Remember, Chris and Todd both started with ZERO sales at one point and earned revenues like this from working one product at a time, building up to multiple products. During a workshop last night Todd pulled up a random supplier inventory file and within 30 minutes found five products that can be purchased in the USA, sent to Amazon’s FBA program and just those five product equated to $600/month in pure profit. All in just 30 minutes of using their famous research tools.
“The information, advice, and coaching that I have received from Chris, has truly made a lasting difference in my life and business. It has been a vital part of me starting my own business, and earning my personal freedom to work where I want and when I want. Absolutely the best leadership I have been associated with.”
Sean Davis
Whether you are brand new, never sold anything online before, or already have a six figure income from online selling – Chris and Todd can show you everything they’ve learned to multiply your income. Most of the content inside the Ecomm Elite membership site is slanted towards the member already selling on Amazon, and wanting to sell more, however, there is plenty, and there will be more, of the “starting from scratch” type of entreprenuer.
“Psssst! Hey You! I’ve got an Amazing Offer!
Want to make some easy money? Ever hear of Amazon? Want to learn about private labeling products? Yeah – from China! It’s Easy! Heard of FBA? Right – that’s the ticket! How much? Well, it’s good stuff, so, $5,000 – how’s that?
Now, Todd and Chris will be the first ones to tell you that while many “gurus” out there tell you that they will show you how to come up with “one product” that will produce these kinds of numbers, the fact of the matter is that this is very, very rare for the online seller. It’s not impossible, but the much more likely scenario is having a month with product sales like this small sample from Todd’s account:
The above graphic shows you a mix of private labeled products, and non-private labeled. Wait a minute! I thought there wasn’t any money to be made selling “regular branded” products that anyone could sell! At least that’s what other gurus out there are saying.
Think that, and we’re sorry, but you’d be flat out wrong. Not only that, but, hang on – sometimes it makes a lot more sense to NOT use FBA. Don’t worry, we’re not telling you that you have to have a warehouse and a shipping crew, we’re telling you that you can use OUR warehouse, and OUR shipping crew – sound fun?
We’re going to open up all new worlds of profitability for you and show you how to find and source “un-sexy”, low competition products that can be sourced in the USA, making the time to profitability sometimes days versus months.
Now, here’s one of their secrets – none of their products are very popular at all. If Todd and Chris were to tell you they were going to show you how to come up with a boring product that sells 1-200 units a month, people would think they were a little nuts. What they’re really going to teach you is how to do this over and over every month. It’s all about systems, software and avoiding the sirens lure of that “top 100” sexy, super competitive product.
The “top” products have way too much competition and price pressures. Some gurus tell you to just take one of those top 100, get it private labeled in China, send it in to fba, run some promotions and you’ll make a lot of money. Errrrr, it’s really not that easy, but the good news is that it’s very straightforward to setup a business to sell a bunch of boring, “un-sexy” products, making a lot of money in the process.
Remember, by joining Ecomm Elite, you are going to not only receive unprecedented access to a couple of Amazon sellers that not only do this full-time, but sell multi, multi millions of dollars a product every year.
These guys have been recognized in some of the most prestigious Amazon seller forums on the web as the guys that are doing it right, AND give you the correct answers to all the questions.
Finally learn how to research and choose products to sell online like the pros – no more looking through the top 100 at Amazon!
Learn how to source overseas AND within the USA. Find out how to have products for sale on Amazon within 48 HOURS!
The last membership you’ll ever have to join.
Custom made SOFTWARE and TOOLS designed to help you build your business, choose the right products, get all the stats you need in a meaningful fashion, and much, much more.
We have so much exciting stuff in the pipeline for you that is going to simply blow you away it makes us silly with anticipation. Enjoy!
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