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      Thumbs up [SUPER HOT SHARE] Tai Lopez – Entrepreneurs Starter Kit

      There are 2 types of people in this world:
      – Employees with 9-5 jobs and 0-1 sources of income
      – Business owners with multiple sources of income
      Which one are you?
      Better yet, which one do you want to be?!
      There’s a 92% chance you’re an employee working for someone else. It’s also possible you’re unemployed.
      If that’s you, it’s okay.
      Your life can change…
      … And it can happen a lot sooner than you think!
      It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80.
      It’s never too late to add more freedom to your life.
      I know money isn’t everything, but without money you won’t get to experience the world or help out people you love – money is a requirement for living The Good Life.
      That being said, I’m sure a lot of people reading this want to know…
      What Can You Do To Make Money Starting TODAY?
      Here’s my answer:
      Start your own business.
      It’s crazy to see how quickly people are starting businesses thanks to modern technology. It’s very possible to go from idea to paying customers within a short amount of time.
      No joke – but I’m sure a small number people reading this page will got out and start a business tomorrow.
      Maybe one of those people is you!
      Even if you’ve struggled to make money by starting a business in the past, what I’m sharing today will help you out.
      And I’m sharing it 100% for free.
      I know how difficult it was getting started.
      People see me on social media and think my life was always this way.
      They have no idea.
      Before I share today’s free lessons, let me be clear:
      I Didn’t Grow Up Rich
      I didn’t inherit a business.
      Until 18 years old, I never knew anyone who made more than $60,000 a year. No one showed me anything about business growing up.
      The only education I had until I became an entrepreneur was public school.
      The problem with today’s economy is it’s growing too fast for the school system to keep up. Schools today are stuck using an archaic system that just ain’t cutting it anymore.
      Anyone who doubts what I’m saying needs to look at the $1.2 trillion in US student loan debt.
      The good news is entrepreneurs like myself are seeing this tragic problem as an opportunity to help people.
      At one point in my life I remember having:
      – $3,000 in overdraft fees
      – $47 in my bank account
      – A couch in a mobile home for a bed
      I remember one day laying on the couch thinking:
      Did I mess up?!¯
      It sure felt like it.
      Just when my hope for my future was its lowest, I remember reading a quote in a book from Tony Robbins.
      The quote said:
      When People Succeed They Party, But When They Fail They Ponder.
      Reading this quote was my AHA! moment.
      It made me think:
      Because I was broke and had nothing to lose, it meant I had more time than anyone else to THINK.
      So that’s what I did…
      I pondered my past and make a note of all of times when I experienced success.
      And guess what?
      I noticed a pattern…
      Every time I experienced success, it was because I had a mentor helping me out.
      It was at THAT point in my life when I made it a life-long goal to pursue the best mentors.
      I invested everything I had into being mentored by people in all areas of life. From financial services to starting nightclubs to online marketing ” I did whatever it took to learn from the best of the best.
      Even to this day I’m still learning.
      If you watch my social media, you see me training with some of the top trainers in the world.
      This isn’t meant to be a look at me¯ type of story.
      I’m sharing it with you because I want YOU to understand no matter your situation, your life can change for the better.
      I came from almost nothing and look where I’m at today.
      If I can do it, you can too.
      If you’re still reading this, I want you to know you can do it. And since you’ve made it this far, I want to share something special with you.
      Here are 3 key lessons you must know about starting a business in today’s new economy:
      Lesson #1: Launch The Right Type of Business For You
      This is a HUGE question you must answer.
      So many entrepreneurs approach me asking for help with their business. They can’t figure out why it’s failing. 9 times out of 10, it’s because they launched a business that doesn’t meet these 3 criteria:
      1. Strengths
      2. Weaknesses
      3. Trends
      If you want to launch a successful business that works for YOU, you must make sure it syncs with your strengths. If you’re a talkative person and you like asking questions, maybe starting a podcast businesses or hosting events is for you.
      On that same note, your business should also consider weaknesses you have or weaknesses in the market. As an entrepreneur, you must NOT view problems¯ as problems; rather, they’re opportunities to help people out and earn money as a reward for your solution.
      Finally, you must take advantage of trends.
      If you procrastinate on trends, good luck (you’ll need a lot of it).
      Staying ahead of trends is how you get ahead of the curve ” and your competition.
      By figuring these 3 things out, you’ll be way more successful with your business. I know this because whenever I’m starting a new business, I use these 3 concepts to help me make sure it’s the right business for me.
      For example, last year I created a multi-million dollar business around how to teach people how to manage their social media.
      Here’s how it breaks down:
      – Strengths: public speaking (making videos)
      – Weaknesses: small businesses who struggle with social media
      – Trends: get paid to help business owners with their marketing
      This is only the surface-level training about this topic.
      In my Entrepreneur Starter Kit, I dive deeper into strengths, weaknesses, and trends. Based on what I shared so far, I know some people will use it to their advantage.
