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    1. #1
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      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      Arrow [SUPER HOT SHARE] Kat Loterzo – Rich Bitch Life

      Kat Loterzo - Rich Bitch Life
      The Rich Bitch Life is Here!
      Join the Movement Today, and Say Yes to Being the Star of the ****ing Show! For 1% within the 1% DRIVEN Rich Bitches who want the Business, the Money, the Body, the Purpose-Driven VIFP EVERYTHING, and are ready to Step Up and Claim It.
      The show is your life baby. Time to live it, when you join my Rich Bitch Life Movement today!

      Born to PERFORM and be seen, to be the star of the freaking SHOW, a show led COMPLETELY by you, where your wish is your command, you MAGNETISE your tribe, your art and voice is EXPLODED into the world and you watch yourself MAKE millions, IMPACT millions, and ENGAGE THE WHOLE WORLD .

      The Rich Bitch Life .

      This is NOT some one day fantasy about being shit hot rich, shit hot in SHAPE, living like a VIFP and having it all.

      It's also NOT just about unapologetically celebrating who we are, how we want to choose to live, what we STAND for and stand against.

      It's not even just about BEING a rich bitch, although that's certainly part of it

      The RICH BITCH LIFE is a place where you'll COMMIT, fully and perhaps for the first time ever, to finally going all the way ****ing in.

      The business.
      The money.
      The fame and success.
      The body you want.
      The relationship you want.
      The LIFE you want, and every part of living NOW by what you say you value and will one day make time for.

      One day never comes: get ready to live the ****ing fantasy now, with the Rich Bitch Life and Kat!!

      Here Is What I Want For You, and Why I Created the Rich Bitch Life
      I want to get you on path and in alignment with where you want your life. The outcomes you want and know you can HAVE, in your business, your body, your life, of course your money, in every AREA.

      We start with an initial 4-week jumpstart. A total life makeover, to get you NOW into BEING that Rich Bitch have it all diva QUEEN you know you were born to be. On purpose baby, of course, and with TOTAL alignment!

      We're going to work on all of it.
      At once.
      To reset and reBALANCE where you are now to where you WANT to be.


      We'll have weekly themes that cover ALL of those areas at once, and the action will be plentiful, but what this 4 weeks is really about?

      Total immersion baby.


      With a ****load of fun, the COOLEST cool club of all to hang out in, and me by your side every step of the way.

      And then:

      After our initial 4 weeks, what this is about; the big picture?

      I'm creating a new community, no **** that a MOVEMENT.

      This is a total and everlasting commitment to changing your LIFE.

      We'll have monthly focus themes, live trainings, time with me, a ton of bonus content and CLIFF JUMPING ACTIONS. Day to day conversation, the REPEATED tearing down of what's not working and the building up NOW of what you want to HAVE working,

      who you want to BE, and what you choose to live for.

      Our themes?
      Whatever you need gorgeous.

      Anything you need to know, get your butt kicked with, learn or uncover or understand. I'm here to HOLD YOUR ****ING HAND (and then push you off that ledge) every damn day once you're in THIS movement.

      We'll be covering everything you need to know on the Rich Bitch ATTITUDE .
      Being a DAILY hustler and sales machine .
      Getting in SHIT hot shape (yep the nutrition, the training, the fasting, the supplementation, the works) .
      The MINDSET of hot -
      The mindset of RICH, of course -
      The ins and outs of getting shit DONE like a Rich Bitch and also clicking your fingers to have others do it for you -
      How to find the right support .
      Get 'em doing EXACTLY what you need.
      Attract ONLY your perfect #soulmateclients .
      Be UNAPOLOGETIC about being you .
      Have INSANE amounts of energy and motivation .
      BE the diva queen you want to be in every area of your life .
      LIVE and TRAVEL and LOVE and EXIST like a first class VI****ingP Rich Bitch for life!
      Just to get started

      Tune in to you as we work together
      SEE what you need
      KNOW where to push you
      NOTICE when you're hiding out, or sabotaging, or not playing ALL in
      Kick your butt daily as a group and as a person into aligned ****ing ACTION baby
      Create the coolest freaking online MOVEMENT you've never even dreamed of but ALWAYS knew you had to be part of, and hold the vibe in there so damn high there IS no ****ing ceiling!
      Today is the Day to Join!
      The Rich Bitch Life begins with our GET YOUR HEAD IN THE ****ING GAME pre-work.

