We are typically viewed by many peers as barbarians. Or fools. They judge what they see us doing – what of it we let them see – as so out of whack with the norms they conform to, that we scare them, annoy them, even enrage them. Mystify them. They scoff, laugh, ridicule. Sometimes they demand we be brought to heel by some Authority. We are at odds with much of our own industry or profession. And it doesnt stop there. Were often disapproved of by family and friends. Demonized in media. CONSPIRED AGAINST.
Rather than be cowed by it, we see criticism, resistance and opposition as encouragement. I know that I am on the right track when a majority scream n squeal. This is a Core Concept for me.
This isnt just about immunity to criticism – although thats important. Im talking about a level above and beyond that where even fewer dare tread: reveling in it. Using it as a barometer. A predicitive measure. Walt Disney once said that he was never frightened, unless a majority of his own people or of any group instantly liked his idea. He hoped for skepticism. If you are often acting – and having to act in opposition to the ideas of proper-ness of those around you, and you have to fight seepage of their small, timid and average thinking into your head… Renegade Millionaire 2.0 is for you.
Often, its the guy first laughed out of the room that winds up owning the whole place. Ive lived it for 40+ years, and Ive witnessed it over and over again. It takes BRASS BALLS to disregard and override an entrenched, well defended status-quo of any kind. Lots of people give lip service to it and like labeling themselves Renegades, but most are all bark and no bite. Not really LIVING IT. Im now looking for entrepreneurs who are DEEPLY COMMITTED to Renegade-ism.
Of course, you have to carefully pick such battles, but once you do, you need both the determination and the methodology for succeeding against all obstacles and opposition. Just for example, do you know the most effective way to gain acceptance for a radical idea; to break through the weve never done it that way before wall? One of the stories Ill tell you in Renegade Millionaire 2.0, is a little-known story of the Disney movie no one there wanted to make, its opposition, how an OK to do it was obtained, and how it defied a long-standing Walt practice and altered the course of the company forever, for the good. Fast-forward to todays venture capital market where the same method has been used to get billions poured into dozens and dozens of start-ups, all built around one bad idea, all failing.
I imagine you are recognizing the rising level of difficulty surrounding you and your business, manifesting in so many different ways. And the chorus that grows louder, with why cant you do thinks like everybody else does and be normal? – this, specifically applied to your thinking and beliefs, your demands of others, your advertising and marketing, your business practices, your ambition and more. This makes you and me Kindred Spirits. Activists agains the mundane and mediocre, the ordinary in anything, but especially in results. And, my unorthodox methods DO get results.
Renegade Millionaires overcome Opposition Forces many times during their careers. You dont get to do it once, then never face the same kind of opposition again.
There is no lifetime pass. This is something you have to get good at.
And like. Thrive on. It is mindset and skill-set. It is an overrall approach to adopt, adapt and apply. This has never been more necessary.
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