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      Arrow How I Made 1 Million Dollars Reselling Software

      How I Made 1 Million Dollars Reselling Software

      Folks Are Putting This Ugly Sales Strategy to the Test
      And Earning 5-Figure Paychecks Their First Week:

      Who Else Wants to Earn $10,000 or More
      By The End of the Week Reselling Software
      Using Simple, Ugly Sales Pages?…

      …and the best part is: YOU can get stared today with no previous experience and have your first sales page live and generating sales in under an hour.
      This simple strategy of buying cheap software and reselling it with ugly sales pages has made me over $1 million dollar in the last year alone:
      On this short page I am going to show you exactly how I did it, and how you can earn a fast $10,000 or more in sales with YOUR first ugly letter campaign.
      These ugly webpages generate sales like clockwork month in, month out… It only takes a handful of these pages to earn a 6-figure income each year with minimal maintenance.
      Imagine: Having 4 or 5 of these 1-page websites out there working for you, generating income while you sleep.
      You use these ugly pages to earn an extra $10,000 or more each month that you could use to pay off debt, go on an extra vacation, or put into a savings account for retirement.
      All of your bills are paid each month before you even wake up in the morning…
      You NEVER have worry about losing your job, or being injured and unable to provide for your family.
      These ugly campaigns are like a financial insurance policy that keeps paying you month after month, and year after year.
      Now, you may have tried to earn an income online in the past, yet I promise you:
      You Have Never Seen Anything Like This Before

      I have never revealed the sales and persuasion tactics I use in my online business before, tactics that have taken me over 5 years of trial and error to perfect.
      This is not some flash in the pan gimmick you see being sold by ‘internet gurus’, or the latest magic software promising fast riches. This system works with:

      • NO SEO, link building, or ‘hacks’ that get you banned from Google…
      • NO Facebook or social media tricks that never turn a profit (You can’t pay your bills with Facebook likes)
      • NO Loopholes or hacks that are closed as soon as you get started
      • NO trying to sell cheap products from China
      • NO need for expensive graphics or video software
      • NO need to create your own products

      Look: The reason most people struggle to make money online is that there are too many distractions being thrown at you.
      The cold hard truth is that earning real money online is no different than earning money in any old school offline business…
      Old School Sales and Persuasion Will Out-Sell
      Fancy Graphics and Gimmicks EVERY Time…

      I spent years chasing the latest and greatest marketing gimmick, and spent thousands of dollars on the latest software that was supposed to help me run my business online.
      They always come up short on their promises.
      Out of frustration I decided to step back, and try something crazy:
      A plain old ugly sales page that uses old school persuasion tactics from direct mail to resell some software I had bought online.
      The result?
      The first time I used a simple ugly style sales page, I banked over $130,000 in sales:

      Notice my older ‘flashy’ offers below that one in red were barely breaking $10,000 in sales. This ugly sales approach completely change my business, multiplying my income 10x.
      This campaign took about a week to create, and is still making sales to this day.
      Are You Afraid of a Little Old School Persuasion?

      I continued to release new products with the same ugly sales pages and old school persuasion tactics, testing and perfecting the pages as I went. Buying resale rights to high quality software products and selling them on affiliate networks like JVZoo and Warrior Plus. The results:
      Over $1 million in sales in 2015:

      Over $30k a month in recurring revenue:

      And becoming the number one vendor in the entire market…
      Being named vendor of the year by Warrior Plus:

      I had stumbled onto a simple formula that was out selling and flat out embarrassing the online gurus who insisted you need flashy videos and fancy graphics to make sales.
      I broke my system down into a formula that allows me to put these campaigns together quickly, and get them out and earning money fast:
      Buy Resale Rights To Quality Software Products…
      + Ugly Sales Pages Using Old School Persuasion…
      + The Right Affiliate Marketplace
      = Over $1 Million a Year in Income

      I started teaching this method to a handful of coaching students to help them grow their online business. Their results, have spoken for themselves:
      Like Lee Nazal who earned over $10,000 selling his product…
      Just 72 hours after a coaching session with me on the ugly sales method:

      He went on to earn over $30,000 in residual sales that month:

      Or Eric Dimi who earned $10,000 in sales using an ugly sales page…
      After previously failing to try to launch his own product:

