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      Thumbs up [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Brian Dean – First Page Videos

      How To Rank #1 in YouTube

      • Learn advanced video SEO strategies
      • Watch real-life case studies of people getting #1 rankings in YouTube
      • Follow a proven step-by-step YouTube SEO system
      • Get more targeted traffic from YouTube

      How to Use YouTube to Get More Traffic, Leads, and Customers

      Introducing First Page Videos, the only online business course that shows you exactly how to rank in YouTube, step-by-step.

      Now you can grow your online business using advanced YouTube SEO tactics and strategies that I’ve tested “behind closed doors” for the past 3 years…
      …and I’ve boiled it down into a simple, easy-to-implement system called First Page Videos – and today it’s available for the first time ever.
      Long story short: you’ll see how this system can help you grow your online business in record time, by mastering THE MOST IMPORTANT part of video marketing: YouTube SEO.
      And this comprehensive system gets results:
      Even if…you’ve never made a video before
      Even if…you’ve struggled with YouTube marketing in the past
      Even if…you’re overwhelmed with no idea where to start

      “This is a foolproof system for creating and optimizing videos that get results.”

      If you want to generate targeted traffic from YouTube, build brand awareness, and FINALLY tap into the power of online video….
      …First Page Videos is perfect for you.
      Inside this training, I share my proprietary system for creating videos that rocket to the top of YouTube’s search results for keywords that your customers search for everyday.
      And I’ve packaged it all into a simple, step-by-step system that anyone can follow.
      Yes, it will take work, but you saw the opportunity…
      You saw that the popularity of online video is exploding right now. You also saw how online business owners just like you are tapping into YouTube’s potential to generate targeted traffic…
      Now I’m going to give you the tactics, tools and techniques that you need to make it happen.
      Here’s what you can expect when you join…

      • Just getting started with video? Use my “80/20 Approach to Video Production” to easily create professional-looking videos at home.
      • Want people to watch, like, share and comment on the videos that you publish? I’ll show you the secret to creating video content that people (and YouTube) love.
      • Want to get more views on your existing YouTube videos? I’ll show you the specific strategies you can use to optimize your videos the right way so they get more views FAST.
      • Want to get more targeted traffic from YouTube? You’ll see how “The Blast” helps your videos go viral…and floods your site with targeted traffic.

      Plus, I’ll also share the advanced tactics and techniques that can help you scale your video marketing… a simple way to get more video views… and I’ll share never before field tests from within the Backlinko business and YouTube channel.

      Module 1:

      Find Your Winning Video Topic (and Video Keyword)

      • The one little mistake that almost guarantees that a YouTube video will fail. I reveal this mistake in Module 1, Video 2…and show you how to avoid this
        common misstep using a little-known technique.
      • How you can use “The Competition Magnet Approach” to find untapped video keywords that your competition doesn’t know about.
      • The secret behind my video that generated 42,464 views in 60 days (hint: I tweaked ONE thing on this particular video. And that one tweak skyrocketed my views).
      • Need an awesome topic for your video that people will LOVE? I show you a 3-step process that you can use to find a winning topic in minutes.
      • The SVO Method: A simple, yet little-known strategy for generating more views on every video that you publish. This strategy is one of the main reasons that my videos rack up views so quickly.

      Module 2:

      How to Create Effective Videos

      • How to easily create professional-looking videos at your home or office…without a fancy camera, studio, lights etc. etc. I give you all the tools and techniques you need so that your videos look GREAT (even if you’ve never made a video before).
      • The DUMBEST mistake people make when creating YouTube videos. And what’s sad is, I see people do this time and time again and there’s no evidence of it slowing down. And I’ll ensure you don’t make this mistake in Module 2, Video 1.
      • The first thing you need to do to create videos that users (and YouTube) love. Then I’ll share the second, third, and fourth thing too. It’s truly a “paint by numbers” approach to creating video content that works – and I’m excited to share it with you.
      • Want to people to watch your video all the way to the end…and then like, comment, subscribe and share? I reveal 7 advanced Audience Retention techniques that will keep your viewers glued to their laptop screen.
      • Simple “fill in the blank” templates that make creating video content a walk in the park (I had to spend months studying the most popular YouTube videos in over 40+ industries to develop these templates. And I hand you these proven, “fill in the blank” templates in Module 2).
      • Revealed: my entire video production process. I show you exactly how I plan, script, film and edit my videos. You can copy my approach or tweak it to suit your needs. Either way, you’ll walk away with a detailed plan for creating videos that get results.

