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      Arrow [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

      Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

      Now You Can Turn Campaigns You "Paused" Into Profitable Winners

      Have you ever had to pause an ad campaign?
      Maybe because it wasn't making enough money, or worse losing money?
      What if I could show you how to turn all those paused campaigns into big winners?
      Over the last 10 years I've created 5,000+ ad campaigns, and there is one thing I've learned that is certain with all campaigns...
      It doesn’t matter how good you are, eventually sh** will hit the fan.

      It’s like death and taxes, it will always happen.
      You want to know what's rare? Having a huge success the first time you create an ad campaign.
      Unfortunately, it is all too common for ad campaigns to fail. Sometimes they fail on day one and sometimes they do great for awhile but die off suddenly.
      You painfully already know this is true.
      The ability to turn these failing ad campaigns back into cash cows is what separates the sheep from the wolves.
      Not having this skill prevents you from growing your business as fast as you wish it would.
      Not having this skill is very literally costing you money.
      Maybe you shy away from trying other ad networks like Taboola or Google Display because you're worried you'll lose money.
      Maybe you've been scared to spend more than $100/day because you're worried you won't be able to stop the losses if a campaign doesn't work right away.
      If you knew how to fix failing campaigns, that wouldn't be a problem any more would it???
      If you had a process for turning flops into fortunes, you could be fearless with your ad spend. Instead of fearful. By knowing how the pro's turn around dying ad campaigns, you could have steady sales instead of good months and bad months.
      This Is What Is Missing From Every Marketing Course You've Ever Bought

      Deep down you know there is something missing.
      You know there is a missing piece that is keeping you chained to the desk, while others seem to make millions effortlessly.
      You know that you cannot scale by just working harder or longer. Nor do you want to!!!
      You can sense that there is a secret or a missing piece that no one is telling you about. I don't think you're crazy. I recently found out for myself what that missing piece was...
      I first learned that there was something missing when my employees needed me to keep rescuing their campaigns.
      As an ad agency owner, I have to hire guys to run ad campaigns for our clients. The way I would train these guys is through buying them all the best marketing courses.
      I even take them to the best marketing seminars with me.
      Still I constantly had to rescue their campaigns. When a campaign would start tanking, they didn’t know how to turn it around.
      I would have to swoop in and do their job for them. Which was to save the ad campaign from failure, and turn it back into a profitable winner.
      This is what made me realize, none of the courses are teaching this.
      They are great at teaching you how to setup a campaign.
      Or how to use the ad network.
      But they only show the easy stuff. They don’t teach you what to do when things go wrong.
      What Was I Doing So Different That Would Save The Ad Campaigns?

      Before I get into that, I should tell you a little about what makes me an expert at paid traffic aka digital media buying.
      In 2007 I landed an intership with an Internet millionaire. My job as an intern was to study his quarter-million dollar marketing library of courses and write product review articles about each.

      It was painstaking work, but I got the education of a lifetime.

      I learned from the greatest minds in marketing and advertising. Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Joe Polish, Joe Sugarman, Chet Holmes, and so many more.

      It was an unpaid internship though, so I was still kind of broke.

      After I got home I asked my wife to let me try some of the stuff I had learned. I begged for $60 to start a Google Adwords account. I started with a pathetic $2/day ad budget, but doubled my money that month.

      In fact I doubled my money every month for 11 months in a row.

      My internship education had taught me to become a master at advertising. I went from $60 to 6-figures in less than a year.

      Since then I've driven millions of clicks, sold many millions worth of products, and landed the biggest names in the industry as my clients.
      You may have heard of some of them...

      Snuggie, Trump University, StansberryResearch, Disney Book Club, MarineD3, Rich Schefren, Russell Brunson, and many many more.
      ...I've spoken on stages all over the world.
      ...I've been interviewed on 28 different podcasts.
      Now that you know what makes me an expert on media buying, let's talk about your dead or dying ad campaigns...
      You Have To Start Making Data-Driven Decisions Instead of Emotional Ones

      Rookie media buyers are too emotional. They guess at what they should write in their ads.
      They guess at who they should target with their ads.
      They guess at what keywords they should bid on.
      Worst of all they let fear into their campaign decisions causing them to turn off campaigns that should have kept running.
      Have you ever turned off an ad campaign after just one or two days because you got worried that it wasn't working? Many rookies make that mistake. Instead they should know how to read the data in their campaigns to guide their next decisions.
      If you're relying on emotions and reactions to drive your campaigns, you'll be all over the place. You're basically playing a more expensive version of the lottery.
      With data-driven decisions, instead of it being a lottery, it's like a ball of clay that you can shape into a masterpiece.
      You Have To Stop "Winging It" And Start Using Campaign Frameworks

