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      Arrow [SUPER HOT SHARE] Lion Zeal – Agency Immersion

      How To Start, Scale, and Manage your own SEO Agency
      … Without Enslaving Yourself To Clients
      A 10-Module Training Program To Help You
      Start, Manage, and Scale Your Own SEO Agency
      Specifically, it’s the exact replays of the original $2,000 bootcamp, with newly revised and expanded training… and it’s all in a membership area that you’ll have lifetime access to.
      That means you’ll get instant access to all 10 modules:
      Module 1. The Foundation
      The first module is about laying the groundwork for your agency. Client acquisition and growth is important, but without a solid plan and foundation, you won’t get anywhere.
      Here you’ll learn:
      How to instantly make your agency stand out from every other apparent SEO expert so you aren’t competing with $150 per month SEO’s
      How to determine your most ideal clients, so your marketing is laser focused to stand out to great potential clients
      What services you should be selling (Hint: it’s not just a monthly retainer), so you can make the most money without scaring away clients with expensive retainers
      How to price your services so you’re not pricing yourself out of the market, or under-valuing yourself
      Module 2. Agency Setup
      In module 2, you’ll learn how to get your agency setup and ready to begin taking on clients. Including:
      How to setup your agency site so it doesn’t just “look pretty”, but actually converts your visitors into leads
      How to write the copy on your site so you don’t look like every other agency that needs to compete on price
      A simple approach to find your first paying client in the next 2-3 weeks, so you can immediately start generating cashflow to invest into growing your agency
      How to setup your company before getting clients, so you look more professional and don’t put off companies from working with you (extremely important for people targeting Europe)
      Module 3. Prospecting
      In module 3, you’ll learn how to find your ideal clients to reach out to and convert into clients. This deserves an entire training on it’s own and is the most underrated part of building an agency. Here you’ll learn:
      Where to find hot lists of your ideal prospects which gives you an unlimited supply of leads to advertise to so you can consistently complete outreach
      The biggest mistake most people make when building prospecting lists, understanding this will bring you better quality leads that are easier to sell high-end services to
      Which elements to look at in a business to qualify them as an ideal clients, doing this will save you hundreds of hours and potentials thousands of dollars of wasted advertising
      A list of recommended go-to sites that you can immediately go on and begin prospecting so there’s no need to guess, just go on the recommended sites and get started
      Hidden sources you can tap into that most people completely miss out, this takes extra research but gives you better quality leads, and guarantees you aren’t promoting to the exact same businesses as everyone else
      Module 4. Outreach
      In module 4, you’ll learn how to reach out to your ideal clients to get them interested in your services, and how to later follow up. Here you’ll learn:
      The single most effective “style” of marketing for selling SEO services, so you can turn cold leads into 4 figure per month clients, without being stuck competing over price
      How to create “video audits” that hook cold leads and turn them into hot ready-to-buy leads so you can get real responses from cold outreach without lowering your prices
      How to use the “fake video audit” method to half the number of videos you need to create (or less) so you can reach 3-5x more businesses with your daily outreach
      How to create automated webinars for selling SEO services so you can sell to more prospects with less work
      How to write cold emails that demand attention, hook prospects, and generate responses without breaking any laws or sounding like every other agency in the world
      The biggest misunderstanding about lumpy mail and how to do it properly so you can position yourself as an expert and turn the tables so clients actually want to hire you
      How to bypass gatekeepers on the phone for cold calling or follow up, so you can speak to the decision maker directly (and actually have a chance of closing the deal)
      The 2 different cold calling approaches for selling high-end services over the phone (1 of these is completely different to what most people do), so you can develop a skill to generate clients on demand, without having to do hundreds of calls just to figure out how to approach it
      The only 5 outreach methods you should use to attract your first clients, including exact templates and scripts to use, so you can shortcut your testing and copy/paste my proven processes
      How to follow up with your prospects 5-10x until they’re ready to buy, including templates and scripts, so you don’t miss easy client opportunities (since most clients will only sign after follow up)
      Module 5. Closing
      In module 5, you’ll learn how to convert your leads into paying clients, using just a phone. Here you’ll learn:
      A proven 5 step sales funnel to run your prospects through that works in every country or language, and has been used by students to close 6-7 figures worth of deals, so you have a simple process to follow without guess-work
      How to sell entirely over the phone so you can do it from anywhere in the world without ever having to meet prospects
      How to create a proposal that closes 70-80% of prospects, including my personal proposal template, so you can stop losing out on thousands of dollars worth of deals you could have easily closed
      What to say on the phone, including my copy and paste scripts so you can immediately start sounding like an expert and remove all the “umm’s” and “uhhs” from your calls
      What to say if they ask you for testimonials or example sites, and how you can avoid this question even coming up 90% of the time, so you don’t have to spend 6 months building example sites to get clients
      How to ask for the sale repeatedly and overcome objections without sounding like a used car salesman so you can confidently push for the sale without feeling weird and not freak out about what to say when they give any type of objection
      Module 6. Delivering Your Services