      Module 3:

      Advanced Video SEO Strategies

      • The little-known video SEO strategy that I use to rocket my videos to the top of YouTube’s search results (hint: this has NOTHING to do with your video title, description, tags etc. Seriously, no one is talking about this strategy).
      • How to QUICKLY outrank your competitors on YouTube’s first page (I’ve used this framework to outrank videos with 10x more views than I had…within days.).
      • The Unicorn Technique: This might be my favorite video SEO strategy on the planet. And like nearly all of the techniques in this module, NO ONE is talking about this powerful technique.
      • The simple, 3-step formula that turns random viewers into website visitors, email subscribers and paying customers (This formula is called the “PAS Approach”. And I show you the step-by-step formula in Module 3, Lesson 3).
      • The TRUTH about YouTube’s video tags (Nope, my approach isn’t what the so-called “experts” recommend. And that’s why it works so well).
      • Advanced Video SEO Strategies: If you want people to watch your videos, you need to optimize them the right way. I’ll show you the advanced YouTube SEO strategies that I used to grow my channel in record time – and the results of my recent experiments.

      Module 4:

      How to Promote Your Videos, Get Views, and Turn Those Views Into Targeted Traffic

      • How do you get more views on your videos? If you think the answer is “share your video on Twitter and Facebook”, you’re wrong. In this module I show you how to promote your videos so they generate thousands of views and targeted visitors to your site.
      • Case Study: How I doubled my YouTube views from 50k/month to over 100k/month in 90 days (My secret? I promoted my videos with a “View Spike”)
      • And in Module 4, Lesson 1 I show you exactly what a View Spike is…and how you can use them to get more views on every video that you publish.
      • How many videos do you need to succeed on YouTube? MUCH less than you probably think -especially if you follow the video promotion strategies from this module. I’ll break down my exact system for promoting videos (including tons of real life examples) that you can copy and paste.
      • The ONE thing you NEED to do the day your YouTube videos go live. There’s a short (and important) window of opportunity right after you publish your video. If you don’t use this strategy on day 1, your YouTube SEO will suffer and you’ll have a much harder time ranking.
      • A “Video Promotion Blueprint”. This includes a checklist of everything you need to promote your video content the right way (including when to promote, where you promote and how to do it). Just follow the steps and watch your video views grow.

      Plus—Alongside Each Module Is A Remarkable Repository of Bonus Techniques that Help You Grow Faster

      Each module contains detailed action steps to help you build a thriving YouTube presence from scratch…
      …but sometimes you just want to know a little bit more.
      And that’s why I’ve included additional bonus training material alongside each module where I share techniques (and strategies) you can use to take things to the next level.

      Bonus Strategies for Module 1

      • Never struggle finding a keyword for your YouTube videos again…in this bonus training I reveal four of my favorite advanced video keyword research strategies.
      • Want your videos to stand out from all the others in your industry? It’s easy. In my “YouTube Branding and Positioning Guide” I reveal the exact steps you need to stand out, grab attention and become the “go-to” authority in your industry.
      • The BIG mistake I made when I first launched my YouTube channel (turns out that this is a super common mistake). Fortunately, thanks to this bonus training, you don’t need to worry about making the same mistake I did).
      • The secret to turning YouTube viewers into targeted traffic (hint: I use a “video bridge” to bring people from my YouTube channel to my website).

      Bonus Strategies for Module 2

      • “Audience Retention” is one of YouTube’s most important ranking factors. I show you the results of my audience retention experiments…and how you can easily apply them to your videos.
      • Ever wonder which camera is best for shooting YouTube videos? What about lighting? I’ve got your back. In this bonus I hand you our EXACT equipment recommendations (including different options depending on your budget).
      • How should you actually make your videos? Use an outline? What about a teleprompter? Should you use a word-for-word script or is it better to freestyle? I answer all of those questions (and more).
      • Go “Behind the Scenes” of my most successful video. I pull back the curtain and show you the exact step-by-step process that I used to create a video that’s racked up over a quarter million views to date.

      Bonus Strategies for Module 3

      • The ONE thing your video needs if you want it to generate views and targeted traffic. Miss this one thing and you’re dead in the water. I show you what this video SEO secret is (and how to use it).
      • Step-by-step checklist: This is the exact checklist I use to optimize every video that I publish.
      • How to create a channel trailer that turns random viewers into loyal subscribers (and website visitors).
      • The new “hack” that I recently discovered. This 5-minute hack dramatically boosted the amount of views that I get from “Suggested Videos”.

      Bonus Strategies for Module 4

      • My “quick and dirty technique” that gets influencers to share YOUR video with THEIR audience…without being a pushy jerkface.
      • How to get a line of people ready to share your video…before it even goes live.
      • Advanced promotion strategies: Use these 5 techniques to get more views on your videos.