      I also know a percentage of people will want more help.
      If you’d like more help, click the button below to:
      Lesson #2: You Must Use An Execution Formula
      I sometimes call this an experimentation formula.
      The best businesses in the world pivot their product based on the demand of their market.
      For example, Apple makes changes in their iPhone based on what people ask for. Entrepreneurs could learn a lot from Apple.
      One key lesson is NOT being in love with your initial idea.
      An idea is only good for getting started, you also need to improve your idea based on experiments you run on your market.
      If you don’t, you’ll fail.
      Just look at Kodak.
      For years they were the top brand when it comes to photography.
      But then ” almost overnight ” a small startup of 30 people took them out of business. You’ve probably heard of this startup.
      It’s called Instagram.
      The same thing happened to Blockbuster and right now it’s happening to Yahoo. When it comes to growing your business, you need to be willing to change your idea.
      It’s in the best interest of your market ” and your bank account!
      Here’s another lesson:
      Lesson #3: Always Use a Trainer
      A question you should always be asking yourself is:
      Who’s training me?¯
      You’re not going to get the results you want ” in the shortest amount of time possible ” without a trainer.
      The best performers in the world used trainers, coaches, and mentors.
      – Warren Buffett
      – Mike Tyson
      – Steve Jobs
      – Oprah
      – Mark Zuckerberg
      – Elon Musk
      – Michael Jordan
      … And the list goes on.
      No matter what type of business you start, you will need a mentor because you’ll have questions about specific things you can’t find info about online.
      You’ll save yourself from being stressed out if you have someone with personal experience guiding you.
      Being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean doing it on your own.
      When it comes to getting trained, you have 3 options:
      – In person (the best)
      – Online or books (easiest)
      – None (AVOID!)
      My advice is to use all of the above.
      When possible, get trained in person – it’s the best way.
      But I understand in person isn’t always possible, especially if you’re just starting out and have no money to travel.
      I realized finding mentors and getting help with starting a business is a huge challenge for new entrepreneurs.
      Every day I get at least several hundred (often several thousand) messages asking me:
      – How can I start a business?
      – What type of business is best for me?
      – Can you help me fix my situation?
      As much as I tried answering the questions, it’s just not possible to answer thousands of messages a day. It’s way too time consuming and I often repeat the same answer.
      So here’s what I did.
      I recently created a step-by-step program for starting a business.
      I’m calling it:‹
      Entrepreneur Starter Kit
      This program walks you through how to launch your own business in under 8 weeks, even if you have little money or experience.
      All I’m asking from you as far as time commitment is 15 minutes a day. You could do more, but I recommend at least 15 minutes a day to let the information sink in.
      The only thing required is a phone or laptop and the internet.
      If you don’t have full access to the internet, don’t let that stop you. I’ve had people message me saying they’ve gone through my previous programs using free public WiFi.
      The lessons in the program include business advice I’ve learned from a history of investing $50,000-$150,000 a month on training. Ever since my AHA moment, I’ve invested in top-notch trainers from around the world.
      My goal with this program is to set the bar higher than ever.
      There’s a lot of business training out there, but most of it dated or isn’t from someone with real-world experience with starting and growing a business.
      When I did a poll on Twitter about the price for this, people said they’d pay $25,000 – if they had that much.
      The second-place winner was $10,000.
      This means if I wanted to charge $10,000 for this, I’d get sales.
      But looking back at what it was like for me starting out, $10,000 is asking too much for someone new. I’m not doing this to be greedy; I really want to help people start a business.
      So instead of making my Entrepreneur Starter Kit $10,000, I’m setting the amount today to less than a dollar per day!
      Bonuses For Quick-Action Takers
      10 Fast-Track Business Kits
      I understand you might struggle with coming up with a business idea.
      Or maybe you’d like to start with a proven model.
      As my third and final special bonus, I’m going to give you 10 business launch kits from self-made entrepreneurs making at least $100k a month.
      These 10 launch kits range from business models such as selling clothes online, building apps to sell, selling on Amazon, or how to start a consulting business.
      The 3 bonuses valued at thousands of dollars can be yours at no extra charge. All that’s required is an investment in my Entrepreneur Starter Kit that’s fully guaranteed for 60 days.
      You have nothing to lose with this offer I’m making you today.
      Before I wrap this up, I have one last request.
      After you get your Entrepreneur Starter Kit and you start your business, I’d be thrilled if you sent me your story about your success.
      Every day I get hundreds of messages from people I’ve helped. It’s the highlight of my day to read these types of messages.
      If you’ve made it this far in the page, I have a vested interest in you.
      While many people are busy glued to the TV, you’re here.
      I don’t mean this in a woo-woo way, but there’s a reason for this.
      I believe you were destined to be here and I believe in your ability to take control of your future.
      Let me help you out by showing you how to launch a business within the next 1-8 weeks, even if you have little money or experience – guaranteed.