      In module 6, you’ll learn how to deliver the services you’ve sold to your client. Here you’ll learn:
      A week-by-week plan to rank any clients website so you have a simple, repeatable process for ranking clients that you can easily outsource without having to hire expensive experts
      How I build PBN links including a breakdown of safely using anchor texts in 2016 so you don’t get your clients penalised or sandboxed but get the best out of your PBNs
      How to create an SEO audit that you can sell for $1,000+ so you can attract more clients with an “entry level offer”, and even sell to people that can’t afford your monthly retainer and would prefer to do it themselves
      How to outsource your link building and PBN links if you don’t want to do it yourself, so you can focus 100% on client acquisition and management (which is very smart)
      I’ll be honest: This isn’t a full breakdown of how to rank. You’ll get an exact “blueprint” and process to use to rank clients, but if you don’t know how to do all the onpage and link building correctly, it may be too advanced for you.
      Don’t worry, you’ll also have the option to bundle in my Scientific Rankings course with this training, so you’ll also have a full step-by-step breakdown of how to rank for anything. To the right person though, this is extremely valuable.
      Module 7. Managing Clients
      In module 7, you’ll learn how to manage your clients without frustrating them so they leave, or frustrating yourself so you feel like you’re in a high-paying job. Here you’ll learn:
      How to make your clients like you so much they never want to leave (presuming you deliver results) so you’re not stuck trying to find new clients every 3-6 months
      How to turn 1 client into 3 – a simple strategy you can copy to get more clients without spending hours on outreach
      How to turn your SEO client into a pay per lead client, switch mediums, and multiply what they’re paying you so you’re not entirely relying on SEO and can make a lot more money per client (while making them significantly more too)
      What to upsell to your clients and how to deliver it so you can get more money from your clients (and provide more results) without getting entirely new clients
      How to bill and take payments from your clients even if you’re non-technical so you can easy setup recurring payments and take money from your clients without any questions or stress
      How to track your clients results and deliver automated monthly reports so you can save yourself the time fiddling around with all the tools or creating it manually
      How to communicate with clients and update them so you can keep them up to date, but aren’t wasting your time and feeling like you’re damaging your ability to deliver results and take on new clients
      How to make your clients happy to have little communication from you, so you can take on even more clients and have more time freedom
      Module 8. Expert Positioning
      In module 8, you’ll learn how to position yourself as an expert so clients start coming to you. This is an advanced module for once you’ve got a few clients from outreach. Here you’ll learn:
      How to start your own podcast so you have instant credibility and expert positioning with clients without ever showing an example site or ranking
      How to create awesome content that people love and share, while instantly recognising you as an expert, since you must be if you created that content
      The 3 types of blog posts that work best for building your email list, positioning you as an expert, and generating traffic so you can focus on creating less content while still getting the same reach and positioning
      Module 9. List Building
      In module 9, you’ll learn how to build a list of prospects that you can sell to through automated emails, and use to generate clients on demand. Here you’ll learn:
      A breakdown of the different types of tools you’ll need to build your own list, and the exact tools I personally use, so you can skip the research and get on with building a profitable list
      How to create a squeeze page (also known as an opt in page) that converts, including my highest converting template, so you don’t waste traffic you could have converted
      The 3 most important squeeze page elements you should test so you don’t waste time on pointless tests and will see measurable differences on split-tests
      How to use “autoresponders” to deliver automated emails to your list that build a relationship and convert them into hot, ready-to-buy leads so you can just focus on building your list and automatically warm up prospects
      The 8-part autoresponder series I recommend using specifically for selling SEO services so you can convert your leads into sales calls without spamming them with endless offers
      Why I send daily emails and how you can do the same in a way that people will love your emails, respond to them, and take you up on your offers
      How to use Facebook Ads to build a list of high potential clients so you can control your ability to bring in clients without waiting for them to come to you
      A simple 4-part funnel you can use to automatically turn Facebook Ad traffic into paying clients, so you can cover your advertising cost automatically within weeks of spending it
      How to use retargeting to get your leads and traffic closer to making a buying decision, this is great for automatically breaking down objections before you ever get on the phone, so closing the sale is even easier
      Module 10. Outsourcing
      In module 10, you’ll learn how to hire virtual assistants and outsource your work so you have more time for scaling and client acquisition. Here you’ll learn:
      Where to find the ideal type of VA for your business level (my personal sources) so you save yourself the time and hassle of choosing wrong
      A step by step process for hiring virtual assistants so you can hire fast fire fast, and get quality VA’s as soon as possible
      How to make your VA’s love working for you, even if the works boring, so your top VA’s don’t leave after 6 months
      How to train your VA to do anything, including my personal step-by-step PBN management training doc for training your VA how to setup and manage your private blog network, so you don’t have to spend 10+ hours recording videos and planning out how to systemise everything
      How to outsource web design without being giving a billion revisions so you don’t become the clients website slave and feel like killing yourself (you’ll know the feeling if you’ve ever had a bad client)

