Do specific types of social content have a bigger impact on SEO?
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Do specific types of social content have a bigger impact on SEO?
-> Do social media interactions affect search rankings? The short answer: Yes. But not how you think. Social media activity affects rankings in several ways. But the direct benefit is very limited and the indirect benefit is widely misunderstood.
The 2013 Moz Search Ranking Factors study shows that pages with Google+1, Facebook likes, tweets, and comments tend to rank higher.
The study shows a connection between social activity and higher rank. Pages with Google +1s, Facebook likes, and tweets tend to rank higher. But this is a correlation, not causation. It’s critical to understand that difference.Lots of things are correlated, but that does not imply that one causes the other.
Smoke doesn’t cause a fire. But catch a whiff and you’ll start looking around. Why does social activity correlate with search? Does sharing affect rankings? Does a Facebook or Twitter following affect rankings?
Directly? No. Here’s a quote from Google…
You have this many followers on twitter or this many likes on Facebook, to the best of my knowledge, we don’t currently have any signals like that in our web search ranking algorithms. – Matt Cutts