Snipe the Hype -- Learn to Cook -- High Demand Product Reseller Training
Want to learn a real side-business buying and selling the highest-demand products on earth?
Hype Sniper will teach you to cook, baby. Every week we cop high-demand shoes, clothing, cosmetics, even electronics that quickly sell out online and then fly off eBay at hugely inflated prices. We're the ones you see cleaning up with this stuff, because we know what to buy and when/how to buy it. Now you can get in on it, too -- and learn the entire business at a special WSO price.
How about a couple examples?
On a recent Supreme drop, we recommended the "pink trucker" (denim jacket) to our members while most resellers chased the usual shirts and hoodies. This was a $188 retail item. Some of us resold immediately on eBay for $375. Others gambled on the hold (something we discuss in our cookbook) and were richly rewarded. Here's what the sold listings looked like 2 weeks later:
Reebok Alien Stompers were not highly touted on Twitter, but our members were all over them after one of our experts recommended them. They were not a difficult cop for the $180 retail price on the drop. Here's what the aftermarket did:
As a Hype Sniper member you'll get these kinds of alerts and recommendations on what-when-where to cop the high-demand goods for resale every week. Our team of experts eats, sleeps, and breathes this stuff -- and they post about every worthwhile drop daily in our members area.
What exactly does Hype Sniper offer?
Glad you asked:
* Our 24,000+ Word Cookbook is a one-of-a-kind training manual teaching you every aspect of the sneaker / high-demand product reseller business including all the tricks no one else is revealing. Read a sample here
* Members Area Access where all the critical breaking news feeds are piped in all around you, complete with a drop date calendar, active forum, helpful staff, and member chat. This is our kitchen, baby!
How much?
The usual price is $79 plus $19 monthly membership dues. You can see our sales page here. But don't sign up there! We're offering a special Warrior's deal today, below.
Is this about using bots?
Oh, yeah. But not solely. Part of inventory acquisition is certainly keeping up with which bots, servers, and proxy providers are currently working -- and knowing how to set them up right. But we score just as many items manually, without bots, using the web browser tricks taught in our manual (especially when it comes to grabbing sudden restocks). A good reseller gets maybe half their inventory with bots.
What kind of bankroll do I need?

The more the better. This is a reseller business, so will require funds for purchasing product. Plus you'll need at least one good bot to start, which we'll show you how to use. The ideal beginning bankroll for inventory financing is $2,000 (we explain why in the cookbook sample linked above). A bot/server/proxy setup will run you maybe $300 but you don't need that right away. In fact, you can start copping manually using web browser tricks, so it is possible to get going with around $1,000 and work your way up.
Benefits of this business include:
- Completely home-based
- Part-time
- Heck of a lot of fun
- Product can often be sold prior to physically receiving it, replenishing your bankroll quickly
- No websites to build, domains to purchase, SEO work, or traffic sources needed
- I have a feeling you'll start looking pretty snazzy when you go out, too
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