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      Thumbs up Gary Halbert - The Gary Halbert Billion Dollar Copywriting Course

      "What Is The
      Most Important Element of
      A Direct Response Website?"

      • Is it the product?
      • Is it the offer?
      • or is it the guarantee?

      I maintain that it is ALL of the above because they are ALL essential components of great sales copy. In fact, the sales letter is the most important aspect of any direct response website and should be given top priority!

      However, sadly...

      This is not the case. In fact, the sales copy is generally done at the very end, under huge deadline pressures and given little of the focused attention it needs.

      My name is Jason Hart and I am a professional copywriter. I live, eat and breathe sales copy...

      In fact I first found myself in a selling situation when I was 7 years old. I had a rather large comic book collection that I had tired of. So, I decided that I would load them all into my Red Flyer wagon and cart them door to door. It was a much simpler time in the early 1960's and one could still safely go about the neighborhood like this, without fear (I would never recommend anyone do this today). As I came to the first door in the neighborhood, I became a little nervous, after all, I had never done this sort of thing before. But wait a minute...I have a good product, at a great price and I just need to tell folks about it...paint a picture of what it would be like to own one of these beauties.

      And so began a journey that has lasted 47 years...

      I have been in about every type of sales situation imaginable. I have sold food, cookware, cleaning supplies, new and used cars, cds, books, videos, insurance, securities, furniture, mattresses, computers, office products, Christmas trees, and much, much more.

      Heck, I even sold bean bag chairs one Christmas.

      About the only thing I haven't sold is weapons of mass destruction (WMD's).

      Remember up above when I said that I got a little nervous at the first door...that is the reason that most avoid writing that darn sales letter...

      One of the major reasons for the avoidance is fear! Many are afraid of the copy process. But, if you want to be a successful marketer you must have persuasive, profit pulling copy.

      If you have difficulty writing killer web copy, you will have a hard time making any money online. It's as simple as that.

      Now you could hire someone to write the copy for you but you would be at their mercy. What if the copy doesn’t pull or convert them, then you'll need to shell out even more; throwing good money after bad in the hope that you'll hit pay dirt.

      Think about it, do you really want to pay someone to write YOUR copy for you? I mean, who knows YOUR product better than you? Who knows YOUR ideal customer better than you? Who knows the conversation going on in their head better than YOU?

      And yet...

      Most marketers surveyed ranked copywriting on the low end of the totem pole. They failed to see its vital importance.

      Do you realize what an edge that gives you because you KNOW how important it is?

      So, what's the problem?

      Learning to write million dollar sales copy is a painstaking process requiring a dedication to the business of copywriting. The very best copywriters usually have the largest libraries. They are students of the business. having an insatiable desire to acquire as many of the rare old ads as they can (because all the classic skills and techniques are there)

      To be quite honest and upfront...copywriting takes WORK! You'll get out of it exactly what you put in, multiplied 100 times; if you know the "secret."

      "What is the Secret
      To Writing Million Dollar Copy?"

      There is NO SECRET! Copywriting follows a learnable, improvable, formula. It's a science that you can learn if you have the desire. The "Secret," if you can call it that, is to...

      "Just Model"

      That's right, model the successful sales and marketing letters of the past and present. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. All the hard work has been done for you in advance. You simply follow the map laid out in the template ads of the past. I have taken this formula for copywriting success and created a drop-dead simple system that capitalizes on one of the largest collection of newspaper, magazine, direct mail and online advertisements ever assembled.

      Here is what I discovered; by taking these ads as individual lessons and compiling them with contextual notes and laser focused assignments, you one have the greatest copywriting course ever released!

      This information is worth millions, in the right hands...and although I'm already receiving a ton of flack from the copywriting community, I quite frankly do not care. The information has been hoarded by them for far too long. They fear that you will become the next Great World-Class Copywriter; creating throngs of new competition for them and their families. This fear is TOTALLY unfounded.


      Because you will not implement these simple steps that will bring you wealth beyond measure. Yes, you heard me right. I said you won't do it. Even when I hand you the ultimate key to your financial future, you will not act upon it.

      Don't get me wrong, I truly understand the struggle. You might not take action because of BELIEF...

      You simply do not believe that something so simple could work so beautifully or that YOU have what it takes to make it happen.

      Then there is FEAR...

      You are afraid that it won't work and that your life will never change in any significant way; you consistently replay the same what-if scenarios over and over and over again.

      Bridge That Chasm Between Belief & Fear and Stand In The Gap

      Because, you are about to gain exclusive access to...

      "The Billion Dollar

      Copywriting System"

      Generally, most copywriting learning tools are merely a collection of swipe files with some rudimentary training thrown in and maybe some bonus materials that actually have little or nothing to do with the main training.

      If the sales copy is good, these packages are usually grabbed up, looked at once or twice and then...NEVER USED for the purpose for which they were intended.

      That is why the "Billion Dollar Copywriting System" was created...Totally re-engineered and designed from the ground up with you in mind. This new state-of-the-art copywriting system sets a brand new standard that has never been achieved by previous courses.