      Advanced Training #1:

      The Backlinko Copywriting Bootcamp (How I Write Copy That Generate Clicks, Shares and Sales Every Single Time)

      One of the most common questions people ask me is: “Brian, how do I become a great copywriter like you?”.
      The truth is: I wasn’t born a great writer. My “secret” is that I spent YEARS hustling as a pro copywriter…well before I started Backlinko.
      And over those years as a copywriting pro, I learned what most copywriters DON’T want you to know:
      Copywriting is really easy.
      (When you know what to do and you how to do it).
      And I’ll show you how to quickly master copywriting in this exclusive training series.

      • The 7 secrets of the world’s most successful copywriters. I spent YEARS studying copy from “The Masters”. And I show you their most powerful tips, tricks and techniques that you can apply within minutes.
      • The ONE word you need to put on every page of your website. I once had a client that refused to put this word on his website. And his conversions tanked because of it.
      • The TRUTH about writing compelling headlines that get people to click (and why new data proves a lot of “expert” advice dead wrong).
      • And I show you an exclusive case study of how I boosted my CTR by 38% with ONE simple headline hack.

      Advanced Training #2:

      How to Build Your Email List In Record Time

      I don’t need to tell you that your email list can be the most valuable asset in your business. That’s the good news.
      The problem is, most people build their email lists the wrong way. They use outdated tactics (like “popups” and “free reports”) that simply don’t move the needle like they used to.
      Here’s what to do instead:

      • How to get GREAT conversion rates on your site…without resorting to spammy, annoying popups and “in your face” sign up forms.
      • “The Expanded Guest Post”: An exclusive list building technique that I’ve personally used to add thousands of subscribers to my list. I’ve never seen this discussed anywhere else before.
      • Behind the scenes of how I built my first 10k subscribers: what I did right, what I did wrong, and what worked best for me (including real numbers).

      Advanced Training #3:

      The Backlinko Online Sales Masterclass (The 15 “Sales Secrets” Behind my 7-Figure Business)

      There are two reasons that my business grew from zero to 7 figures in record time: SEO and sales.
      Because the truth is this: If you’re looking to build your online business – whether it’s a service business or product business – you’ll need to know how to sell.
      And in this in-depth training you’ll learn how to sell anything to anyone (without being “salesy”).

      • Why testimonials may be HURTING your sales…and how my “Effective Testimonial Formula” works MUCH better.
      • The “rookie mistake” that cost me thousands in sales (and the simple fix that turned things around in minutes)
      • How to write call-to-actions that convert browsers into buyers (here’s a hint: I teach you a psychological trick that works insanely well)

      Sales Page:

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    How To Rank #1 in YouTube

    • Learn advanced video SEO strategies
    • Watch real-life case studies of people getting #1 rankings in YouTube
    • Follow a proven step-by-step YouTube SEO system
    • Get more targeted traffic from YouTube

    How to Use YouTube to Get More Traffic, Leads, and Customers

    Introducing First Page Videos, the only online business course that shows you exactly how to rank in YouTube, step-by-step.

    Now you can grow your online business using advanced YouTube SEO tactics and strategies that I’ve tested “behind closed doors” for the past 3 years…
    …and I’ve boiled it down into a simple, easy-to-implement system called First Page Videos – and today it’s available for the first time ever.
    Long story short: you’ll see how this system can help you grow your online business in record time, by mastering THE MOST IMPORTANT part of video marketing: YouTube SEO.
    And this comprehensive system gets results:
    Even if…you’ve never made a video before
    Even if…you’ve struggled with YouTube marketing in the past
    Even if…you’re overwhelmed with no idea where to start

    “This is a foolproof system for creating and optimizing videos that get results.”

    If you want to generate targeted traffic from YouTube, build brand awareness, and FINALLY tap into the power of online video….
    …First Page Videos is perfect for you.
    Inside this training, I share my proprietary system for creating videos that rocket to the top of YouTube’s search results for keywords that your customers search for everyday.
    And I’ve packaged it all into a simple, step-by-step system that anyone can follow.
    Yes, it will take work, but you saw the opportunity…
    You saw that the popularity of online video is exploding right now. You also saw how online business owners just like you are tapping into YouTube’s potential to generate targeted traffic…
    Now I’m going to give you the tactics, tools and techniques that you need to make it happen.
    Here’s what you can expect when you join…

    • Just getting started with video? Use my “80/20 Approach to Video Production” to easily create professional-looking videos at home.
    • Want people to watch, like, share and comment on the videos that you publish? I’ll show you the secret to creating video content that people (and YouTube) love.
    • Want to get more views on your existing YouTube videos? I’ll show you the specific strategies you can use to optimize your videos the right way so they get more views FAST.
    • Want to get more targeted traffic from YouTube? You’ll see how “The Blast” helps your videos go viral…and floods your site with targeted traffic.

