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      Thumbs up [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

      Follow A Proven Step By Step Process To Starting A Successful Online Store And Becoming Your Own Boss
      [CutTieXSmall] Chances are, you found this website because you’re tired. You’re tired of working at your day job. You’re tired of having to drag yourself out of bed every day to spend 8 hours at a place you don’t even like. You’re tired of having to answer to someone else.

      After all, it’s about time you called the shots and became your own boss. It’s about time you set your own schedule. It’s about time you took charge of your life. Bottom line, wouldn’t you rather be spending more time with your kids or your friends and family?
      Most people think that starting your own business is too risky. If you read the paper or watch the news on television, you’ve probably heard by now that 90% of small businesses fail during their first year of business. And if you pay attention to this statistic, you’re making a huge mistake.
      Why? It’s because most of the people who fail don’t know what they’re doing. Most people who fail jump right in without doing the research. Most people who fail have no clue how to market their business.
      Honestly, anyone can put up an online store website, but the difference between success and failure is your ability to drive targeted customers to your website and your ability to complete the sale.
      Dispelling The Myths About Business Ownership
      mythsIn the next few minutes, I’m going to let my existing students in the class do most of the talking.
      I know many of you are probably skeptical about your ability to start a successful online business.
      But as you read the student stories below, keep in mind that these students signed up for my class without knowing anything about website design and had absolutely no experience running a store whatsoever.
      Now they all run online businesses that they are proud to call their own!
      So please, try to forget everything that you’ve read in forums, what your family and friends have told you, and especially what the media has conditioned you to believe… If you are willing to put in the work, then you too can run a successful online business with the proper guidance and education.
      And bottom line, what most people really need is someone to hold their hand through the process and strong support from a community of like minded entrepreneurs. So if you’re ready, my students and I will now squash all of the myths about starting your own business.
      Module 1: Find a Profitable Niche Market
      Can’t figure out what to sell? We’ll teach you how to pick a profitable niche and evaluate the competition. By the end of module 1, you’ll be able to…
      Find a set of products that you want to sell
      Determine the size of your market
      Evaluate your niche for profitability
      Assess your competition and determine whether you even have a chance
      Learn about different types of online stores. Do you want to carry inventory? Do you want to dropship?
      And MUCH more…
      Module 2: Discover Where To Source Your Products
      Your profit margins are directly related to how cheaply you can source your goods. Therefore avoiding the fraudsters and finding legitimate places to source your products is crucial to the success of your online store. By the end of module 2, you’ll know
      How the entire retail chain really works
      How to buy wholesale from legitimate sources
      How to spot and avoid being taken to the cleaners by middlemen and “pretend” wholesalers.
      How to kick back and sell products while someone else does the order fulfillment for you
      How to buy wholesale from domestic vendors
      How to import your products from overseas
      How to have your own products built direct from Chinese factories at rock bottom prices
      How to deal with vendors when you are just starting out
      And MUCH more…
      Module 3: Set Up Your Online Store
      So what if you aren’t tech savvy? These days, there are many powerful and easy to use FREE eCommerce solutions available. Even if you are completely tech averse, if you’ve ever followed a long recipe, or built furniture from IKEA, you’ll be able to set up and run an online store. By the end of module 3, you’ll know…
      How to setup a fully functional shopping cart for FREE
      How to select the right shopping cart for your business
      How to find a good webhost
      How to make your online transactions secure on your website with SSL
      How to process credit cards online
      How to design a professional looking website without requiring an expert programmer.
      And MUCH more…
      Module 4: How To Sell On Amazon
      Amazon is the largest ecommerce marketplace in the United States and it’s important to leverage as many different selling channels as possible to maximize your profits. I will show you how to make immediate sales on Amazon while you create your own custom branded website at the same time. By the end of module 4, you’ll know…
      How to optimize your product listings on Amazon to maximize your exposure
      How to create a high converting Amazon listing
      How to attract reviews for your products
      How to use Amazon to validate your niche before you invest a lot of money on product.
      And MUCH more…
      Module 5: How To Create Sales Funnels
      The average conversion rate for an ecommerce store is 2% which means that you are losing out on 98% of your business if you don’t have a way to bring customers back to your shop. By the end of module 5, you’ll know…
      How to create effective sales funnels to make your customer buy
      How to consistently bring customers back to your product listings
      How to get existing customers to buy more
      How to make the most of your traffic
      And MUCH more…
      Module 6: Make Your Business Legal
      No one likes red tape. And I’ll be honest. Setting up a small business does involve quite a bit of paperwork. This module will remove the mystery and the misery of getting through the paperwork required to run your business legally. This module will also save you money on your taxes by teaching you how to deduct business expenses on your tax return. By the end you’ll know…
      How to decide on the right corporate structure for your business
      What a sole proprietorship is
      What the difference is between an S Corp and a C Corp
      What an LLC is
      Whether you need business insurance
      How to trademark your small business
      About all of the necessary small business requirements
      How to obtain a FEIN
      How to get a DBA
      How to obtain a sellers permit
      How to obtain a business license
      How to save on taxes with your business
      How to deduct your vehicle, your office and much more
      How to hire your first employee
      How to keep track of expense and do the accounting for your business
      Module 7: Market Your Online Store For Free
      Starting an online store is pointless if you can’t drive customers to your website and actually sell product. This module will focus on how to effectively market your online store for free or at a minimal cost. By the end, you’ll know…
      How to generate multiple streams of high quality traffic to your online store