      Rookie media buyers are always "winging it."
      Every ad campaign they set up is pretty much just another set of guesses. At best they maybe looked at some other business ads for inspiration, but they HAVE NO CLUE if those ads are actually working.
      During my days of running a highly sought after ad agency, I learned the importance of campaign frameworks and systems.
      If you want to have consistent results you must have consistent processes.
      Just like if you cook a big pot of chilli, if you throw different ingredients every time then it's going to taste different every time.
      You will never be successful at media buying until you learn the importance of clean account structure and relying on campaign frameworks.
      And The #1 Secret of The Pro's Is Optimizing The Micro-Conversions

      Do you know the difference between a micro and a macro conversion?
      A sale is a macro-conversion.
      So is a new lead.
      However, there are many micro-conversions that lead up to a sale or a lead. For example, "impression > click" or "click > consumption." There are many micro-conversions.
      Knowing how to identify and analyze the micro-conversions is what lets you turn dying campaigns into thriving cash machines.
      It's like a mechanic and a car. If someone's car isn't starting they don't just throw it out. The mechanic looks at a series of events to diagnose how to fix the car so it can keep running.
      Instead of just giving up when an ad campaign fails, micro-conversions allow you to be able to work on your ad campaigns. Just like a mechanic fixes a car instead of throwing it away.
      Where Can You Get This Kind of "Career-Building" Level Training on Digital Media Buying?

      For Agency Owners, Marketing Directors, Media Buyers, VP's of Marketing, etc.

      When you look around for courses about paid traffic, most of it is made for affiliate marketers or MLM'ers.
      What if you are an agency owner though? What if you are an employee responsible for your companies online ad campaigns? What if you are a marketing director or CMO looking for training for your team?
      If you're looking for serious training that you can confidently bet your career on, then you're going to love Media Buying Masters.
      This 28 video course was developed with the intention of being a career boosting media buying course. Strong enough for the business owner and simple enough for the new employee.

      • If you want to gain the mindset of a pro media buyer
      • Be able to turn failing ad campaigns around
      • Evergreen strategies that don't become outdated in 6 months
      • Learn to read the story your campaign data is trying to tell you
      • Discover campaign frameworks that protect your ad spend
      • And how to leverage micro-conversions for increased profit

      Then buying Media Buying Masters today, will be one of the best decisions you make all year.

      Media Buying Masters

      Module 1: Thinking Like a Pro Media Buyer

      • Lesson 1

        Why amateurs think every ad network is different while veterans know that they are all the same
      • Lesson 2

        The "Traffic Hail Mary" and why it's the #1 mistake causing business owners to lose money on their ads
      • Lesson 3

        Why amateurs blame the ad network when they don't get sales but veterans blame their funnel
      • Lesson 4

        The 5x3 method for launching ad campaigns and why it works with all ad networks
      • Lesson 5

        The 5 phase campaign launch sequence pro media buyers use to reduce their losses and maximize their profit

      Module 2: Creating Irresistible Ads & Bulletproof Tracking

      • Lesson 6

        1 simple exercise to size up your competition and steal their marketing secrets
      • Lesson 7

        The whiteboard trick you can use to come up with ad copy that tugs on your viewers heart strings
      • Lesson 8

        How to make sure you are targeting the right people with your ads
      • Lesson 9

        How to EXCLUDE the refunders, complainers, and general pain in the asses from your ad targeting
      • Lesson 10

        The math trick for figuring out whether your campaign will be profitable BEFORE spending money on your ads
      • Lesson 11

        Which metrics you should and should not pay attention too when looking at your data
      • Lesson 12

        Discover the different between tracking and analytics, plus when to use each
      • Lesson 13

        Finally understand all the pixels, codes, and tags that ad networks give you
      • Lesson 14

        How to use Google tag manager for managing all the pixels, codes, and tags
      • Resource

        Downloadable media buying cheatsheet with every definition, formula, benchmark you need
      • Resource

        Also in the cheatsheet is a quick reference for increasing your CTR and conversion rate
      • Resource

        Downloadable campaign planning worksheet for helping you implement the 5x3 method everytime
      • Resource

        Our proprietary ad spend calculator for predicting your earnings before you spend any money

      Module 3: Cut Costs Without Crippling Your Campaigns

      • Lesson 15

        The only 2 ways you can effectively reduce your costs
      • Lesson 16

        Why you should NEVER bid low for clicks and what the ad networks do to you when you do
      • Lesson 17

        4 ways to increase your CTR so that you get lower and lower click costs
      • Lesson 18

