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      Arrow [SUPER HOT SHARE] Brian Carruthers – Locker Room Training

      Dear Network Marketing Friend,
      If you’ve been struggling to recruit people into your network marketing business and it seems like you’re getting nowhere…
      If you’re getting burned out on calling leads that have no interest in your business… then you’re on the right page…
      If you feel like you’re wasting your money and time on “trying” to build your network marketing business…then keep reading.
      What I’m about to share with you is something that will DRAMATICALLY BOOST your network marketing career.
      I can say this with total confidence because I’ve personally used what I’m about to share with you to RECRUIT OVER 1,450 people into my network marketing business over the last decade and BUILD AN EMPIRE!
      And, I still use this system to this very day to consistently drive fresh new prospects into my business and transform them into leaders to grow my empire.You’re about to be able to do the same in your network marketing business.

      Introducing The Brand New “LOCKER ROOM TRAINING”SYSTEM!

      In order for you to become a master at network marketing and recruiting more people into your business, there are certain skill sets that you want to develop and get really good at.
      I’ve broken these down into easy to consume modules. You can now take in the information on a specific skill set and start to apply it right away. Just imagine immediate results after listening to and applying Module #1… and then again with each new module.
      Picture what your business is going to look like once you’ve started using this PROVEN SYSTEM for Network Marketing Success.
      Let me walk you through these 5 modules. You’re going to love it!
      It all starts with this first module…

      MODULE #1: The Foundation for Success!
      In this first module we’ll lay the foundation for what it takes to get started in this business the right way. You’ll discover:

      • Why this business is unlike any other business on the planet and how you can really achieve complete financial freedom from it — regardless of your background.
      • How to create your five-year retirement plan so that five years from today your life is completely different and you never have to worry about money again.
      • The cultivation process and how you can use this to dramatically grow your network marketing business by leaps and bounds each month without any extra work on your part.
      • The Fight Club Mindset — How to use leverage to completely transform your life and business for the better, while having the people close to you be in amazement at your growth.
      • The ONE KEY Factor that will determine your success inside or outside of network marketing. Without doing this one thing and getting crystal clear about it, your chances of success are little to none.
      • Learn to say this ONE WORD to yourself and you’ll become unstoppable in your network marketing business. Your business will accelerate faster than you ever thought possible.
      • The ONE THREE-LETTER WORD in your vocabulary that’s PREVENTING you from MASSIVE SUCCESS in all areas of your life. STOP using this word and your life will INSTANTLY change for the better and you’ll see your business start taking off like a rocket!
      • The SUCCESS CYCLE and how to make it work for you (STARTING TODAY) so that you can create total freedom in your life and live it on your terms.
      • The Compound Effect — Use this formula to dramatically scale your network marketing business faster (and more consistently) than anything you’ve ever done before.
      • The FOUR-STEP FORMULA for creating duplication in your network marketing business so that your team starts growing FAST without you having to manage or babysit them.
      • The GOALS Process — How to systematically create your goals so that you hit them every single time with complete and utter confidence in your ability to make things happenin your life.
      • The GOAL CRUSHER and how to RIP IT OUT OF YOUR LIFE so that it NEVER stops you again from achieving your goals and dreams for yourself and your family.
      • The simple truth about this great industry of network marketing and how you might be SHOCKED at just how close you are to succeeding in it.
      • The definition of RECRUITING and how most network marketers get this all wrong and wonder why they continue to struggle in their business. Once you know this you’ll never look at recruiting the same again — I promise you.
      • The most common mistake I see from new people entering this business and how you can avoid it altogether, while at the same time SAVING YOURSELF a great deal of time and frustration.
      • Why SELLING in this business will completely keep you SMALL and BROKE.
      • What people are REALLY BUYING and how to give it to them without it costing you one penny. Once you start using this strategy in your network marketing business, you won’t be able to stop the amount of fresh new prospects joining your team.
      • How to become so confident in your network marketing business that you’re able to attract high quality people to your team easily and effortlessly.

      MODULE #2: Becoming A Recruiting PRO!
      In this second module, we’ll look at becoming a RECRUITING PRO. We’ll cover things like:

