1)If you are targeting your local location include the location name in the ad itself so that people from other locations wont click (good tip) causing you to pay unnecessary.

2) Select your Locations you are targeting in the field (lets say USA, UK, Australia,).

3) Age range select from 13 to max.

4) Gender as Both.

5) Coming to Campaign, Pricing and Schedule section make sure "Run my Campaign Starting Today" is selected.

6) Now to campaign budget make sure it's $5/day (To be on the safer side).

7) For Optimization: Select "Optimize for Clicks" and "Manually Bid for Clicks" don't worry since the CPC is going to be higher right now (But next will be the fun part).

8) Go back to the location and play a little around by adding and removing the locations. If you are promoting any affiliate or CPA offers USA, UK, Australia, are going to be your targeting locations but just to bring you CPC down add some highly populated locations. like Peru, India, Mexico, Indonesia, argentina, sri lanka (This will drastically lower your CPC's). Once you are happy with CPC try removing the locations you just added and you are done.

9) Finally Hope that clicks from locations that you added later are "0" its good method still.