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  • #321
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    10x boss

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    thanks a lot you are helplfull

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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackHatX View Post

    How To Start, Scale, and Manage your own SEO Agency
    … Without Enslaving Yourself To Clients
    A 10-Module Training Program To Help You
    Start, Manage, and Scale Your Own SEO Agency
    Specifically, it’s the exact replays of the original $2,000 bootcamp, with newly revised and expanded training… and it’s all in a membership area that you’ll have lifetime access to.
    That means you’ll get instant access to all 10 modules:
    Module 1. The Foundation
    The first module is about laying the groundwork for your agency. Client acquisition and growth is important, but without a solid plan and foundation, you won’t get anywhere.
    Here you’ll learn:
    How to instantly make your agency stand out from every other apparent SEO expert so you aren’t competing with $150 per month SEO’s
    How to determine your most ideal clients, so your marketing is laser focused to stand out to great potential clients
    What services you should be selling (Hint: it’s not just a monthly retainer), so you can make the most money without scaring away clients with expensive retainers
    How to price your services so you’re not pricing yourself out of the market, or under-valuing yourself
    Module 2. Agency Setup
    In module 2, you’ll learn how to get your agency setup and ready to begin taking on clients. Including:
    How to setup your agency site so it doesn’t just “look pretty”, but actually converts your visitors into leads
    How to write the copy on your site so you don’t look like every other agency that needs to compete on price
    A simple approach to find your first paying client in the next 2-3 weeks, so you can immediately start generating cashflow to invest into growing your agency
    How to setup your company before getting clients, so you look more professional and don’t put off companies from working with you (extremely important for people targeting Europe)
    Module 3. Prospecting
    In module 3, you’ll learn how to find your ideal clients to reach out to and convert into clients. This deserves an entire training on it’s own and is the most underrated part of building an agency. Here you’ll learn:
    Where to find hot lists of your ideal prospects which gives you an unlimited supply of leads to advertise to so you can consistently complete outreach
    The biggest mistake most people make when building prospecting lists, understanding this will bring you better quality leads that are easier to sell high-end services to
    Which elements to look at in a business to qualify them as an ideal clients, doing this will save you hundreds of hours and potentials thousands of dollars of wasted advertising
    A list of recommended go-to sites that you can immediately go on and begin prospecting so there’s no need to guess, just go on the recommended sites and get started
    Hidden sources you can tap into that most people completely miss out, this takes extra research but gives you better quality leads, and guarantees you aren’t promoting to the exact same businesses as everyone else
    Module 4. Outreach
    In module 4, you’ll learn how to reach out to your ideal clients to get them interested in your services, and how to later follow up. Here you’ll learn:
    The single most effective “style” of marketing for selling SEO services, so you can turn cold leads into 4 figure per month clients, without being stuck competing over price
    How to create “video audits” that hook cold leads and turn them into hot ready-to-buy leads so you can get real responses from cold outreach without lowering your prices
    How to use the “fake video audit” method to half the number of videos you need to create (or less) so you can reach 3-5x more businesses with your daily outreach
    How to create automated webinars for selling SEO services so you can sell to more prospects with less work
    How to write cold emails that demand attention, hook prospects, and generate responses without breaking any laws or sounding like every other agency in the world
    The biggest misunderstanding about lumpy mail and how to do it properly so you can position yourself as an expert and turn the tables so clients actually want to hire you
    How to bypass gatekeepers on the phone for cold calling or follow up, so you can speak to the decision maker directly (and actually have a chance of closing the deal)
    The 2 different cold calling approaches for selling high-end services over the phone (1 of these is completely different to what most people do), so you can develop a skill to generate clients on demand, without having to do hundreds of calls just to figure out how to approach it
    The only 5 outreach methods you should use to attract your first clients, including exact templates and scripts to use, so you can shortcut your testing and copy/paste my proven processes
    How to follow up with your prospects 5-10x until they’re ready to buy, including templates and scripts, so you don’t miss easy client opportunities (since most clients will only sign after follow up)
    Module 5. Closing
    In module 5, you’ll learn how to convert your leads into paying clients, using just a phone. Here you’ll learn:
    A proven 5 step sales funnel to run your prospects through that works in every country or language, and has been used by students to close 6-7 figures worth of deals, so you have a simple process to follow without guess-work
    How to sell entirely over the phone so you can do it from anywhere in the world without ever having to meet prospects
    How to create a proposal that closes 70-80% of prospects, including my personal proposal template, so you can stop losing out on thousands of dollars worth of deals you could have easily closed
    What to say on the phone, including my copy and paste scripts so you can immediately start sounding like an expert and remove all the “umm’s” and “uhhs” from your calls
    What to say if they ask you for testimonials or example sites, and how you can avoid this question even coming up 90% of the time, so you don’t have to spend 6 months building example sites to get clients
    How to ask for the sale repeatedly and overcome objections without sounding like a used car salesman so you can confidently push for the sale without feeling weird and not freak out about what to say when they give any type of objection