      • ONE of the KEY factors that allowed me to personally recruit over 1,450 people into my network marketing business and how implementing this into your process will INSTANTLY BOOST your conversion rate overnight.
      • You’ll learn my SIMPLE little process for dynamically tailoring the conversation with the prospect to peak their interest in your business. This method will completely increase your YES RATE at them taking a serious look at what you’re doing.
      • How to enter the conversation with your prospect so that they’re always leaning in a little closer when you’re talking with them. Using this technique will constantly bring excitement and enthusiasm to your conversations.
      • The SIX-STEP SYSTEM for becoming a master prospector and generating a constant stream of new people coming into your network marketing business who are excited and ready to go to work.
      • How to create the perfect marriage between high tech and high touch using the latest marketing tools and personal communication with your prospect so you recruit more people into your business in less time.
      • The insider secret of how AOL came out of nowhere and completely dominated their marketplace at the time to become one of the fastest growing companies. I use this same model to this day to consistently recruit a minimum of ten people a month into my business. I’ll explain exactly how YOU CAN TOO.
      • How to create the RECRUITING MINDSET so you’re constantly talking to fresh new people about your opportunity WITHOUT any fear, stress, or anxiety.
      • The LITTE SECRET no one talks about in this industry, but is the KEY to creating a SOLID and CONSISTENT residual income in your network marketing business.
      • The TWO-A-DAY rule and how to create a consistent cash-flow coming in day after day, like clockwork, while at the same time WORKING SMARTER than 90% of most network marketers.
      • How to EFFECTIVELY use tools and events in your business to drive growth and lower dropout rates so you can hit the TOP RANK in your company pay plan — FAST!
      • How to PRE-FRAME your prospect so you get MORE YESES and sign ups — FASTER.
      • The 30-day story strategy and how you can completely CREATE A NEW YOU in this business within the next 30 days, regardless of how long you’ve been with your company.
      • The SHORTCUT to generating a solid SIX-FIGURE income in your network marketing business, even if you’re brand new and don’t have your own story yet.
      • The MAIN FACTOR to crafting your story so that it grabs your prospects’ attention and has them glued to your every word. Using this ONE strategy when crafting your story will send your recruiting sign ups through the roof.
      • The TWO WORDS you always want your prospects to say when listening to you tell your story. Once they say these two little words to themselves, they’re READY to join your business.
      • Your business lives and dies with prospects and I’ll show you how to consistently KEEP YOUR FUNNEL FULL so that you never run out of people to talk to about your business.
      • The 4 WORDS to use when a prospect says NO, that could end up making you a SMALL FORTUNE.
      • How to CORRECTLY use SOCIAL MEDIA in your network marketing business to recruit more people WITHOUT being pushy or coming off like a bad sales person.
      • How to mine the contacts of everyone you meet so that you never end up with a blank calendar and no appointments. Using this ONE STRATEGY alone will create ENDLESS REFERRALS for your network marketing business.
      • How to QUICKLY and EASILY work cold market leads and have more people looking at your business then the average network marketer. Using this “GAP” method puts you head and shoulders above your competition.
      • The ONE THING you must do right after you talk with your prospect for the first time. Not doing this step is WHY you’re not signing people up into your network marketing business.
      • The EXACT PHRASE to say to your prospect when you’re calling them back when you first get on the phone. Using this one phrase will put you in complete control of the call while at the same time allowing your prospect to feel comfortable with you and open up.
      • The REJECTION FREE method to opening your prospect’s mind first before showing them your business. Using this method allows you to find out if they’re open to looking at something without them rejecting you.
      • The #1 RULE when prospecting that will cause you to NOT go on the emotional roller coaster so that you’re never nervous about picking up the phone again.
      • The THREE THINGS you must be in order to become a RECRUITING PRO. I’ll reveal exactly what they are and how you can model them for unlimited success in your network marketing business.
      • The ONE SUREFIRE WAY to get your prospect to gladly give you their phone numberand be looking forward to your next call together.

      MODULE #3: Exposing Your Business
      In this third module, I want to share with you how to EXPOSE YOUR BUSINESS like a pro. This is where we start to dive deep into attracting high quality people. You’ll learn:

