How To Make Money As A Social Media Marketing Expert
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While social media sites started popping up in earnest around 2003-2004, it wasn't until 2007 that they became business-friendly. At this point, advertising and setting up social media profiles for your business was cutting edge . that's phase 1 of the business cycle.
By 2008, social media became a powerful medium for connecting and communicating with your current customers . welcome to phase 2. Through 2009 and 2010 customers have started to turn first to Facebook and other social media platforms to find your business - and if they can follow your competitor but not you, you may lose a customer. Social media has become a business advantage . a sure sign we've reached phase 3. Phase 4 is for social media to become an essential part in any business strategy . and we're screaming toward phase 4 like a rocket.
So what can you do to make sure you don't get left behind?
The answer is simple. Become a social media marketing expert and begin offering social media services to your clients. In Nick Usborne's new program How to Make Money as a Social Media Marketing Expert, Nick guides you through the changing social media landscape showing you exactly how you can use social media to position and grow your freelance business and the steps you can take to give your income a healthy boost by offering these services to your clients.
Here's a sample of what you'll learn:
The top 4 opportunities for making money with social media.
13 steps from beginning to end for creating profits from social media consulting
Why choosing a niche now will mean more profits - even though it's not required to get started as a social media consultant
Does a website still matter for Social Media Marketing Experts? You may know the answer already - but the reason why packs a few surprises
What to say when talking to a potential client to get them clamoring to hire you
Why your reputation as a serious web professional could hinge on how quickly you add social media to your offerings (slow movers, beware!)
9 easy questions you can ask to add a social media component to any project
The hidden way offering social media services makes your client's life easier (and why this makes you far more valuable to them)
What your freelance website is missing now (and probably always will be) that means it's twice as important to promote your services through social media
How to use social media to - in just a few days - connect with enough ideal clients to keep you busy for the next year
6 types of influencers to connect with through social media (each has a different way of helping you grow your freelance biz)
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