    Module 6. Delivering Your Services
    In module 6, you’ll learn how to deliver the services you’ve sold to your client. Here you’ll learn:
    A week-by-week plan to rank any clients website so you have a simple, repeatable process for ranking clients that you can easily outsource without having to hire expensive experts
    How I build PBN links including a breakdown of safely using anchor texts in 2016 so you don’t get your clients penalised or sandboxed but get the best out of your PBNs
    How to create an SEO audit that you can sell for $1,000+ so you can attract more clients with an “entry level offer”, and even sell to people that can’t afford your monthly retainer and would prefer to do it themselves
    How to outsource your link building and PBN links if you don’t want to do it yourself, so you can focus 100% on client acquisition and management (which is very smart)
    I’ll be honest: This isn’t a full breakdown of how to rank. You’ll get an exact “blueprint” and process to use to rank clients, but if you don’t know how to do all the onpage and link building correctly, it may be too advanced for you.
    Don’t worry, you’ll also have the option to bundle in my Scientific Rankings course with this training, so you’ll also have a full step-by-step breakdown of how to rank for anything. To the right person though, this is extremely valuable.
    Module 7. Managing Clients
    In module 7, you’ll learn how to manage your clients without frustrating them so they leave, or frustrating yourself so you feel like you’re in a high-paying job. Here you’ll learn:
    How to make your clients like you so much they never want to leave (presuming you deliver results) so you’re not stuck trying to find new clients every 3-6 months
    How to turn 1 client into 3 – a simple strategy you can copy to get more clients without spending hours on outreach
    How to turn your SEO client into a pay per lead client, switch mediums, and multiply what they’re paying you so you’re not entirely relying on SEO and can make a lot more money per client (while making them significantly more too)
    What to upsell to your clients and how to deliver it so you can get more money from your clients (and provide more results) without getting entirely new clients
    How to bill and take payments from your clients even if you’re non-technical so you can easy setup recurring payments and take money from your clients without any questions or stress
    How to track your clients results and deliver automated monthly reports so you can save yourself the time fiddling around with all the tools or creating it manually
    How to communicate with clients and update them so you can keep them up to date, but aren’t wasting your time and feeling like you’re damaging your ability to deliver results and take on new clients
    How to make your clients happy to have little communication from you, so you can take on even more clients and have more time freedom
    Module 8. Expert Positioning
    In module 8, you’ll learn how to position yourself as an expert so clients start coming to you. This is an advanced module for once you’ve got a few clients from outreach. Here you’ll learn:
    How to start your own podcast so you have instant credibility and expert positioning with clients without ever showing an example site or ranking
    How to create awesome content that people love and share, while instantly recognising you as an expert, since you must be if you created that content
    The 3 types of blog posts that work best for building your email list, positioning you as an expert, and generating traffic so you can focus on creating less content while still getting the same reach and positioning
    Module 9. List Building
    In module 9, you’ll learn how to build a list of prospects that you can sell to through automated emails, and use to generate clients on demand. Here you’ll learn:
    A breakdown of the different types of tools you’ll need to build your own list, and the exact tools I personally use, so you can skip the research and get on with building a profitable list
    How to create a squeeze page (also known as an opt in page) that converts, including my highest converting template, so you don’t waste traffic you could have converted
    The 3 most important squeeze page elements you should test so you don’t waste time on pointless tests and will see measurable differences on split-tests
    How to use “autoresponders” to deliver automated emails to your list that build a relationship and convert them into hot, ready-to-buy leads so you can just focus on building your list and automatically warm up prospects
    The 8-part autoresponder series I recommend using specifically for selling SEO services so you can convert your leads into sales calls without spamming them with endless offers
    Why I send daily emails and how you can do the same in a way that people will love your emails, respond to them, and take you up on your offers
    How to use Facebook Ads to build a list of high potential clients so you can control your ability to bring in clients without waiting for them to come to you
    A simple 4-part funnel you can use to automatically turn Facebook Ad traffic into paying clients, so you can cover your advertising cost automatically within weeks of spending it
    How to use retargeting to get your leads and traffic closer to making a buying decision, this is great for automatically breaking down objections before you ever get on the phone, so closing the sale is even easier
    Module 10. Outsourcing
    In module 10, you’ll learn how to hire virtual assistants and outsource your work so you have more time for scaling and client acquisition. Here you’ll learn:
    Where to find the ideal type of VA for your business level (my personal sources) so you save yourself the time and hassle of choosing wrong
    A step by step process for hiring virtual assistants so you can hire fast fire fast, and get quality VA’s as soon as possible
    How to make your VA’s love working for you, even if the works boring, so your top VA’s don’t leave after 6 months
    How to train your VA to do anything, including my personal step-by-step PBN management training doc for training your VA how to setup and manage your private blog network, so you don’t have to spend 10+ hours recording videos and planning out how to systemise everything
    How to outsource web design without being giving a billion revisions so you don’t become the clients website slave and feel like killing yourself (you’ll know the feeling if you’ve ever had a bad client)