    Plus, I’ll also share the advanced tactics and techniques that can help you scale your video marketing… a simple way to get more video views… and I’ll share never before field tests from within the Backlinko business and YouTube channel.

    Module 1:

    Find Your Winning Video Topic (and Video Keyword)

    • The one little mistake that almost guarantees that a YouTube video will fail. I reveal this mistake in Module 1, Video 2…and show you how to avoid this
      common misstep using a little-known technique.
    • How you can use “The Competition Magnet Approach” to find untapped video keywords that your competition doesn’t know about.
    • The secret behind my video that generated 42,464 views in 60 days (hint: I tweaked ONE thing on this particular video. And that one tweak skyrocketed my views).
    • Need an awesome topic for your video that people will LOVE? I show you a 3-step process that you can use to find a winning topic in minutes.
    • The SVO Method: A simple, yet little-known strategy for generating more views on every video that you publish. This strategy is one of the main reasons that my videos rack up views so quickly.

    Module 2:

    How to Create Effective Videos

    • How to easily create professional-looking videos at your home or office…without a fancy camera, studio, lights etc. etc. I give you all the tools and techniques you need so that your videos look GREAT (even if you’ve never made a video before).
    • The DUMBEST mistake people make when creating YouTube videos. And what’s sad is, I see people do this time and time again and there’s no evidence of it slowing down. And I’ll ensure you don’t make this mistake in Module 2, Video 1.
    • The first thing you need to do to create videos that users (and YouTube) love. Then I’ll share the second, third, and fourth thing too. It’s truly a “paint by numbers” approach to creating video content that works – and I’m excited to share it with you.
    • Want to people to watch your video all the way to the end…and then like, comment, subscribe and share? I reveal 7 advanced Audience Retention techniques that will keep your viewers glued to their laptop screen.
    • Simple “fill in the blank” templates that make creating video content a walk in the park (I had to spend months studying the most popular YouTube videos in over 40+ industries to develop these templates. And I hand you these proven, “fill in the blank” templates in Module 2).
    • Revealed: my entire video production process. I show you exactly how I plan, script, film and edit my videos. You can copy my approach or tweak it to suit your needs. Either way, you’ll walk away with a detailed plan for creating videos that get results.

    Module 3:

    Advanced Video SEO Strategies

    • The little-known video SEO strategy that I use to rocket my videos to the top of YouTube’s search results (hint: this has NOTHING to do with your video title, description, tags etc. Seriously, no one is talking about this strategy).
    • How to QUICKLY outrank your competitors on YouTube’s first page (I’ve used this framework to outrank videos with 10x more views than I had…within days.).
    • The Unicorn Technique: This might be my favorite video SEO strategy on the planet. And like nearly all of the techniques in this module, NO ONE is talking about this powerful technique.
    • The simple, 3-step formula that turns random viewers into website visitors, email subscribers and paying customers (This formula is called the “PAS Approach”. And I show you the step-by-step formula in Module 3, Lesson 3).
    • The TRUTH about YouTube’s video tags (Nope, my approach isn’t what the so-called “experts” recommend. And that’s why it works so well).
    • Advanced Video SEO Strategies: If you want people to watch your videos, you need to optimize them the right way. I’ll show you the advanced YouTube SEO strategies that I used to grow my channel in record time – and the results of my recent experiments.

    Module 4:

    How to Promote Your Videos, Get Views, and Turn Those Views Into Targeted Traffic

    • How do you get more views on your videos? If you think the answer is “share your video on Twitter and Facebook”, you’re wrong. In this module I show you how to promote your videos so they generate thousands of views and targeted visitors to your site.
    • Case Study: How I doubled my YouTube views from 50k/month to over 100k/month in 90 days (My secret? I promoted my videos with a “View Spike”)
    • And in Module 4, Lesson 1 I show you exactly what a View Spike is…and how you can use them to get more views on every video that you publish.
    • How many videos do you need to succeed on YouTube? MUCH less than you probably think -especially if you follow the video promotion strategies from this module. I’ll break down my exact system for promoting videos (including tons of real life examples) that you can copy and paste.
    • The ONE thing you NEED to do the day your YouTube videos go live. There’s a short (and important) window of opportunity right after you publish your video. If you don’t use this strategy on day 1, your YouTube SEO will suffer and you’ll have a much harder time ranking.
    • A “Video Promotion Blueprint”. This includes a checklist of everything you need to promote your video content the right way (including when to promote, where you promote and how to do it). Just follow the steps and watch your video views grow.

