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    1. #1
      LifeTime VIP Member
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      Default 7 Figure Case Study

      Wanted to give not just take so sharing this.

      What I learned helping this client achieve $1,551,816.56 in sales in a month and $11,307,694.82 in sales in all of 2016.

      Several months ago, I created a similar post to this that listed out many of the keys to success that I've used over the last year plus to help this client succeed with their overall marketing needs. But for this post, I'd like to talk more about what I've learned FROM the client along the way. I will add some additional details about the campaigns we ran most often in 2016 at the bottom of this post as well and what we're working on for 2017.

      I hope you find value in these insights. Let's dive in, shall we?

      1) Remove distractions. This client previously ran a 7-figure/year business but they closed it down because it didn't scale and it completely took over their lives. There's no way that was an easy decision.

      2) Pick something and stick with it. They made a decision to enter a niche they had never been in before and committed to seeing it all the way through.

      3) Plan ahead. This client knew months in advance what products they wanted to offer and when they wanted to launch them.

      4) Know your limitations & outsource for those needs. One of the things that completely transformed this client's business was when they hired on two incredibly talented graphic designers. They repeated this process time & time again for their other needs and reaped the rewards of bringing on key talent accordingly.

      5) Build a brand. One of the reasons this client succeeds is because they had a vision for what they wanted their brand to be and what products they wanted to offer their customers. This allowed us to create cross-sells & upsells that made sense to the customer.

      6) Diversify your product line-up. While this is similar to some of the items mentioned above, I want place extra emphasis on the value a brand can have when they start offering more options for their customers. A good brand is like an umbrella that contains a great selection of related products under it. This diversity was the cornerstone for creating entirely new profit centers for this client.

      7) Play the long game. This client knew that many of the products they were going to launch would take time and significant resources before they would ever become profitable with them. Sometimes, grabbing market share can be more important than turning a profit right out the gate.

      Here are the campaigns we ran most frequently in 2016:

      -- Facebook Lead Ads To Existing Customers. These performed well for us as part of our overall retargeting efforts.

      -- Discounted Offers To Cold Traffic. In general, this client doesn't do a significant amount of discounting, but when they do, the people most likely to see a great discount are actually new prospects.

      -- Email Marketing. We spent a lot of time building a list for this client, sending offers to their leads, and doing drip email campaigns with blog content that we sourced entirely through guest blog posts hosted on the client's blog.

      -- Because this client was selling on Amazon, they deployed just about every conceivable strategy available on that platform in order to maximize their results. This would include optimizing their listings, running ads, doing promos, enabling new features, and more.

      What I'd like to see this client focus on in 2017:

      -- Video Ads. Without a doubt.

      -- Facebook Messenger Ads. Advertising opportunities like this are the future of marketing: instant gratification for prospects & customers.

      -- Building out new sales funnels that create entirely new profit centers.

      -- Building out online quizzes. We are finishing their first one now.

      -- Hosting more contests. I love running these for clients but beyond that, when done right, they can be an effective method of engaging customers & prospects alike.

      -- Crafting lead magnets that are high value, quickly consumed, and immediately lead the prospect into an offer.

      Bonus Tips:
      -- Find ways to get social proof in your Facebook Ads by running traffic to an already existing post instead of "duplicating" one in Ad Manager/Power Editor.

      -- A good way to get social proof on your ads is to promote the ad (or boost the post) to your existing fans first, and then circle back around and share that exact ad/post to a cold audience after your fans have already engaged with it.

      -- Did you know that you don't even need email addresses in order to create custom audiences? A great combo of fields to upload together that can yield high match rates are: First & Last Name, City, State, Zip, Country, and if you have it, Phone Number with Area Code. You don't need them all, but the more the merrier. Very useful info if you have mailing addresses but no email addresses.

      -- Not enough people are taking advantage of slideshows in their ad campaigns. They're eye-catching and very easy to make within Facebook, all you need is a series of images that you would like to use.

      -- I'm a big fan of Boosted Posts / Page Post Engagement Ads that use up more on-screen real estate (600x600 pixels). Between the size of the ad and how easy it is to get social proof on them, it's a great way to get your message out there.

      -- Find ways to edit your videos to 600x600 format so you can dominate your prospect's newsfeeds.


  • #2
    LifeTime VIP Member
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