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    Thanks, can I get the link?

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    Can I have the link please

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    Please share the link for this course., thanks!

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    hey thank you

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    old but cool

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    Thank you.

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    Thank you !!

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    Thanks !!!

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    thank you
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackHatX View Post

    How To Start, Scale, and Manage your own SEO Agency
    … Without Enslaving Yourself To Clients
    A 10-Module Training Program To Help You
    Start, Manage, and Scale Your Own SEO Agency
    Specifically, it’s the exact replays of the original $2,000 bootcamp, with newly revised and expanded training… and it’s all in a membership area that you’ll have lifetime access to.
    That means you’ll get instant access to all 10 modules:
    Module 1. The Foundation
    The first module is about laying the groundwork for your agency. Client acquisition and growth is important, but without a solid plan and foundation, you won’t get anywhere.
    Here you’ll learn:
    How to instantly make your agency stand out from every other apparent SEO expert so you aren’t competing with $150 per month SEO’s
    How to determine your most ideal clients, so your marketing is laser focused to stand out to great potential clients
    What services you should be selling (Hint: it’s not just a monthly retainer), so you can make the most money without scaring away clients with expensive retainers
    How to price your services so you’re not pricing yourself out of the market, or under-valuing yourself
    Module 2. Agency Setup
    In module 2, you’ll learn how to get your agency setup and ready to begin taking on clients. Including:
    How to setup your agency site so it doesn’t just “look pretty”, but actually converts your visitors into leads
    How to write the copy on your site so you don’t look like every other agency that needs to compete on price
    A simple approach to find your first paying client in the next 2-3 weeks, so you can immediately start generating cashflow to invest into growing your agency
    How to setup your company before getting clients, so you look more professional and don’t put off companies from working with you (extremely important for people targeting Europe)
    Module 3. Prospecting
    In module 3, you’ll learn how to find your ideal clients to reach out to and convert into clients. This deserves an entire training on it’s own and is the most underrated part of building an agency. Here you’ll learn:
    Where to find hot lists of your ideal prospects which gives you an unlimited supply of leads to advertise to so you can consistently complete outreach
    The biggest mistake most people make when building prospecting lists, understanding this will bring you better quality leads that are easier to sell high-end services to
    Which elements to look at in a business to qualify them as an ideal clients, doing this will save you hundreds of hours and potentials thousands of dollars of wasted advertising
    A list of recommended go-to sites that you can immediately go on and begin prospecting so there’s no need to guess, just go on the recommended sites and get started
    Hidden sources you can tap into that most people completely miss out, this takes extra research but gives you better quality leads, and guarantees you aren’t promoting to the exact same businesses as everyone else
    Module 4. Outreach
    In module 4, you’ll learn how to reach out to your ideal clients to get them interested in your services, and how to later follow up. Here you’ll learn:
    The single most effective “style” of marketing for selling SEO services, so you can turn cold leads into 4 figure per month clients, without being stuck competing over price
    How to create “video audits” that hook cold leads and turn them into hot ready-to-buy leads so you can get real responses from cold outreach without lowering your prices
    How to use the “fake video audit” method to half the number of videos you need to create (or less) so you can reach 3-5x more businesses with your daily outreach
    How to create automated webinars for selling SEO services so you can sell to more prospects with less work