    Plus—Alongside Each Module Is A Remarkable Repository of Bonus Techniques that Help You Grow Faster

    Each module contains detailed action steps to help you build a thriving YouTube presence from scratch…
    …but sometimes you just want to know a little bit more.
    And that’s why I’ve included additional bonus training material alongside each module where I share techniques (and strategies) you can use to take things to the next level.

    Bonus Strategies for Module 1

    • Never struggle finding a keyword for your YouTube videos again…in this bonus training I reveal four of my favorite advanced video keyword research strategies.
    • Want your videos to stand out from all the others in your industry? It’s easy. In my “YouTube Branding and Positioning Guide” I reveal the exact steps you need to stand out, grab attention and become the “go-to” authority in your industry.
    • The BIG mistake I made when I first launched my YouTube channel (turns out that this is a super common mistake). Fortunately, thanks to this bonus training, you don’t need to worry about making the same mistake I did).
    • The secret to turning YouTube viewers into targeted traffic (hint: I use a “video bridge” to bring people from my YouTube channel to my website).

    Bonus Strategies for Module 2

    • “Audience Retention” is one of YouTube’s most important ranking factors. I show you the results of my audience retention experiments…and how you can easily apply them to your videos.
    • Ever wonder which camera is best for shooting YouTube videos? What about lighting? I’ve got your back. In this bonus I hand you our EXACT equipment recommendations (including different options depending on your budget).
    • How should you actually make your videos? Use an outline? What about a teleprompter? Should you use a word-for-word script or is it better to freestyle? I answer all of those questions (and more).
    • Go “Behind the Scenes” of my most successful video. I pull back the curtain and show you the exact step-by-step process that I used to create a video that’s racked up over a quarter million views to date.

    Bonus Strategies for Module 3

    • The ONE thing your video needs if you want it to generate views and targeted traffic. Miss this one thing and you’re dead in the water. I show you what this video SEO secret is (and how to use it).
    • Step-by-step checklist: This is the exact checklist I use to optimize every video that I publish.
    • How to create a channel trailer that turns random viewers into loyal subscribers (and website visitors).
    • The new “hack” that I recently discovered. This 5-minute hack dramatically boosted the amount of views that I get from “Suggested Videos”.

    Bonus Strategies for Module 4

    • My “quick and dirty technique” that gets influencers to share YOUR video with THEIR audience…without being a pushy jerkface.
    • How to get a line of people ready to share your video…before it even goes live.
    • Advanced promotion strategies: Use these 5 techniques to get more views on your videos.

    Advanced Training #1:

    The Backlinko Copywriting Bootcamp (How I Write Copy That Generate Clicks, Shares and Sales Every Single Time)

    One of the most common questions people ask me is: “Brian, how do I become a great copywriter like you?”.
    The truth is: I wasn’t born a great writer. My “secret” is that I spent YEARS hustling as a pro copywriter…well before I started Backlinko.
    And over those years as a copywriting pro, I learned what most copywriters DON’T want you to know:
    Copywriting is really easy.
    (When you know what to do and you how to do it).
    And I’ll show you how to quickly master copywriting in this exclusive training series.

    • The 7 secrets of the world’s most successful copywriters. I spent YEARS studying copy from “The Masters”. And I show you their most powerful tips, tricks and techniques that you can apply within minutes.
    • The ONE word you need to put on every page of your website. I once had a client that refused to put this word on his website. And his conversions tanked because of it.
    • The TRUTH about writing compelling headlines that get people to click (and why new data proves a lot of “expert” advice dead wrong).
    • And I show you an exclusive case study of how I boosted my CTR by 38% with ONE simple headline hack.

    Advanced Training #2:

    How to Build Your Email List In Record Time

    I don’t need to tell you that your email list can be the most valuable asset in your business. That’s the good news.
    The problem is, most people build their email lists the wrong way. They use outdated tactics (like “popups” and “free reports”) that simply don’t move the needle like they used to.
    Here’s what to do instead:

    • How to get GREAT conversion rates on your site…without resorting to spammy, annoying popups and “in your face” sign up forms.
    • “The Expanded Guest Post”: An exclusive list building technique that I’ve personally used to add thousands of subscribers to my list. I’ve never seen this discussed anywhere else before.
    • Behind the scenes of how I built my first 10k subscribers: what I did right, what I did wrong, and what worked best for me (including real numbers).

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