        When you increase __________ your conversions will go up and costs will drop
      • Lesson 19

        Why you should never try to get cheap clicks by bidding low. NEVER!
      • Lesson 20

        6 elements that impact your landing page conversions and how to use them
      • Lesson 21

        4 real life landing pages reviewed - what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong

      Module 4: Increasing Profit of Every Dollar Spent on Ads

      • Lesson 22

        Why Burger King doesn't sell lobster and how to make sure you ads match your target customer
      • Lesson 23

        How to create ads that REPEL cheap bargain shopping customers
      • Lesson 24

        How to sneak a peek at the top campaigns in your market and steal their best ads, targeting, and landing page ideas
      • Lesson 25

        4 ways to increase your conversions and sales with email marketing automation
      • Lesson 26

        Why "lead scoring" is the most important email marketing strategy you should be using
      • Lesson 27

        How to turn your email marketing into a game that gets subscribers clicking and buying more than ever using Gamification
      • Resource

        Download my own email Gamification email series so you can use it for your business
      • Lesson 28

        4 non-email ways to use marketing automation to increase your earnings per customer
      • Lesson 29

        The frictionless offer that creates sales that were once impossible to close
      • Lesson 30

        How to create "mousetraps" on your website that trigger highly targeted email promotions
      • Lesson 31

        How to turn your blog into a highly targeted sales machine with a free WP plug-in
      • Lesson 32

        How to build "Right-Size" funnels that fit YOUR business model instead of trying to use a 1-size fits all funnel

      Module 5: Every Tool I Use To Create Million Dollar Campaigns

      • Lesson 33

        Over 2,000 words explaining every tool and ad network I use, and how I use them
      • Lesson 34

        Discover ad networks you never knew existed and what types of offers are best to use
      • Lesson 35

        Learn which ad networks are good for beginners and which are not
      • Lesson 36

        4 smartphone apps I use to help me manage my ad accounts on the go
      • Lesson 37

        The Youtube ads tool I use to find highly targeted places to advertise my Youtube ads

      Whenever You Have Questions or Need Someone To Look Over Your Work, Just Ask In Our Private Slack Group

      You're going to have questions, obviously.
      Our slack group makes it easy AND FAST to get your questions answered. Just download the mobile Slack app and now you've got an expert in your pocket.
      Whenever you have a question, just pull out your phone, open the Slack app, and ask your question. It's like being able to text message a pro media buyer whenever you are in need.
      Answers come in fast too, because with Slack you can "tag" a person to notify them. Sometimes I've answered questions within minutes, others within a couple hours.
      If you're not familiar with Slack, you're going to love it. Slack is far superior to Facebook groups because we have separate sections for different topics, it's searchable, and there's the Slackbots.
      Our Slack group is filled with members of all ranges of skill, from newbies to multi-millionaires.
      I know of at least 3 multi-millionaires who regularly participate in the group to help answer questions. There's also guys with skills in other areas like coding, design, and more.
      What's it worth to you to have millionaires and ad experts quickly reachable?
      LIVE Weekly Case Study

      You Pay Only Once, But Get Fresh Updated Content EVERY WEEK!

      Have you ever bought a marketing course only for it to be outdated in 6 months?
      So have I, that's why I created the live weekly case study. Every week you'll get to watch me apply the lessons from this course on real life ad campaigns for other businesses.
      Every week you'll get to see how I setup, write, design, and optimize ads. This insures you're always seeing the latest techniques, from the most current versions of the ad networks.
      You pay just once, and every week the course gets better and better.
      Through these weekly case study videos you'll learn many different ad networks too. You'll see how I setup ads for Google Adwords, Retargeting, Youtube Ads, Google Display, Facebook, Twitter, and more.
      Where else are you going to be able to learn all the ad networks for one price? You would need to buy 5 courses to equal what you learn here.
      They Told Me I Should Charge $2,000 For All of This, But I'm Not...

      If you could stop having unprofitable ad campaigns, what would that be worth?
      What would it be worth to you if you could turn your worst ad campaigns into your top performers?
      If I sold this course for $2,000 it would be a fair price. With my level of expertise and the high-level strategies taught, this course would be worth $2,000.
      I wanted buying this course to be a no-brainer though.
      Because I want this course to be available to rookies and veterans alike, I'm setting the price at only $498.