      He finished out the month with a total of $20,000 in sales:

      And now for the first time ever, YOU can have access to these tested sales strategies that are proven to generate income on demand.
      I have compiled everything I’ve learned over the last year into a tell all guide I call:
      “How I Made $1 Million Reselling Software”

      This book is the only step by step approach to using simple, ugly sales pages to earn money reselling software products.
      “How I Made $1 Million Reselling Software” is the result of over 5 years of trial and error, as well as over a million dollars in sales last year alone… ($1 million dollars in sales ALSO means $1 million in split tests to prove what actually works)
      These test results cover everything from prices, to headlines, long copy vs. short copy, to fonts and colors. You would have to generate a million bucks in sales from scratch in order to find these results out on your own.
      Inside this tell all guide you will learn:
      The Ugly Sales Page Approach…
      …A Masterclass in ‘Old School’ Persuasion
      That Has Generated Over a Million Dollars in Sales

      Here is a taste of some of the persuasion strategies you will learn in this section:

      • My 11-step ugly sales page formula that will have you creating your first 6-figure sales page in under an hour – I’ve used this paint by numbers sales page approach to resell over a million dollars in PLR software last year alone. You’ll NEVER need to hire a copywriter or graphics designer again. (You can also use this plug and play formula to earn huge paychecks creating ugly sales letters for online marketers and offline consulting clients.)

      • The ‘short demo’ sales strategy stolen from late night infomercials – This ‘short sales page’ selling method is an easy way to create fast effective sales copy when you need to meet a deadline… It works especially well when reselling software. (I generated over $135,000 in sales with a single, 7-minute video using this approach)

      • How to eliminate writer’s block by creating a ‘feature outline’ – NEVER again stare at a blank page stressing over how to begin your sales letters. In 2 simple steps, you’ll have an outline that makes writing sales copy as easy as connecting the dots. This productivity hack makes everything easier to write including eBooks, sales letters, sales videos, emails, banner ads, and Facebook ads. You’ll get twice as much work done in half the time.

      • The emotional hot buttons most sales pages miss – People buy on emotion more than reason and the most effective salesmen speak to the prospects emotional Use my NLP ‘benefit formula’ to identify the key persuasion points in any market to make your sales material more effective.

      • Fact: Most people only skim your sales message – Learn the simple typography tricks that will stop skimmers cold, and pull them into reading your entire sales message. The best part is that these tricks DO NOT require fancy graphics and can be applied to any written sales message (sales pages, emails, Facebook ads, print ads) with a Word Processor in under 5 minutes.

      • My Rapid Headline Formula™ quickly churns out 5-10 benefit driven headlines in minutes – Each headline you write will stop your reader from what they were doing and give your ugly sales page or video their full undivided attention. (This is the same formula I use in my highest click through Facebook ads, highest open rate email subject lines). The headline is the most important part of your ad… NO ONE will even read your ugly sales letter or watch your sales video IF you get this wrong.

      • The little known source of testimonials and customer reviews – Having other people brag about your product sells more than trying to brag yourself. TIP: Give away a few copies of your product on the right forums and you will be flooded with positive email and video testimonials within days from customers who tried it out. (Instant social proof.)

      • Prevent buyer procrastination from robbing you of sales – Many buyers that are sold on your product will leave your sales page and ‘think about it’NEVER to return and complete their purchase. Knock them off the fence by creating a fear of missing out in your sales message and watch your sales shoot through the roof. (The best part is I will show you how to create scarcity without limiting your sales. You will have an evergreen sales funnel that generates income for years).

      • How to build trust and rapport with your reader even if they have never heard of you – My conditional guarantee strategy eliminates your buyer’s risk, overcomes any of their objections, and makes them feel secure sending you money, all without attracting the serial refunders that MOST guarantees do.

      • The 2 sentence call to action that makes the buyer feel left out if the don’t buy your product right then and there.

      • The BIGGEST mistake people make with their buy button design that causes readers to skim right past it – Use my ‘sore thumb’ button strategy to stop your readers in their tracks, and get them clicking on your buy button with credit cards in hand.