      We'll be diving into 4 weeks of BRUTAL full life transformation. No BS. No excuses. NOT for the faint-hearted. To transform your body, your business, your money, your mindset, your LIFE.

      And you even get the rest of the year in The Rich Bitch Life for FREE when you join today.

      It's time to be honest about what you want.
      Where you're at.
      And whether you want MORE, and if you do, then admit:

      It's NOT good enough. And you're gonna push harder, have it ALL, and live like you actually give a ****.

      Join us above, your place is waiting!

      The 4-week intensive is the jumping off point because from there? You're mine baby.

      The Rich Bitch Life is an annually renewing SOCIETY of women (and men!) who are UNAPOLOGETICALLY ALL IN on living their purpose, making and IMPACTING millions and also being a VI****ingP in all areas.

      Each month we will focus on a particular aspect of BEING a Rich Bitch and seeing the RESULTS of that in the above areas. Live trainings, coaching, forum support, monthly extras and surprises, and more.

      Think of this like the ULTIMATE ****ING COOL CLUB, THE place where you are elevated and held ACCOUNTABLE to the level at which you choose to live, create, succeed.

      We will also be creating an EXTREME VIFP reality for you, from the get go, in all areas!

      The truth is that the concept of the Rich Bitch Life has been creeping up on me for some time now.

      My core message has ALWAYS been to press play but behind that has always been this DESIRE to be a VIP, have the nice things in life, want to be in shit hot HOT shape physically and basically just be and do and have whatever I set my mind to!

      It's no secret I'm ambition obsessed, as are my CLIENTS, and that seeps through every area of life. I don't know about you, but the way I see it is why the **** SHOULD I back down on my goals for money, for my body, for how I want my business to be, for the kind of clients I want to work with, for the people I want on my team, for how I'm going to travel, for how I'm going to feel and operate as a Mum .. for everything!

      I want what I want when I want it and how I want it!

      Growing up I think I pushed a lot of this down, and even as an adult - I mean who the **** walks around demanding SO MUCH from life?! Divas, that's who! Or people who don't have their priorities straight, right? People who aren't being REALISTIC.


      **** that.

      **** that!

      **** that shit right ****ing NOW, because I now CHOOSE to believe - and live and prove and also share with YOU the new reality which is that being a Rich Bitch and having it ALL doesn't make you a BAD person, or a SHALLOW person, or somebody who is value-less . it actually makes you somebody who is standing up for what they believe in.

      Being TRUE to yourself.

      And realising also that if you in any way say to yourself that wanting that stuff or wanting to live a first-class lifestyle is WRONG or that you should 'do first things first', you're basically promoting a SCARCITY mindset that says you can't have it all.

      And I for one just won't put up with that mindset!

      Not in me, not for some time now. And also not in YOU.

      I want to change the freaking GAME on what it truly means to be a successful, purpose-driven and in ALIGNMENT woman and show you that being seriously WEALTHY, HOT, and living in 5-star LUXURY - or whatever your heart desires - is a GOOD thing, an ALLOWED thing and even an ESSENTIAL thing if you're to truly be on purpose and pressing play on the life you were born for!

      The reality is you just don't get GIVEN dreams you're not SUPPOSED to dream.

      And you don't have to choose. It's NOT about deciding which part of your life is going to work and having that be at the cost of something else. It's about recognising that if something matters to you or even if it's fun or COOL to you then that alone is enough and is reason to AVIDLY pursue it.

      Every day. ALL the damn day.

      With The Rich Bitch Life I'm here to CALL THE **** OUT the stars who are the 1%v within the 1% who ALIGN with all of this and who are ready to LIVE it.

      Sales Page:


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  • #2
    LifeTime VIP Member

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Kat Loterzo – Rich Bitch Life

    another mirror please???

  • #3
    LifeTime VIP Member

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Kat Loterzo – Rich Bitch Life

    would love a mega link

  • #4
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Kat Loterzo – Rich Bitch Life

    what's the password for archive?

  • #5
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Kat Loterzo – Rich Bitch Life

    Superb. Just to make mind-set wider

  • #6
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Kat Loterzo – Rich Bitch Life

    Quote Originally Posted by Darshan View Post
    what's the password for archive?

    worked for me

  • #7
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