      • How to get your prospect’s attention FAST and have them see you as an authority so that you’re always the one controlling the call. Doing this ONE THING will dramatically BOOST your YES factor when asking your prospect to take action.
      • Exposing your business and having people take action does not happen by chance. You’ll learn how to engineer each exposure so that your prospects are literally chasing you to get into your business.
      • What to do when your prospect is not taking you seriously and how to turn it around so they start moving forward in your funnel.
      • Hunting vs. fishing and how NOT KNOWING the difference is costing you a fortune in your network marketing business in new sign ups.
      • The #1 THING you must remember when exposing your business to new people. This is where most network marketing professionals drop the ball and wonder why they’re not signing up people every day.
      • How to craft your 30-second story so you can DOUBLE the amount of exposures and have more people truly interested in looking at your network marketing opportunity.
      • The ONE THING you must do if you’re currently STRUGGLING to build your businessand you’ve had NO SUCCESS YET. Doing this ONE THING will allow you to have the confidence to expose your business to more people, faster than ever before.
      • How to CONNECT with people quickly when exposing your business so they’ll listen to every word you’re saying. Knowing this one little trick is the foundation to getting more YESES.
      • The THREE-STEP FORMULA for instantly connecting with your prospect and taking the conversation deeper so that you stand out from everyone else in their mind.
      • The #1 QUESTION to ask people when talking about their job and how to ask it so that it OPENS the conversation without offending them.
      • The FASTEST WAY to RECRUIT multiple people in a single day. This is the exact strategy I used (and still do) to recruit 13 people in one day.
      • What to do when they say NO and how using this method can create a fortune for you (and them). Everything changes in life and just because someone says no today, doesn’t mean no for good. I’ll share with you my 13-year prospecting story — you’ll love this.
      • How to act when talking with your prospect and making exposures. This is not… “fake it till you make it” nonsense. This is THE KEY to people taking you seriously and looking at you in a positive light.
      • The #1 THING you must do when closing your prospect to action. Without using this strategy, you’ll always be struggling to bring people into your network marketing business.
      • Why you MUST use Three-Way calls every time regardless of how long you’ve been doing the business. I’ll show you how to use them the RIGHT WAY and skyrocket your signup rates.
      • The Three-Way call triangle of trust and how you and your team can start using it today to BOOST sign up rates and build your empire FAST.
      • The ONE THING you must do FIRST when bringing on a new person into your business. You only get one shot at this and it will make or break your new person’s chances of success with you and your team.
      • The TWO THINGS you must do when exposing your business or products for the first time. Do this right and watch the signups and product sales start flooding in quickly.
      • Why YOU HAVE THE POWER and how to act like it so that your prospects are chasing you down to get access into your network marketing business.
      • Working On Your Business vs. Working In Your Business. What the difference is and why most network marketers get this wrong and have little to no success in this industry.
      • The ONE SUCCESS KEY that the TOP LEADERS don’t want you to know about. I’ll share this WITH YOU so you can start “rising up” through the ranks in your company.
      • SORTING vs. CONVINCING and how knowing the difference will allow you to start attracting people who are serious about YOUR business. Now you’ll have a team of real players and this is where it starts to get FUN.
      • How to SPEND LESS TIME with MORE PEOPLE and consistently expose your network marketing business so that you’re always growing your check.
      • It’s all about IPA and why you want to invest 75% of your time doing this in your network marketing business. This activity is the single BIGGEST FACTOR to my 8-figure income.

      MODULE #4: Becoming A Leader
      In the fourth module we’ll look at an area not everyone is talking about … becoming a Leader. Here we’ll cover things like:

      • The MAGIC of having a lot of people making money in their business. There’s a small dollar amount that once YOUR PEOPLE hit this number, your residual income becomes rock solid.
      • Why some people make six-figures a year and some make SIX-FIGURES A MONTH. I call this “getting off the elevator” and when you see it, you’ll have an “aha moment” — I promise.
      • The Time Management Quadrant for network marketing professionals and how to use this to grow your team and income faster than ever before. WITHOUT this strategy of managing your time, you’re dead in the water and will never reach your destination.
      • How to SQUEEZE every drop of juice out of your day so that you’re more productive, have less stress and anxiety while building your network marketing business.
      • The #1 THING you must do as a leader when working with your brand new people. This will ensure they get started on the right path in the business and have the GREATEST chance of success with it.
      • How to OVERCOME OBJECTIONS and become a master at it. Knowing this skill is critical to the lifeblood of your business. From people you talk with, to new team members, this is one skill you must learn.
      • Taking Inventory KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) — Know exactly where your business is at all times. This way you’re not flying blind and know exactly the stats of your business in real time.
      • Your #1 GOAL in this business (hint: it’s not about you) and why you want to work yourself toward the back of the room and let others take the spotlight. This is the path to true passive income and helping others achieve their dreams.
      • The fastest way to kill your team and completely destroy your reputation and ultimately your network marketing career. You’ll learn how to avoid this so it doesn’t happen to you.
      • What to do the very FIRST WEEK you sponsor a new person onto your team. This will ensure their success in this business without a doubt.
      • Five KPI Benchmarks you must constantly monitor if you want you and your team to have MASSIVE SUCCESS within the next 90 days in your network marketing business.
      • How to create YOUR LEADERSHIP CIRCLE so that your team is growing without you always being there doing all the work. Use this strategy and watch your team start to develop leaders FAST.
      • Use GPI’s (Game Plan Interviews) to help your team members hit their next rank levels in the company. You’ll discover exactly how to do this in this training.
      • How being the “BOSS” is one of the fastest ways to keep your team SMALL and pretty much destroy any chance of real growth in your network marketing business.
      • How to get the BEST out of your NEW DISTRIBUTOR and ensure their success when working together. Using this method when working with your new people will be FUN and EXCITING.
      • How to Use PBR’s (Private Business Receptions) to get your new people started off on the right path while at the same time growing your network marketing business quickly.
      • How to Use PCC’s (Private Conference Calls) so that you can recruit more people faster regardless of location. This is a great method for building your business if you’re not into meeting people face-to-face or doing in-home presentations.
      • The INSIDER SECRETS to becoming a network marketing leader and really becoming one of the top people in your company. Once you’re at this level, it’s amazing what doors open up for you and how good it feels to be a TRUE Leader for yourself and your team.
      • Five STEPS to Leadership Mastery and how to completely change your life and hit all of your goals and reach dreams. Imagine what it’s going to feel like when you walk across that stage at your company convention knowing your team is #1 in the company all thanks to your leadership.

