Affiliate Blog Empire by Ryan Magin is an internet marketing product that is all about creating a network of blogs that all sell affiliate products.
The basis of this concept is that if you have enough blogs ranked highly for specific keywords in the search engines, they will all generate traffic and ultimately can be used to sell affiliate products.Ive been a student of Ryans for the past 9 months and absolutely love his teaching style. Its a no-bullshit approach.
When I first learned about these, Ryan showed me step by step by step exactly how he finds specific keywords that are profitable, how to create the highest converting blog, which plug-ins you need and dont need, a good time frame to release articles, how to properly backlink your posts and how to optimize my sites. He literally took me by the hand and showed me exactly what to do and even showed samples of blogs that hes created that are making him money.
He gave me early access to his newest course, Affiliate Blog Empire, and I went through the course and have been creating more of these niche blogs over the past month. (Ive created 7 new ones so far in November)
Although Ryan gave me a review copy, I still went through the course as if Id paid the $197 for it and critiqued it as if I had. This new course was even more detailed and provided me with even more ideas and plans (which is why Ive created 7 new blogs this month).
If you want to check out some of the Affiliate Blogs that Ive created using the information that I learned from Ryan, and sites that continue to make me sales each month, check out a few of my affiliate blogs below.
Sales Page: http://www.horizzone.com/product/ryan-magin-affiliate-blog-empire
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