      • The simple text link trick that doubles the conversions of any buy button – 99% of sales pages and videos miss this important opportunity. Take 5 minutes to add this design hack to your sales letters/videos and you will double your sales overnight. This design hack has increased the conversion on every page I have tested it. Use it once on one of your pages and this course will have paid for itself 10 times over.

      • Capture low hanging fruit buyers with a sneaky FAQ – People who read your sales message to the end are your HOTTEST prospects and if you don’t use an FAQ to overcome these 3 big objections, YOU are missing out on easy money.

      • A complete top down template for creating ugly sales pages – Even the best sales writers miss important persuasion points in their letters or put things in the wrong order which breaks the flow of their sales page and murders their sales. Follow my template and you will get it right every time… Capturing your reader’s attention, gaining their trust and rapport, fanning their desire for your product, and getting them to take action buy sending you money.

      • $1 million dollars in tested design tips – I have run A/B split tests on EVERY imaginable element of these ugly sales pages to uncover the highest converting design possible. You’ll learn:
        • Which 2 fonts are proven to convert the highest on sales pages?
        • Which buy button design generates the most clicks?
        • Which 4 colors are the ONLY colors you should ever use on an online sales page?
        • Which font works best on mobile landing pages?
        • How many sentences should each paragraph have?
        • How many paragraphs should you have before each sub-headline?
        • Eliminate guesswork and follow a PROVEN formula to have the highest converting design, tested over $1 million worth of sales to find the best possible combination.

      • My 6-step upsell formula that converts high ticket offers at 50%TIP: All the real money is made on the back end of your sales. Use my upsell formula to sell higher ticket products on the back end earning $97… $497… Even $997 per sale from your buyers.

      My Complete Guide To Buying Resale Rights
      To Quality Software Products For Under $50

      In this section you will discover:

      • How to get your hands on your first software product for $0 out of pocket – I’ve resold free software for as much as $497 because it solved a major problem in the market. Customers are eager to pay that much for ‘free’ software when you offer the added value of training and support that saves them time. NO money out of pocket means you can start this business discreetly with NO RISK.

      • How to gauge sales BEFORE you pick a product to resell – Ensure your campaign will be profitable BEFORE you start using a simple test to see if the market WANTS your product idea… (This is also a great way to build a pre-buyers email list that will give you an initial boost of sales when you launch making your entire campaign profitable from day 1)

      • How to expand your business empire by having custom software made – Learn the average price of custom software so you will know when you are ready to expand your business, and have the confidence in knowing that you will never get ripped off by outsourcers who try to over charge you. (this is great for advanced students who want to quickly turn their ideas into products and beginners who want a glimpse into the next level of selling software products)

      • Pro Tip: Create software that automates the benefits of top selling information products – Done correctly this will short cut your way to a top selling product by tapping into an already existing customers base, and provide you with a partner who will do all the selling for you. (Your first product can do 6 and even 7 figures in sales IF you pick the right product.)

      • The two legal loopholes that allow you to resell free software – There is an endless supply of software to resell IF you know where to look, and what to look for. You will have the solution to any problem your customers have and they will gladly pay you for delivering it them, and providing them with support. (Billion dollar a year companies like red hat exclusively sell free software to their customers under this license.)

      • My top 2 sources of high quality WordPress themes and plugins that include full resell rights – Tap into a massive market with high demand. WordPress is the most used online platform and YOU can become the go to source for high quality WordPress software turning your customers into repeat buying rabid fans (or even give this high priced software away for free to virally build an email list quickly.)

      • How to turn a $500 investment in WordPress themes into $3,000… $10,000… Even $20,000 in fast sales while saving your customers money.
        • Imagine: You buy 10 high quality WordPress themes for $50 each.
        • Total investment: $500
        • You then sell a bundle of all 10 themes for just $50… That saves your customers $450
        • You break even after selling 10 copies of your bundle…
        • EVERY sale after that is pure profit! (Reselling bundled software is a MASSIVE and easy business model with some places charging a monthly membership for the privilege.)
        • Your customers save money, and you earn a fortune for being the middle man.

      • List of 4 Private Label Rights software sources that I buy my highest quality products from – You’ll be shocked at how cheap you can buy high quality software ready to be resold for top dollar to the customers who need it.