    How to write cold emails that demand attention, hook prospects, and generate responses without breaking any laws or sounding like every other agency in the world
    The biggest misunderstanding about lumpy mail and how to do it properly so you can position yourself as an expert and turn the tables so clients actually want to hire you
    How to bypass gatekeepers on the phone for cold calling or follow up, so you can speak to the decision maker directly (and actually have a chance of closing the deal)
    The 2 different cold calling approaches for selling high-end services over the phone (1 of these is completely different to what most people do), so you can develop a skill to generate clients on demand, without having to do hundreds of calls just to figure out how to approach it
    The only 5 outreach methods you should use to attract your first clients, including exact templates and scripts to use, so you can shortcut your testing and copy/paste my proven processes
    How to follow up with your prospects 5-10x until they’re ready to buy, including templates and scripts, so you don’t miss easy client opportunities (since most clients will only sign after follow up)
    Module 5. Closing
    In module 5, you’ll learn how to convert your leads into paying clients, using just a phone. Here you’ll learn:
    A proven 5 step sales funnel to run your prospects through that works in every country or language, and has been used by students to close 6-7 figures worth of deals, so you have a simple process to follow without guess-work
    How to sell entirely over the phone so you can do it from anywhere in the world without ever having to meet prospects
    How to create a proposal that closes 70-80% of prospects, including my personal proposal template, so you can stop losing out on thousands of dollars worth of deals you could have easily closed
    What to say on the phone, including my copy and paste scripts so you can immediately start sounding like an expert and remove all the “umm’s” and “uhhs” from your calls
    What to say if they ask you for testimonials or example sites, and how you can avoid this question even coming up 90% of the time, so you don’t have to spend 6 months building example sites to get clients
    How to ask for the sale repeatedly and overcome objections without sounding like a used car salesman so you can confidently push for the sale without feeling weird and not freak out about what to say when they give any type of objection
    Module 6. Delivering Your Services
    In module 6, you’ll learn how to deliver the services you’ve sold to your client. Here you’ll learn:
    A week-by-week plan to rank any clients website so you have a simple, repeatable process for ranking clients that you can easily outsource without having to hire expensive experts
    How I build PBN links including a breakdown of safely using anchor texts in 2016 so you don’t get your clients penalised or sandboxed but get the best out of your PBNs
    How to create an SEO audit that you can sell for $1,000+ so you can attract more clients with an “entry level offer”, and even sell to people that can’t afford your monthly retainer and would prefer to do it themselves
    How to outsource your link building and PBN links if you don’t want to do it yourself, so you can focus 100% on client acquisition and management (which is very smart)
    I’ll be honest: This isn’t a full breakdown of how to rank. You’ll get an exact “blueprint” and process to use to rank clients, but if you don’t know how to do all the onpage and link building correctly, it may be too advanced for you.
    Don’t worry, you’ll also have the option to bundle in my Scientific Rankings course with this training, so you’ll also have a full step-by-step breakdown of how to rank for anything. To the right person though, this is extremely valuable.
    Module 7. Managing Clients
    In module 7, you’ll learn how to manage your clients without frustrating them so they leave, or frustrating yourself so you feel like you’re in a high-paying job. Here you’ll learn:
    How to make your clients like you so much they never want to leave (presuming you deliver results) so you’re not stuck trying to find new clients every 3-6 months
    How to turn 1 client into 3 – a simple strategy you can copy to get more clients without spending hours on outreach
    How to turn your SEO client into a pay per lead client, switch mediums, and multiply what they’re paying you so you’re not entirely relying on SEO and can make a lot more money per client (while making them significantly more too)