      Sales Page:

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      Last edited by BlackHatX; 09-27-2017 at 03:27 PM.

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    link plz


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    link please!

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Tai Lopez Ā– Entrepreneurs Starter Kit

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackHatX View Post

    There are 2 types of people in this world:
    Ā– Employees with 9-5 jobs and 0-1 sources of income
    Ā– Business owners with multiple sources of income
    Which one are you?
    Better yet, which one do you want to be?!
    ThereĀ’s a 92% chance youĀ’re an employee working for someone else. ItĀ’s also possible youĀ’re unemployed.
    If thatĀ’s you, itĀ’s okay.
    Your life can changeĀ…
    Ā… And it can happen a lot sooner than you think!
    It doesnĀ’t matter if youĀ’re 18 or 80.
    ItĀ’s never too late to add more freedom to your life.
    I know money isnĀ’t everything, but without money you wonĀ’t get to experience the world or help out people you love Ā– money is a requirement for living The Good Life.
    That being said, IĀ’m sure a lot of people reading this want to knowĀ…
    What Can You Do To Make Money Starting TODAY?
    HereĀ’s my answer:
    Start your own business.
    ItĀ’s crazy to see how quickly people are starting businesses thanks to modern technology. ItĀ’s very possible to go from idea to paying customers within a short amount of time.
    No joke Ā– but IĀ’m sure a small number people reading this page will got out and start a business tomorrow.
    Maybe one of those people is you!
    Even if youĀ’ve struggled to make money by starting a business in the past, what IĀ’m sharing today will help you out.
    And IĀ’m sharing it 100% for free.
    I know how difficult it was getting started.
    People see me on social media and think my life was always this way.
    They have no idea.
    Before I share todayĀ’s free lessons, let me be clear:
    I DidnĀ’t Grow Up Rich
    I didnĀ’t inherit a business.
    Until 18 years old, I never knew anyone who made more than $60,000 a year. No one showed me anything about business growing up.
    The only education I had until I became an entrepreneur was public school.
    The problem with todayĀ’s economy is itĀ’s growing too fast for the school system to keep up. Schools today are stuck using an archaic system that just ainĀ’t cutting it anymore.
    Anyone who doubts what IĀ’m saying needs to look at the $1.2 trillion in US student loan debt.
    The good news is entrepreneurs like myself are seeing this tragic problem as an opportunity to help people.
    At one point in my life I remember having:
    Ā– $3,000 in overdraft fees
    Ā– $47 in my bank account
    Ā– A couch in a mobile home for a bed
    I remember one day laying on the couch thinking:
    Did I mess up?!Ā¯
    It sure felt like it.
    Just when my hope for my future was its lowest, I remember reading a quote in a book from Tony Robbins.
    The quote said:
    When People Succeed They Party, But When They Fail They Ponder.
    Reading this quote was my AHA! moment.
    It made me think:
    Because I was broke and had nothing to lose, it meant I had more time than anyone else to THINK.
    So thatĀ’s what I didĀ…
    I pondered my past and make a note of all of times when I experienced success.
    And guess what?
    I noticed a patternĀ…
    Every time I experienced success, it was because I had a mentor helping me out.
    It was at THAT point in my life when I made it a life-long goal to pursue the best mentors.
    I invested everything I had into being mentored by people in all areas of life. From financial services to starting nightclubs to online marketing Ā” I did whatever it took to learn from the best of the best.
    Even to this day IĀ’m still learning.
    If you watch my social media, you see me training with some of the top trainers in the world.
    This isnĀ’t meant to be a look at meĀ¯ type of story.
    IĀ’m sharing it with you because I want YOU to understand no matter your situation, your life can change for the better.
    I came from almost nothing and look where IĀ’m at today.
    If I can do it, you can too.
    If youĀ’re still reading this, I want you to know you can do it. And since youĀ’ve made it this far, I want to share something special with you.