      How to generate traffic using free marketing techniques
      How to market your store via word of mouth
      How to market your store to existing customers
      How to upsell and cross sell your products to maximize profits
      And MUCH more…
      Module 8: Email Marketing
      Email is responsible for generating over 20% of my revenues and it’s a great way consistently bring customers back to your store. By the end, you’ll know…
      How to implement 5 email autoresponders that will generate sales on autopilot
      How to write effective copy to close the sale
      How to build your email list
      How to use email to create a high converting sales funnel
      And MUCH more…
      Module 9: Google Adwords And Google Shopping
      Google ads are a great way to drive targeted traffic to your website. Because a search visitor is actively searching for products to buy, the conversion rate is incredibly high. By the end, you’ll know…
      How to launch profitable Google Shopping ads
      How to optimize your Google Adwords campaigns
      How to leverage retargeting to bring customers back to your site
      Undocumented strategies to boost your ad visibility and SEO
      And MUCH more…
      Module 10: Facebook Advertising
      By leveraging Facebook advertising, you can reach over a billion people. But it’s very easy to lose money if you don’t know what you are doing.. By the end of this module, you’ll know…
      How to launch a profitable Facebook advertising campaign
      How to leverage Facebook dynamic ads retargeting
      How to quickly optimize your campaigns to stop wasting money on non-converting ads
      How to develop sales funnels around your Facebook ads
      And MUCH more…
      Module 11: Optimize Your Store For The Search Engines
      One of the best and least expensive ways to obtain customers is through the search engines. But if you can’t crack the front page of search for your keywords, then it’s pointless. This module will teach you how to achieve the top position in search for your product lines. By the end you’ll know…
      How to optimize your website for the search engines
      How search engines work and how they rank websites
      How and where to obtain quality backlinks
      How to take advantage of free SEO resources
      How to boost your search rankings with a tried and true strategy
      How to take advantage of blog networks and guest posting
      And MUCH more
      Module 12: Price Your Products For Maximum Profit
      Pricing is one the most critical areas of running your online store. Done incorrectly, you could be throwing away tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential profit. Setting the right prices is all about human psychology. It’s about managing the perception of your business and your products in order to extract top dollar for your goods. By the end of this module, you’ll know…
      How to command premium prices for your products
      How to come up with your unique selling proposition
      How to demand top dollar for your goods
      How to find the optimal price to charge for your products
      How to test different pricing strategies
      How to know when your prices are too low
      Psychological mind games you can play with pricing that will increase your margins
      How to deal with competitors that undercut you in price
      And MUCH more…
      Module 13: Advanced Website Optimization
      Opening an online store isn’t just about throwing up a website with a listing of goods. There’s both an art and a science to getting your customers to buy and to provide them with an environment that facilitates buying. This module covers how to take your website from good to great using special profit maximizing techniques. By the end, you’ll know…
      The fundamentals of effective website design
      How to use calls to action to influence customers to buy
      How to create the right mood for your website so customers get their wallets out
      How to effectively use photos and the right fonts to draw attention to high margin products
      How to use Google Analytics in conjunction with Google Adwords to optimize the conversion rate for your store
      How to improve the search engine for your store so customers can quickly find what they are looking for
      How to use coupon codes the right way without driving customers away
      How to recover lost sales and boost your profits
      How to improve the customer experience by speeding up your website
      How to optimize the images on your website for maximum impact
      How to establish an effective picture flow for your store so you don’t waste time fumbling around with your product photos
      How to avoid common mistakes that online shop owners make
      The necessary pages to include on your store to reduce customer anxiety and close the sale
      How to automate backups in case of disaster
      How to deal with hackers who might break into your store
      And MUCH more…
      Module 14: Customer Service And Managing Your Online Reputation
      With social media and services like Twitter and Facebook, all it takes is one tweet, blog post or facebook entry and your store reputation could be permanently damaged. Managing the customer service for your store is more crucial than ever. Module 10 will teach you how to use word of mouth to your advantage. By the end, you’ll know…
      How to interpret what a customer wants within the first 30 seconds
      How to avoid inadvertently pissing off customers
      How to handle potential customer service disasters
      How to reduce the likelihood of returns
      How to reduce unnecessary support phone calls
      How to handle customer support with little or no staff
      How to deal with credit card chargebacks
      And MUCH more…
      PLUS: Bonus Lessons
      Learn how to mitigate risk when starting your online store
      Learn how to run a business while working a full time job
      Learn how to test the market before you launch your store
      Learn how to pick the right type of product to sell
      Have a checklist for everything you should include on your website

      Sales Page:



  • #2
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

    BlackHatX would you be able to clarify payment arrangement via paypal, thanks...

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

    An educated mind can entertain a thought without necessarily accepting it - JDW

  • #5
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

    May I have the Link, Please? Thank you

  • #6
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

    please send payment/link info.

  • #7
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

    interested paypal

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

    Can I get the payment link for this? Cheers

  • #9
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

    when will it get available for VIP members?

  • #10
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

    Can I get the payment link for this?

  • #11
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

    Sorry duplicate post
    Last edited by getShorty; 09-26-2017 at 07:06 AM.

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SPECIAL OFFER] Steve Chou’s – Create A Profitable Online Store Deluxe Package 2017

    payment link pls. Thanks!



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