      The revolutionary design of this new copywriting system trumps all previous attempts to teach the profit pulling skills of copywriting. In the past it would have been released as one large PDF file. But because of the unique nature of this system it doesn't lend itself to a massive copywriting tomb.

      You say you want to learn the subtleties of the craft of witting million dollar sales letters. Well, a massive copywriting tomb is not going to get you there. You, need a step-by-step, monthly on going, hand holding system; where you are taught the science of copywriting by the most successful copywriters of all time, those who have crafted million dollar marketing packages for their clients and themselves.

      The "Billion Dollar Copywriting System" consists of the largest collection of direct mail, direct response, display ads, space ads, tear sheets, etc., etc., etc. ever complied. Each one is scientifically dissected and ripped apart. They are all analyzed based on proven copywriting techniques and tactics. Then once every single ounce of results oriented skill has been extracted out of the piece , it is presented to you in context so that you can easily follow along and learn the craft of writing money sucking copy with simple actionable steps.

      This ongoing project has been designed from the ground up to work the way you work...

      You can work the system as rapidly or as slowly as you would like...You are in complete control.

      New lessons are added all the time, however, you have the ability to pace yourself and work at a speed that enables you to drink in and absorb this vital information effectively. Each unit is a self contained lesson so you can start anywhere at anytime and know that you will be writing Top-Shelf copy in no-time.

      There is absolutely no skill that will pay you more handsomely.

      Picture yourself writing copy so compelling that people the world over, people who have never heard of you before are literally flooding you bank account with orders.

      No it’s not some pipe dream, this reality can soon become yours and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve ever written a single word of copy.

      It’s interesting that most people think you have to be clever and gifted with great creative talents to succeed as a copywriter. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the most successful copy is more assembled than written and once you know and understand the essential elements of copywriting you own the basic building blocks.

      But it doesn’t stop there, like any muscle it needs exercise and strengthening in order to become effective and that is where the “Billion Dollar Copywriting System” comes in.

      Ask any of the great copywriters and they will tell you that they learned their craft and honed their chops the old fashioned way ***Marked As Spam***– by trial and error. But they didn’t have this course, if they had it would have shaved years off that learning curve. The “Billion Dollar Copywriting System” will completely shortcut the process for you and teach you absolutely everything you need to be a copywriting force to be reckoned with.

      Here’s What You Can Expect To Learn From

      The Billion Dollar Copywriting System…

      A simple step-by-step, paint by the numbers approach to learning the science of copywriting…everything you need to become a successful copywriter will be handed to you from day one.

      Every month you will receive via email for you to download:

      • A Specially Selected AD, it might be a direct mail piece, a display ad or maybe a highly successful Internet promotion – I will then proceed to RIP IT APART GONZO STYLE providing you with detailed, laser focused, paragraph specific annotation. What worked, how it worked and why it worked!

      • It will arrive in both PDF and Word formats.
      • You will get a pristine unmarked ad in both PDF and Word formats as well as the annotated version in PDF.

      “Why so many documents?”

      Great question, first of all, PDF has become the industry standard for digital documentation and you will soon see the quality of these ads when they are presented in this format. Secondly, you’ll want to cut and paste sections to use as a template that you can work from. Word documents are great for this. Rarely do the great copywriters start from a blank slate and nether should you. Use proven copy techniques and then simply go back and rewrite each section so that it mirrors your product.

      That is how this ad was written and it is one of the most closely guarded copywriting “secrets,” opps, I just let that one out of the bag. ;-)

      But it doesn’t stop there…

      You will also receive the original ad in both PDF and JPG formats. The purpose being to provide you with the original format of the ads which is somewhat difficult to do with transcribed copy. This way you also have the original layout of the copy which can be equally as important as the actual words used to sell.

      Every lesson is loaded with the most closely held copywriting secrets of billion dollar writers, like Clayton Makepeace, Gary Halbert, John Carlton, Gene Schwartz, etc.

      The Billion Dollar Copywriting System will turn you into a serious and developed copywriting force to be reckoned with, I GUARANTEE IT.

      You’ll startwriting ads at lightning speed– often in just one sitting. “Will everyone be a run-a-way best seller?” Probably not, but you can expect dramatically increased response rates. What you are about to experience is the absolute best copywriting system ever created and the only one created that literally takes you by the hand and walks you through real world examples.

      This course has been scientifically designed for you to reap maximum benefit in minimal time, as you burn the minds of the great copywriters into your subconscious and their billion dollar writing skills become a part of you. You’ll see it in the nearly unconscious way you begin to write Top-Shelf “A” copy. The words will literally begin to flow out of you automatically.

      Needless to say, countless hours have been spent to produce the finest copywriting system on the planet and to deliver you an irresistible offer in fact one of the finest copywriting offers available today.

      All you do is simply download each lessons and go through them.
      I believe the best practice for each lesson would be to read the whole ad first before going into the breakdown of the ad. All the best!

      Last edited by mongo89; 04-27-2017 at 02:08 PM.

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    Where is the link?

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    [GET] The Gary Halbert Billion Dollar CopywritinI´ve been looking for this! Can you share the link, please?
    Thank youg Course

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