    Here are 3 key lessons you must know about starting a business in todayĀ’s new economy:
    Lesson #1: Launch The Right Type of Business For You
    This is a HUGE question you must answer.
    So many entrepreneurs approach me asking for help with their business. They canĀ’t figure out why itĀ’s failing. 9 times out of 10, itĀ’s because they launched a business that doesnĀ’t meet these 3 criteria:
    1. Strengths
    2. Weaknesses
    3. Trends
    If you want to launch a successful business that works for YOU, you must make sure it syncs with your strengths. If youĀ’re a talkative person and you like asking questions, maybe starting a podcast businesses or hosting events is for you.
    On that same note, your business should also consider weaknesses you have or weaknesses in the market. As an entrepreneur, you must NOT view problemsĀ¯ as problems; rather, theyĀ’re opportunities to help people out and earn money as a reward for your solution.
    Finally, you must take advantage of trends.
    If you procrastinate on trends, good luck (youĀ’ll need a lot of it).
    Staying ahead of trends is how you get ahead of the curve Ā” and your competition.
    By figuring these 3 things out, youĀ’ll be way more successful with your business. I know this because whenever IĀ’m starting a new business, I use these 3 concepts to help me make sure itĀ’s the right business for me.
    For example, last year I created a multi-million dollar business around how to teach people how to manage their social media.
    HereĀ’s how it breaks down:
    Ā– Strengths: public speaking (making videos)
    Ā– Weaknesses: small businesses who struggle with social media
    Ā– Trends: get paid to help business owners with their marketing
    This is only the surface-level training about this topic.
    In my Entrepreneur Starter Kit, I dive deeper into strengths, weaknesses, and trends. Based on what I shared so far, I know some people will use it to their advantage.
    I also know a percentage of people will want more help.
    If youĀ’d like more help, click the button below to:
    Lesson #2: You Must Use An Execution Formula
    I sometimes call this an experimentation formula.
    The best businesses in the world pivot their product based on the demand of their market.
    For example, Apple makes changes in their iPhone based on what people ask for. Entrepreneurs could learn a lot from Apple.
    One key lesson is NOT being in love with your initial idea.
    An idea is only good for getting started, you also need to improve your idea based on experiments you run on your market.
    If you donĀ’t, youĀ’ll fail.
    Just look at Kodak.
    For years they were the top brand when it comes to photography.
    But then Ā” almost overnight Ā” a small startup of 30 people took them out of business. YouĀ’ve probably heard of this startup.
    ItĀ’s called Instagram.
    The same thing happened to Blockbuster and right now itĀ’s happening to Yahoo. When it comes to growing your business, you need to be willing to change your idea.
    ItĀ’s in the best interest of your market Ā” and your bank account!
    HereĀ’s another lesson:
    Lesson #3: Always Use a Trainer
    A question you should always be asking yourself is:
    WhoĀ’s training me?Ā¯
    YouĀ’re not going to get the results you want Ā” in the shortest amount of time possible Ā” without a trainer.
    The best performers in the world used trainers, coaches, and mentors.
    Ā– Warren Buffett
    Ā– Mike Tyson
    Ā– Steve Jobs
    Ā– Oprah
    Ā– Mark Zuckerberg
    Ā– Elon Musk
    Ā– Michael Jordan
    Ā… And the list goes on.
    No matter what type of business you start, you will need a mentor because youĀ’ll have questions about specific things you canĀ’t find info about online.
    YouĀ’ll save yourself from being stressed out if you have someone with personal experience guiding you.
    Being an entrepreneur doesnĀ’t mean doing it on your own.
    When it comes to getting trained, you have 3 options:
    Ā– In person (the best)
    Ā– Online or books (easiest)
    Ā– None (AVOID!)
    My advice is to use all of the above.
    When possible, get trained in person Ā– itĀ’s the best way.
    But I understand in person isnĀ’t always possible, especially if youĀ’re just starting out and have no money to travel.
    I realized finding mentors and getting help with starting a business is a huge challenge for new entrepreneurs.
    Every day I get at least several hundred (often several thousand) messages asking me:
