Phase 1: Foundations
This phase is all about getting in the right mindset, organizing yourself and your schedule to make time for your new business, and learning the basics of what drop shipping is.
We’ll also go over the expectations and show you exactly how much work it’s going to take to get your store off the ground.
Lastly, we’ll give you a goal-setting work book to fill out – this is an awesome way to hold yourself accountable and track your progress as you work your way through the DSA lessons.
Phase 2: Niche Selection
It’s exactly what it sounds like. We’re going to deep dive into our process for finding a winning niche, and show you the key metrics we use to verify whether or not that niche will be profitable for us.
You’ll learn what price point to look for, what brands to stay away from, who your target market is, and what actionable steps you can take to brainstorm a good niche.
We’ll end this phase by giving you the Niche Selection Spreadsheet and a list of 199 potential niches to choose from.
Phase 3: Market Research
So you’ve brainstormed some niches, have a few to choose from, but can’t decide which one has the best chance of success. Thankfully, we made an entire section on how to research your market, spy on competitors, and a bunch of other tools and tricks to help verify which niche is best for you.
We’ll also start researching suppliers, figuring out whether or not they’re drop-ship friendly, figuring out who will give you the best wholesale price, and leveraging your research to lock down which suppliers you want to go with.
Phase 4: Shopify Store Setup
This is where it starts to get fun. We’ll teach you the many different ways you can brand your business. We’ll show you the basics of setting up your Shopify store from scratch, and provide screen-sharing videos that literally show you how to customize your store step-by-step.
On top of that, we’re going to give you our exclusive Shopify Theme – which is BY FAR the best theme for maximizing conversions that we’ve ever used – all yours for free.
Phase 5: Getting Suppliers
This is usually the hardest part for people, because it requires actually picking up your phone and talking to a real human being.
Don’t worry though, not only do I give you phone and e-mail scripts to use – but I also give you a directory of over 500 US suppliers to contact. We also provide you with a template that we use to narrow down our supplier lists and compare/contrast each one to lock down the best suppliers.
Phase 6: Paid Traffic
So your store is setup, you have suppliers in place ready to ship your products whenever you make a sale, NOW you just need some customers to sell to!
This is where a lot of people go wrong – most people start by putting ads on Facebook or Instagram, but we teach you a paid traffic strategy that won’t waste your money. We start with teaching you about tracking, how to run effective Google ads, how to setup retargeting, and eventually move into affiliate and social media marketing.
Phase 7: Scaling & Automating
Once you get your first few orders in, it’s time to start putting your business on auto-pilot. The last thing you want is to get a ton of new customers, only to realize that you aren’t ready to handle that many orders at once.
We’ll show you how to automate your orders, shipping, tracking, and even your ad campaigns. We’ll talk about the importance of VA’s, and where we go to outsource some of the more technical sides of our businesses.
What is it really gonna take for me to be successful?
Money: Let’s be honest – it takes money to make money. We recommend having at least SOME capital to start driving traffic towards your store
Drive: You gotta have the desire and self-motivation to make this work for you and your family
Time: You need to commit at least 5 hours a week AFTER you launch your store, but trust me, you’ll want to spend more time on it than that
A Winning Niche: You don’t need this now, because our course is going to teach you how to find one, but you need to sell products that people will want to buy, while still making a decent profit
Premium Suppliers: You need suppliers that are going to work with you and help you sell your products… they are not easy to get, but with our script and list of suppliers you’ll be ahead of the game
Shopify Store: I learned it’s not as easy as just having a theme for your store, you need a theme that actually CONVERTS. Basically, that’s when you take “visitors” to your store and turn them into “buyers”
You gotta be ok being on the phone sometimes: You’re going to want to talk to your suppliers, and even customers sometimes, because they are trusting you with their money, like sometimes thousands of dollars, so they want to talk to a real human being
Internet Access & Laptop or Computer This part is a no brainer, and you can do this from anywhere in the whole world that has internet access
What’s Next? What Do I Do NOW?
We started Drop Ship Academy with the sole purpose of providing students with a blueprint for success. It’s our mission to help 10,000 students launch successful drop ship stores, and this framework is helping us get closer to that goal every day.
We have over 100 students currently, all of them learning at their own pace, working and communicating with other students to learn more and hold eachother accountable.
We also give you real coaching calls and direct methods to contact us, so you’re never alone – and if you get stuck, we’ll help you get back on track.
The course is a COMPLETE ONLINE COURSE with 7 Phases and over 40 videos and lessons that will teach you everything you need to know about drop shipping.
We give you homework assignments and Action Tasks that you have to turn into us, so we can make sure you’re doing everything right.
We validate your niche and show you how to find suppliers, and even give you an awesome theme to use for your store and show you how to customize it.
We brought in some advertising experts that teach you guys how to setup high quality ad campaigns to start driving traffic to your store.
You get Access to our Private Facebook Group
Monthly Mastermind Calls with AJ and J
Coaching & Support
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