Dear Struggling SEO,
Bad SEO advice is everywhere.
And it can take you from ranking hero . . . to ranking zero - overnight.
Really, getting front-page rankings isn’t the tough part.
It’s keeping them . . Over the long haul.
After all, no one is going to pay you for “here today, gone tomorrow” rankings. And that’s all you’ll get from temporary SEO ranking tricks pushed by people who should know better.
When I first started out, I was like you. I didn't know what Google's long-term ranking criterion was. I had no clue how to keep sites from getting squashed like an insect by Google updates.
Most of all, I didn't have a simple, repeatable plan to put local sites on the front page of Google and keep them there.
No matter what I tried at first, none of it seemed to work out for me. I ended up ready to quit, thinking I would never create a sustainable SEO business.
You can only run into so many walls before you get so frustrated, the only option left seems like quitting.
But it’s not really your fault you don’t have the SEO business you want yet. You see, there’s a lot of SEO information out there that’s nothing but untested theory.
It’s “one-trick pony” stuff that will rank a site fast—but it doesn’t keep it ranked for long. And I’m not even gonna go there with how dangerous this kind of SEO can be ... it’s the kind of stuff sites just won’t recover from.
I had the same frustrations you’re experiencing now. Until I found a reputable mentor ... and did a lot of testing on my own.
Here's How Bulletproof Local
Benefits You:
Get step-by-step training specific to local ranking - no other course offers training specific to local SEO best practices.
Up-to-date content added whenever something changes in Google . . . so you get the information needed to keep your sites ranking high in the SERPs no matter what.
An intimate member forum: Learn from others - get your questions answered quickly so you don’t make mistakes.
Discover how to keep your sites safe from Google slaps - so you retain clients longer, for more recurring income.
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