    Ā– How can I start a business?
    Ā– What type of business is best for me?
    Ā– Can you help me fix my situation?
    As much as I tried answering the questions, itĀ’s just not possible to answer thousands of messages a day. ItĀ’s way too time consuming and I often repeat the same answer.
    So hereĀ’s what I did.
    I recently created a step-by-step program for starting a business.
    IĀ’m calling it:Ā‹
    Entrepreneur Starter Kit
    This program walks you through how to launch your own business in under 8 weeks, even if you have little money or experience.
    All IĀ’m asking from you as far as time commitment is 15 minutes a day. You could do more, but I recommend at least 15 minutes a day to let the information sink in.
    The only thing required is a phone or laptop and the internet.
    If you donĀ’t have full access to the internet, donĀ’t let that stop you. IĀ’ve had people message me saying theyĀ’ve gone through my previous programs using free public WiFi.
    The lessons in the program include business advice IĀ’ve learned from a history of investing $50,000-$150,000 a month on training. Ever since my AHA moment, IĀ’ve invested in top-notch trainers from around the world.
    My goal with this program is to set the bar higher than ever.
    ThereĀ’s a lot of business training out there, but most of it dated or isnĀ’t from someone with real-world experience with starting and growing a business.
    When I did a poll on Twitter about the price for this, people said theyĀ’d pay $25,000 Ā– if they had that much.
    The second-place winner was $10,000.
    This means if I wanted to charge $10,000 for this, IĀ’d get sales.
    But looking back at what it was like for me starting out, $10,000 is asking too much for someone new. IĀ’m not doing this to be greedy; I really want to help people start a business.
    So instead of making my Entrepreneur Starter Kit $10,000, IĀ’m setting the amount today to less than a dollar per day!
    Bonuses For Quick-Action Takers
    10 Fast-Track Business Kits
    I understand you might struggle with coming up with a business idea.
    Or maybe youĀ’d like to start with a proven model.
    As my third and final special bonus, IĀ’m going to give you 10 business launch kits from self-made entrepreneurs making at least $100k a month.
    These 10 launch kits range from business models such as selling clothes online, building apps to sell, selling on Amazon, or how to start a consulting business.
    The 3 bonuses valued at thousands of dollars can be yours at no extra charge. All thatĀ’s required is an investment in my Entrepreneur Starter Kit thatĀ’s fully guaranteed for 60 days.
    You have nothing to lose with this offer IĀ’m making you today.
    Before I wrap this up, I have one last request.
    After you get your Entrepreneur Starter Kit and you start your business, IĀ’d be thrilled if you sent me your story about your success.
    Every day I get hundreds of messages from people IĀ’ve helped. ItĀ’s the highlight of my day to read these types of messages.
    If youĀ’ve made it this far in the page, I have a vested interest in you.
    While many people are busy glued to the TV, youĀ’re here.
    I donĀ’t mean this in a woo-woo way, but thereĀ’s a reason for this.
    I believe you were destined to be here and I believe in your ability to take control of your future.
    Let me help you out by showing you how to launch a business within the next 1-8 weeks, even if you have little money or experience Ā– guaranteed.

    Sales Page:

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    Let me download this course please. Thank you!

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    thanks boss

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    thanks plz inbox lynks

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    Thank you very much for this!

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Tai Lopez – Entrepreneurs Starter Kit

    thank you for sharing this

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    thanks for share

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    looking forward to study this
    thank you

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    link please.

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    Show me

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    thanks man


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