    What to upsell to your clients and how to deliver it so you can get more money from your clients (and provide more results) without getting entirely new clients
    How to bill and take payments from your clients even if you’re non-technical so you can easy setup recurring payments and take money from your clients without any questions or stress
    How to track your clients results and deliver automated monthly reports so you can save yourself the time fiddling around with all the tools or creating it manually
    How to communicate with clients and update them so you can keep them up to date, but aren’t wasting your time and feeling like you’re damaging your ability to deliver results and take on new clients
    How to make your clients happy to have little communication from you, so you can take on even more clients and have more time freedom
    Module 8. Expert Positioning
    In module 8, you’ll learn how to position yourself as an expert so clients start coming to you. This is an advanced module for once you’ve got a few clients from outreach. Here you’ll learn:
    How to start your own podcast so you have instant credibility and expert positioning with clients without ever showing an example site or ranking
    How to create awesome content that people love and share, while instantly recognising you as an expert, since you must be if you created that content
    The 3 types of blog posts that work best for building your email list, positioning you as an expert, and generating traffic so you can focus on creating less content while still getting the same reach and positioning
    Module 9. List Building
    In module 9, you’ll learn how to build a list of prospects that you can sell to through automated emails, and use to generate clients on demand. Here you’ll learn:
    A breakdown of the different types of tools you’ll need to build your own list, and the exact tools I personally use, so you can skip the research and get on with building a profitable list
    How to create a squeeze page (also known as an opt in page) that converts, including my highest converting template, so you don’t waste traffic you could have converted
    The 3 most important squeeze page elements you should test so you don’t waste time on pointless tests and will see measurable differences on split-tests
    How to use “autoresponders” to deliver automated emails to your list that build a relationship and convert them into hot, ready-to-buy leads so you can just focus on building your list and automatically warm up prospects
    The 8-part autoresponder series I recommend using specifically for selling SEO services so you can convert your leads into sales calls without spamming them with endless offers
    Why I send daily emails and how you can do the same in a way that people will love your emails, respond to them, and take you up on your offers
    How to use Facebook Ads to build a list of high potential clients so you can control your ability to bring in clients without waiting for them to come to you
    A simple 4-part funnel you can use to automatically turn Facebook Ad traffic into paying clients, so you can cover your advertising cost automatically within weeks of spending it
    How to use retargeting to get your leads and traffic closer to making a buying decision, this is great for automatically breaking down objections before you ever get on the phone, so closing the sale is even easier
    Module 10. Outsourcing
    In module 10, you’ll learn how to hire virtual assistants and outsource your work so you have more time for scaling and client acquisition. Here you’ll learn:
    Where to find the ideal type of VA for your business level (my personal sources) so you save yourself the time and hassle of choosing wrong
    A step by step process for hiring virtual assistants so you can hire fast fire fast, and get quality VA’s as soon as possible
    How to make your VA’s love working for you, even if the works boring, so your top VA’s don’t leave after 6 months
    How to train your VA to do anything, including my personal step-by-step PBN management training doc for training your VA how to setup and manage your private blog network, so you don’t have to spend 10+ hours recording videos and planning out how to systemise everything
    How to outsource web design without being giving a billion revisions so you don’t become the clients website slave and feel like killing yourself (you’ll know the feeling if you’ve ever had a bad client)

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    Thanks a lot for this share bro. I appreciate it a lot.

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