how to avoid it
      My personal headline generator tool for cranking out great headlines in less than 5 minutes (this flies in the face of the conventional advice to spend tons of time on your headline — “ain’t nobody got time for that”)
      Why copywriters’ headlines often get rewritten by the client, and how to avoid it
      The best place to find source material for all of your opt-in page copy (this can also lead to a great upsell for you)
      Why readers don’t really care about lead magnets — and what they are really interested in instead
      My “Subtraction Strategy” for writing mouth watering bullet points that convert (without any external research whatsoever)
      A simple but powerful hack for writing Calls To Action that convert
      How to squeeze more conversions out of clients’ existing landing pages (and become known as a “Conversion Rescue Copywriter” they rely and depend on to help them get more leads and more sales)
      What to do if your landing page copy doesn’t convert as well as the client hoped (Hint: You can turn this temporary setback into a great opportunity to earn even more AND help the client win)
      The clues you can use to figure out when a landing page can be tweaked for more conversions, vs. when it needs to be rewritten completely
      Why most copywriters shy away from clients who want to improve their existing landing pages’ conversion rates — and why that’s a big mistake
      Going beyond the copy: How to get paid extra to advise clients on landing page design (even if you think you’re clueless about design, I’ll show you exactly what you need to know)
      The single most important piece of information you need to write a landing page that converts (even most professional copywriters don’t think of this)
      And more…
      WEEK 7

      [NEW] Bonus Module: Expert interviews

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    thank you

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    great share

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    Rock on!

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