We understand that you do not have a simple and fast web hosting platform, you will not be able to market or even run your business. That means, we work very hard to make sure our hardware network stays clean, our server hardware stays up-to-date, and your content is served as quickly as possible. Your business can easily afford you to do no better than us.
Choose and Configure according to your requirements:
OPTION 1: Dedicated Server - Dual Intel Xeon 5150
Cores: 2.5GHZ
Hard Drive: 500GB
Bandwidth: 100TB on 1Gbit Port
Regular Price: $140/month
Offer Price : $130/month
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OPTION 2: Dedicated Server - Dual Intel Xeon 5420
Cores: 2.5GHz
Hard Drive: 1TB SATA
Bandwidth: 100TB on 1Gbit Port
Regular Price : $170/month
Offer Price: $150/month
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