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    1. #1
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      Arrow Pre-Selling For Online Course Entrepreneurs

      Pre-Selling For Online Course Entrepreneurs
      Course Description
      You can get paid BEFORE you go and do all the hard work it takes to create good and useful information products.

      Not only will you be making serious $$$ in advance, you will also be proving your concept at the same time. This proof will give you confidence and you'll know beyond any doubt that you're putting your time and effort into a project that is sure to net you a solid ROI (return on investment).

      All you need is an idea.

      Luckily, those are a dime-a-dozen and people are quite literally giving them away for free (if you know where to look). Every endeavor has its pain points-- from online marketing to online dating to offline anything else (insert goal, interest or hobby here). People that encounter these obstacles use the internet to discuss their issues and find solutions.

      It would seem you are already on the internet. So you have completed Step 1.

      However, once you're in the water, you really ought to get some help with your scuba gear before you go exploring around. My handy course here is intended to get you buckled-in and guided toward the hotspots. I'll show you exactly where the idea-gold can be found. The folks on shore will practically beg you for the goods once you return.

      That is, once we shine up that idea and position it in just the right way in the virtual showroom.

      But enough of that analogy. You are here to learn the most effective way to pre-sell your information product ideas. What you really want (even though you might not know it yet) is to harness the marketing power that titans of commerce have been using for centuries. You experience it practically every day.

      The greatest marketers turn their ideas into events. They build anticipation for the event and pre-sell long before it takes place.

      Consider the Superbowl for a moment. Before it takes place, it's just an idea. It's the promise of an event. There is a timeline leading up to the event. There are pre-event events that all contribute to the massive anticipation (ie regular season games, ongoing coverage, announcements, rivalries, predictions, bets, interviews, etc..) all of these smaller build-up events create the anticipation that goes into the event that everyone is waiting for... the crescendo... the big game.

      And those (outrageously priced) tickets are purchased well in advance. All for what is essentially an idea that has not yet come to pass.

      By the end of this course, you'll be able to create your own mini-Superbowl-- a Superbowl of awesome information that your audience can hardly wait for. And who knows, you may even start an internet riot over folks who can't wait to give you money to save their spot in line to get their hands on your information product.

      Whatever you do, don't be the old me.

      The old me would dream up some 'big idea' that I was convinced (for no good reason) people would want. Apparently that was the only proof I needed. So there I was going from brain fart to spending months and (at first) years to build a website and then create my product that I would launch to an irrelevant list who had no reason to trust anything I said. I was lucky if a few bucks trickled in.

      The new me would never treat my time with such recklessness.

      My new recipe is to never start building products (let alone websites) unless there is an audience that is willing to pay in advance for that idea. Now I get lots of bucks to create my product that I know will work. Then I get lots more bucks when it's launched.

      Hooray! Welcome to a much better life...

      What are the requirements?
      For this course you will need a basic understanding of marketing information products online.
      The basics of information product launching and sales.
      What am I going to get from this course?
      Pre-Sell information products
      Get paid to create information products
      Transform information product ideas into events that people pay for in advance
      The exact steps and sequences required to execute a successful pre-sell campaign
      What is the target audience?
      People interested in selling information products online.


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