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      Arrow [SUPER HOT SHARE] Dean & Meagan Broadwater - Instagram University

      The Only A-Z Instagram Marketing Course on the Planet…
      If you’re doing any kind of advertising on Instagram right now… or would like to in the future… this may be the single most important letter you’ll ever read.

      Because in just a moment I’m going to show you…
      How To Create A Non-Stop Flow Of
      Laser-Targeted Traffic And
      High Quality Leads Using Instagram
      Hi we’re Dean & Meagan Broadwater, and since 2011 we have been teaching, training and coaching online entrepreneurs to become leaders in our industry.
      We’ve sold HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars worth of products online, and are helping our students & business partners do the exact same.
      We’ve invested Thousands of Dollars educating ourselves on “What’s Working Now”, because we know that the world of internet marketing is an ever-changing BEAST.
      The two of us have also traveled around the world to train with some of the most talented, brightest marketing minds who make MILLIONS of dollars per year..
      We’ve also invested a crap ton of our time, literally focusing the last 9 months of our lives on perfecting Instagram Marketing.
      And I (Dean) can tell you for a fact that most people have NO IDEA how to make a single cent on Instagram, let alone a 6 figure income like we do.
      And the reason is shockingly simple.
      You see…
      There are 3 things you absolutely must have to profit from your Instagram efforts.
      You must to know who to target, and how to target them.
      Your posts must capture their attention and speak directly to them.
      There must be a perfect congruence between your posts, your lead magnet (free offer), and your landing page.
      Miss just one of these, and you can kiss your profits good-bye. In fact… you’ll be losing money faster than a gambling addict in Vegas..
      This is an unfortunate reality for the vast majority of struggling online marketers, who are trying to climb their way to the top. Struggling to find “something that works”, and hoping and dreaming of the day they can finally say “I’ve frigging made it!”….
      BUT, it doesn’t have to be this way….
      It’s not your fault if you’ve struggled to this point, and what you’re about to learn will virtually turn your business around overnight.
      You see… When you have all 3 pieces of the puzzle in your Instagram marketing, you can literally print money on demand. Your Instagram account becomes your own personal vending machine..
      While most marketers are “scratching their heads” trying to figure out how to create a killer lead magnet… OR… how to turn the leads they are getting into profits… a few of us that are “in the know” are making hundreds of dollars per day by leveraging Instagram.
      Using a very simple, yet extremely powerful strategy. A strategy that we developed, tested, tweaked, and that flat out works.. Attracting laser-targeted visitors… turning them into qualified leads… and making a boatload of profits.
      You may be thinking “Dean, I’ve heard stuff like this before”. Maybe not about Instagram in-particular, because there are only a handful of us that know the first thing about monetizing it, but just in general.
      Yet I’m willing to bet, hardly anyone would openly share the private and sensitive information inside their own Instagram account, revealing their entire strategy.
      So, here’s the deal..
      I’m inviting you to join us, two of the best known, successful Instagram marketers on the planet, and look over our shoulder while we show you exactly what we do to earn our 6 figure income using Instagram.
      You’ll watch us log into our most profitable account… pull back the curtains and give you a behind the scenes walk-through… and show you step-by-step how we’ve literally transformed our business into a full time, 6 figure operation, just by posting pictures on Instagram…
      We’ve kept a large part of our strategy a secret until now, and once you see this exact process in action, you’ll be able to duplicate it, and start making money right now.
      Sound crazy right?
      Here’s just some of what you’re going to discover on this NEVER seen before training…
      Create Your Customer Avatar – Get laser focused on your ideal customer, and never waste your time marketing to anyone not interested in your business again…
      Grow Your Following on Warp Speed – Discover our proven, ninja strategy to growing a following of raving fans at 10X the speed everyone else is…
      Create Your Very Own Ultra Enticing Lead Magnet (Free Offer) – If you want to collect a TON of high quality leads that will buy your products, and join your opportunity, you HAVE to offer them something of value in return for their information. We will walk you through the entire process of how to do exactly that…
      Top Secret Advanced Strategies – Learn several strategies we are using on Instagram that NO-ONE else is using, let alone teaching.. This is how we rake in 50+ leads per day and we’re going to show you exactly how we do it..
      And a Whole Lot More…
      The Breakdown: What’s Inside The University
      Module 1: Get Started Right on Instagram
      Learn the basics of getting started right on Instagram. This is a SUPER crucial step that 99.9% of marketers get wrong. Everything else in this course is pointless if you don’t have your account setup properly!
      My secret strategy to link your Instagram account to your Facebook, and create a viral presence that can boost your traffic overnight.
      And so much more… Set yourself up for success on Instagram from day one!
      Module 2: Creating Your Customer Avatar
      Having a customer avatar is critical to your success when marketing on Instagram. An avatar is a fictional character that represents your ideal prospect.
      Learn how to define who your avatar is, which will help you understand the motivating beliefs, fears and secret desires that influence your customer’s buying decisions.
      I walk you through how to create your avatar, and even give you a handy tool to speed the process up BIG time!
      Module 3: Developing a Killer Content Strategy
      Learn my secret strategy to creating content that sucks people in and gets them begging you for more! Having the right content strategy is the MOST important thing you have to get right to ensure your success on Instagram.
