i would like to introduce one of our shortener service named so.gd.Our service is a costum made script we have devloped ourselves.
We have added many feautures and options which every marketer and regular users may need. before going to give more details about so.gd.
here are some few uses and reasons why you need to shorting links.
If you own a web site or a blog and you want to shorten all your links, We devloped a small cod which you can replace in your site
and works shortne all or specific links in your site automaticcaly.
If you manage any social media network like twitter , Facebook , reddit etc, you can provide good looking links to your audience and friends
If you are promoting any product or affiliates with any company, so.gd works turn those ugly long affiliate links into a small nice one's
if you need start an ad campign and hide your original links from both ad networks and targeted traffic,
so.gd can cloack your links at the same time track every single visist and hits
If you you want to hide your original links you have posted somewhere like forums or socialmedia sites and protect it with a password
There are many other reasons, why shorting links can be an usefull tool to work with in your daily tasks,
in fact shoting links and other given opportunies are some of the best ways to earn money online ,
Find out bellow some of the feautures we have integrated in so.gd.
so.gd is free to join at the same time let you make a steady income from your links.
webmasters and marketers can start an ad compagin and get a cheap real traffic targeting other publishers who joined our service ,
our main dashborad options can help setting up your your first compagin.
Check out our payment rates page for each Geo location