      • How to package your software product to increase the perceived value – By over delivering to your customers you earn their loyalty… Customers buy from you over and over at higher prices than your competitors because YOU stand out from everyone else in the market (this is one of the biggest reasons I charge more than most vendors and still became vendor of the year.)

      Also Revealed: All of My Best Traffic Sources
      Both Free and Paid Used To Generate
      Over A Million Dollars Per Year in Sales

      Inside this section you will discover:

      • Full list of all my traffic sources ranked from easiest to hardest – You’ll learn which traffic sources to focus your efforts on and which ones to avoid when starting out. (You can run your entire business off of just 1 or 2 of these top sources and ignore the rest following the 80/20 rule).

      • Just staring out? Use my free traffic sources to start your business and develop a list of loyal customers, THEN use my favorite paid traffic sources to grow your business over 7 figures.

      • Use my syndication list building method to practically steal buyer leads while earning affiliate commissions – It’s like getting paid to build your list. Some of my best affiliates use ONLY this method to run and grow their entire business in just minutes a day. (Having access to reseller software amplifies this business model, and will passively earn 6 figures IF you approach the right way from the beginning.)

      • 11 profitable paid traffic sources to sell your products (#7 will surprise you) – Facebook ads are only the TIP of the iceberg with paid traffic. Inside this guide I list off the banner ad spots, pop up ad networks, and search ad networks where I consistently double my money with ‘ugly banner ads’ reselling software. (One network can send traffic for less than half a penny per click)

      • The 2 best days of the week to launch your product – Launch on the wrong day and you will lose out on half of your sales. These two days are not only the day’s people tend to buy products online, they are also the days when there is less competition from other products which means you will attract more affiliates to your offer, generate more sales, and have a higher chance at being named product of the day by the affiliate networks you promote on.

      • The best (and worst) days of the week to launch your product – Launching on the WRONG day can set you up for failure… Learn which days of the week people are more likely to be in ‘buying mood’ giving you higher conversions, more organic sales from affiliate networks AND a better chance at landing a product of the day promotion…

      • The best times of day to email your list that will net the highest open and click rates – I’ve sent 2-3 emails per day to my list for years and have found the BEST times to send marketing emails. Send your emails at the right time of day and your message will appear at the top of their inbox right when most people check their mail AND have time to read/watch a full sales letter. Send your email at the WRONG time and will end up in Gmail’s ‘promotions tab’ next to a dozen other companies fighting for your subscribers’ attention.

      • Why BEGINNERS should launch their products on weekends – Weekends have fewer launches and less competition… That means your product will stand out in the market place IF you launch at the right time. This will attract MORE organic sales, affiliates, and product of the day status.

      • Complete guide to attracting affiliates to your offer – Inside the section on affiliate you will learn:
        • The affiliate directory that contains direct contact information for affiliates in any market
        • How I use ‘reciprocity’ to make affiliates feel obligated to promote my offers
        • How to get affiliates mailing your offer multiple times without any sort of contest
        • When you should use a custom landing page for a big affiliate
        • Why I NEVER offer 100% commissions (Hint: Give yourself room to bump commissions for top affiliates)
        • How to make it easier for your affiliate to promote your offer

      • Insider’s guide to landing Product of the day (which can generate thousands of sales overnight) – Learn why TIMING is everything when listing your product on an affiliate network and how to structure your offer to get a boost in the sales charts which give you the highest chance at landing product of the day.
        • Listen: You simply can’t buy this inside information ANYWHERE at ANY price.
        • As the top vendor I’ve gotten product of the day over 30 times, sometimes more than once for the same product.
        • I personally know the owners of many affiliate networks and regularly speak to the decision makers that pick which products get promoted. Other top sellers would NEVER divulge this information; this is the ONLY place you stand to learn these insider secrets.

      Added By Popular Demand: Marketing 101…
      A Complete Guide To Getting Started Online
      WITHOUT Any Technical Skills

      In this section you will learn:

      • How to get your online business started for $0 – Use my sources of free reseller software to build your list and generating sales. There is no risk here, this method will prove itself and you can reinvest your earnings to grow your software reselling business. This business can be started discreetly and quietly with no risk of capital or failure

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