      MODULE #5: Having A Winners MINDSET
      In module five, it’s all about “Having a WINNER’s Mindset.” I’ll be sharing with you my top mindset strategies and how you use them. Things like:

      • How to start off with the right attitude and ensure you’ll become VERY SUCCESSFUL in your network marketing business.
      • How to let go of the baggage from your past and truly become the person you want to become in this amazing industry of network marketing.
      • In order to become a leader and have REAL success (in any area of your life) YOU MUST do this ONE THING. I’ll share with you exactly what this is and how to achieve this mindset so nothing stands in your way ever again.
      • You’ll learn why BEING CONSISTENT is the real KEY to making this business work for you and your team. I’ll reveal the exact mindset strategy to create this behavior for success.
      • How to NOT BURN YOURSELF OUT. You want to work hard, but you also want to play hard. Here you’ll learn how to create balance in your business and life without losing momentum in your business.
      • How to incorporate personal development into your life and achieve the ultimate SUCCESS MINDSET. Doing this daily activity will fill you with such JOY and ENERGY that people will naturally be attracted to who you are as a person. When this happens your business will take off.
      • How to connect with successful people and have them help you reach your goals and dreams. All successful people are looking for ONE THING and I’ll show you how to bring it to them so that they want to help you.
      • The SECRET to doubling your check within the next 90 days. This “90DGP method” will supercharge your business and create more new signups and rank advancements than anything else you’ve ever done before.
      • The ONE TOOL that ATTRACTS Success-Minded people to you like a magnet and how you and your team members can use this to put your recruiting efforts on autopilot.
      • How to Create a MONEY MINDSET so that you never again have to worry about money or how you’re going to pay the bills. Instead, you’ll be thinking about what you’re going to do with all the money you’re making.
      • How to BUILD YOUR WEALTH so that you don’t blow all the money you’ve made building your network marketing business. I’ll share with you the #1 RULE OF the WEALTHY and how to apply this into your life so that your money is always growing.
      • You’ll discover HOW TO BE SMART with your money and what the true cost of buying something is. Once you know this, you’ll be smarter with what you spend your money on.
      • The EXACT STEPS to becoming a MILLIONAIRE so that you’ll know how to become one yourself. Oh, by the way, keep in mind that you’ll be learning from someone (me) who is already a millionaire many times over. I’m revealing ALL OF MY TOP STRATEGIES to you.
      • You’ll learn WHAT WEALTH REALLY IS … and it’s NOT only about the money. You’ll see what I mean when we dive into this module. I think it’ll be an eye-opener for you.
      • How to create a WEALTH BUILDING SYSTEM for yourself so that you have your money working for you. I’ll show you the first thing to do with your money REGARDLESS of the amount you have in the bank right now. Just doing this ONE THING will put you on the path to financial success for yourself.


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  • #2
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Brian Carruthers – Locker Room Training

    please pm me the link for this .. many thanks ..

  • #3
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    link please

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    PM please

  • #5
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    Please tell me how I might be able to download this

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Brian Carruthers – Locker Room Training

    Quote Originally Posted by hellohardy View Post
    please pm me the link for this .. many thanks ..
    Quote Originally Posted by dennis_ong2016 View Post
    link please
    Quote Originally Posted by archtflirt View Post
    PM please
    Quote Originally Posted by Dynamo33 View Post
    Please tell me how I might be able to download this
    Download Link Sent!!!!

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    I received the link for this course, but apparently i need approval . Can the VIP's give me the approval ? The cost or free , trying to figure out
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Brian Carruthers – Locker Room Training

    Quote Originally Posted by Dynamo33 View Post
    I received the link for this course, but apparently i need approval . Can the VIP's give me the approval ? The cost or free , trying to figure out
    Please Check The Guide Line

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    please sent me link. thank you so much.

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    Love to have this link, thanks.

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    wow. Long time looking. Can i get a link?

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    please pm me the link for this .. many thanks ..

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    Appreciate if can have this link. TQ.

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    can I get link please

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  • #16
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    Link please!!!

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    thank you

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    can I have the link please? thanks in advance

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    thank you

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    yes please !!

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    Thanks dude

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    pm the link please! thanks

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    May I please have the link

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