      • Inside you're getting 5 modules with 30+ lessons
      • Almost a dozen downloadable resources such as spreadsheets, templates, worksheets, and checklists
      • Active support community with near-instant access to experts
      • Fresh weekly content that keeps you up-to-date on current ad strategies
      • Ad campaign frameworks that protect your ad spend
      • Learn multiple ad networks with one course instead of having to buy a course for every ad network

      If this course helps you create just one good ad campaign, it's worth way more than $498.
      If this course helps you stop one ad campaign from failing and turn it back into a winner, then you'll obviously make far more than what this course costs.
      What if it helps you create more than one successful ad campaign? What if it helps you scale your company to 5,513 sales per month like I did for Palm Beach Research Group?
      I'll finish with this thought...
      If you're still reading it's because something isn't going right with your paid traffic campaigns. You obviously need help, in some shape or form.
      You could either keep searching, maybe a few weeks go by and you're still in the same situation. Or maybe you buy today, quickly download the Slack app, and we start solving your problem today.
      If you don't buy today, maybe things get better or maybe they don't. But, when buy today you've got the support of an expert with over $10,000,000 worth of ad buying experience.
      Just pull out the Slack app, tag @justinbrooke, it'll notify me on my cellphone and I'll be there to help you.
      Excellent Option For Training Your Employees Too

      Rest assured that your team members will be trained by an expert. Rest assured that they'll always have a place to go to ask questions and overcome obstacles.
      When Ryan Deiss needed to train his star employee, Molly Pittman, on paid traffic - he hired me to train her. She's made him millions since then. Let me do the same for you.
      Instead of them coming to you, I'll help them solve the problems themselves. Freeing you up to work on other areas of your business. Which you and I both know is worth much more than $498!
      Buy the course today, don't put it off. You know that if you don't buy today it'll get forgotten about. Weeks will go by and you'll have missed out on the profits you could have been earning during those weeks.

      Sales Page:


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  • #2
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Love Justin's stuff, thanks

  • #3
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Any review on this one?

  • #4
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    It is awesome

  • #5
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    thank you!

  • #6
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters


    while I can see the url for the course you provide ....when I go there it says I don't have permission for the page?

    I'm new here....I have registered...and I've also made a post on the forum as per the requirement....I can see the hidden url which I presume is to the course....but alas can't get anything.

    Can you please let me know what if anything I'm doing wrong or need to do in order to get access to this course?

    Thanks much.

  • #7
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Thanks, great share. You make this place better bud.
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  • #8
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    Post Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Quote Originally Posted by Heis369 View Post

    while I can see the url for the course you provide ....when I go there it says I don't have permission for the page?

    I'm new here....I have registered...and I've also made a post on the forum as per the requirement....I can see the hidden url which I presume is to the course....but alas can't get anything.

    Can you please let me know what if anything I'm doing wrong or need to do in order to get access to this course?

    Thanks much.
    The access of this URL only for VIP members you can't see the content until you upgraded account.

  • #9
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    My mistake. Got it now. Thanks a lot, really appreciate it!

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Wow this looks awesome. : )

  • #11
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Man, I really want to download this but it says I don't have permission. I have more than 1 post. Did you guys have to verify your email? I just received a welcome one.

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    Post Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Quote Originally Posted by mikesweeney View Post
    Man, I really want to download this but it says I don't have permission. I have more than 1 post. Did you guys have to verify your email? I just received a welcome one.
    It was VIP area & you can access now.

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackHatX View Post
    It was VIP area & you can access now.
    Yep. Got it now. Thanks.

  • #14
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Great share

  • #15
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Hi bud can you send me the link please!

  • #16
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    Send me the link for this one too. Thanks

  • #17
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    Post Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Quote Originally Posted by Iwillreturnthekarma View Post
    Hi bud can you send me the link please!
    Quote Originally Posted by cutleralex54 View Post
    Send me the link for this one too. Thanks
    please check my thread properly.

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    link please

  • #19
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    Link pls

  • #20
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Been really looking for this! Hopefully the link is still active!

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    please send this me this link

  • #22
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Could you please share the link for the course.

  • #23
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    Post Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Quote Originally Posted by nicholaso View Post
    please send this me this link
    Quote Originally Posted by giridhar View Post
    Could you please share the link for the course.
    I have attached it please check my post properly....

  • #24
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    Can I have the download link please.

    Edit: Nevermind, I found it on the first thread.
    Last edited by Edlynnw; 12-30-2016 at 10:29 AM.

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    nice share

  • #26
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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    pls send the link

  • #27
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    Please share the link thanks

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    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Justin Brooke – Media Buying Masters

    the links are gone any chance on getting access to the new updated one?

  • #29
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    Would love a link BlackHatX.

  • #30
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    thx man!

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  • #32
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    The Links for this course are gone ...please help

  • #33
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    Thanks for this stuff!

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    Thank you

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