      My ninja trick to create spacing on your post descriptions so your content is always “easy” on the eyes. Most people won’t take the time to read content that’s a jumbled mess!
      You only have one clickable link on Instagram.. Learn how to make the most of it! I walk you through the different types of call-to-actions, which are designed to get a TON of people clicking on your link!
      Find out how to utilize tracking links so you have complete control over your marketing efforts.
      WHEN and HOW often you should post on Instagram.. Imagine knowing when the optimal times are to post where you’ll get the most leads, sales, and signups?!
      Module 4: Everything You Need to Know About Hashtags
      The fastest and most effective way to use Hashtags to gain exposure, grow your following, and rake in leads and sales daily!
      Learn how to create a killer hashtag strategy where your posts are popping up right in front of your ideal customers!
      Find out how to use a top secret tool to find out what time of day your posts get the most engagement, so you know exactly when to post to make the biggest impact…
      Combining an effective content strategy with a winning hashtag game-plan and you’ll be unstoppable…
      Module 5: The Art of Growing a Massive, Loyal Following
      I show you where to find people that are ALREADY interested in what you have to offer, and exactly how to get on their radar with a few ninja tricks. (this is huge!)
      How to build deeper relationships with your prospects with direct messaging.. Most people get this tactic extremely wrong! I show you the do’s and don’ts and how to use this feature to skyrocket your know, like & trust factor…
      Imagine knowing where your ideal prospect is hanging right at this very moment… Are they at the gym? Are they at the hair salon? Wherever that ma be, what if I told you that you could communicate to them in real time, at the exact moment your product or service would benefit them the most? Learn my secret strategy that makes this possible, and it’s a real game changer!
      Learn a super sneaky tactic I use to create hyper targeted “look-a-like” audiences on Instagram…
      Module 6: How to get super productive in less time on Instagram
      I’ll show you how to schedule out your posts so you can sit down once, get all of your posts done, and watch them effortlessly appear on your page throughout the day! Combine this with what you learn in module 4 about finding the optimal times of day to post… Super powerful stuff!
      Ever get frustrated with the fact that you can only post to Instagram from your phone? Learn a new way to alleviate that pain and find out how you can now post to Instagram from your PC or Mac!!
      If you more than one Instagram account, you know what a pain it is to constantly log out of one and into another… What if I told you there is a better way? I show you a hidden gem of an app I use to manage more than one account with ease!
      Module 7: How make sales & get sign-ups using Instagram
      I walk you through my entire mindset on how to get daily sales and signups from Instagram!
      You have one clickable link on Instagram… I show you exactly what you should use in this coveted spot, and why 99% of people are doing this completely wrong.. This one mistake may be responsible for the fact that you have never made a single sale on Instagram in the past!
      How to post promotions without coming across “salesy” or “spammy”. In fact, this is so powerful that people won’t even know you’re trying to sell anything at all..
      Why you should be generating leads on Instagram (collecting peoples emails). I walk you through the process of generating leads (I personally generate 40-50 daily, sometimes over 100), and show you several tools I use to make the process seamless…
      Once you start generating leads, I’ll walk you through how to email your list, and what NOT to do.. This lesson alone will shave months off your learning curve!
      Why you should have your own blog, and how to drive an endless supply of traffic to your content…
      Plus, we’re throwing a BUNCH of killer FREE bonuses…
      4 LIVE Q&A Sessions With Meagan & Dean. Join us for 4 weeks as we get together and answer all of your burning questions.. This will skyrocket your results and ensure you’re doing everything properly.. ($997 Value)
      Bonus Module #1: How to Use Other Peoples Content Legally and Effectively.. ($97 Value)
      Bonus Module #2: How to Come Up With Unlimited Content Ideas For Posting On Instagram.. NEVER run out of content for the rest of your life!! ($97 Value)
      Bonus Module #3: Unlimited Money Making Opportunities on Instagram.. We uncover a ton of outside the box ideas on how to quickly make money using Instagram that no-one else is talking about.. ($97 Value)
      Bonus Module #4: Why You Need to Have a Separate Instagram Account For Selling Products & Recruiting Reps.. ($147 Value)
      Super BONUS: 10 Recorded Instagram Page Critiques. Watch as I pick these accounts apart and single out what they are doing right, what they are doing wrong, and you can apply everything I layout to your own account.. ($497 Value)
      Super Bonus #2: Advanced Strategies – An in depth look at Instagram ads, Building Custom Facebook audiences with Instagram, Re-targeting your Instagram traffic, Increasing your conversions, and a whole lot more! ($297 Value)
      Exclusive Access to our Member’s Only Instagram Training Site ($197 Value)
      Access to Our VIP Instagram Mastermind Facebook Group – This is where the magic happens. This is a private community for our students & business partners. This is where you get to ask us your biggest burning questions! ($147 Value)


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  • #2
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Dean & Meagan Broadwater - Instagram University

    you are amazing Blackhat X

  • #3
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Dean & Meagan Broadwater - Instagram University

    thank you very much !!

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Dean & Meagan Broadwater - Instagram University

    Thank you sir, Great share

  • #5
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Dean & Meagan Broadwater - Instagram University

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikesmoke20 View Post
    Thank you sir, Great share

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    Yes please

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    thank you very much !!

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    merci a toi



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