Tumbling Jazz v1.704 Tumblr Bot by RootJazz

-Automatic Following
-Automatic Liking
-Automatic Reblogging
-Automatic Reblogging Articles
-Automatic Reblogging Images
-Automatic Reblogging Quotes
-Automatic Reblogging Converstations
-Automatic Reblogging Links
-Automatic Posting Articles
-Post Articles from RSS feed automatically – fully customisable to work with ANY RSS feed
-Automatic Posting Images with watermark options
-Post Images from RSS feed automatically – fully customisable to work with ANY RSS feed
-Post Images as a photoshoot, up to 10 images per post
-Automatic Posting YouTube Videos
-Post Videos from RSS feed automatically – fully customisable to work with ANY RSS feed
-Pinterest Image Scraper
-Tumblr Blog Image Scraper
-Tumblr Tagged Search Image scraper
-FULL Tumblr search functionality, tags / blogs / recent / popular
-Tumblr search filters (audio / links / text / video etc)
-Full Secondary blog support
-Watch folder automatic image uploader – Automatically upload images that are put into a specific folder
-Syndicate posted content to WordPress and Blogger – Before posting your content to Tumblr, post it to any wordpress / blogger blog then insert the syndicated link to your Tumblr post!
-Account creation and automatic email verification
-Manage an unlimited amount of accounts, unlike other softwares we do not charge you a monthly fee nor limit the amount of accounts you can use.
-Account Verification
-Update account names / titles / description / avatar / theme easily
-Fully socket implemented. No webbrowser / WYSIWYG bot here. -TumblingJazz is a lean, mean fighting machine *Create accounts uses a browser rendered to memory for high success rate
-Get your accounts / content trending by utilizing our MASS features, -Mass Like, Mass Reblog, Mass Follow. Better yet, how about MASS INCEST TRENDING. Use your accounts to create a social web of likes / reblogs / follows.
-Proxy scraper
-Proxy verification
-Auto content spinning control
-Content creation tool with custom synonum files for ease of content creation
-Full Spintax support
-Supports Tokens in content posting
-Control all aspects of the application via Settings
-Schedule all actions for Drip Feeding potential.
-Time delay between actions when posting
-Repeat all actions for constant blog updates
-Post all content immediately or to your Tumblr queue
-Run SEO improvements to your blog theme with one click
-Account Tagging for view filtering: Tag your accounts for easy viewing of niche specific accounts
-3 Machine Install license: Install onto 3 machines for your own use
-Run unlimited instances of the program on your machine: Each instances works from a separate database, allowing you to separate your concerns / niches / accounts anyway that suits your work flow
-Avanced compound searches: The results of one search feed into other searches drilling deep into the ISG userbase, always finding new items to action on
-Manage your actions by saving / loading when required: Want to run the same action each month, but not leave it in your processor, cluttering up the view? Then save it and load it as required
-Maintain blacklists for your accounts: Each account can have a blacklist, which is checked against each item (page, account, post) to ensure you actions stay on niche, especially useful if your keywords by have dual meanings!
-Nocaptcha image match support : For account signup
-Browser login: Automatically open a browser window with your account logged in, cookies set for manual work you want to perform in that account
-FanMail: Send fanmail to those accounts you have followed for over 3 days
-Combined Stats View: View combined stats across multiple accounts that you select
-Advanced token system to add randomness to your actions : Advanced token system to add randomness to your actions
-Custom tokens : Specify custom tokens for your accounts, which are replaced at post time
-Advanced theme customisation : Set any theme customisation value you can set via the tumblr website, highly customise your blogs for ultimate profitabilty and realism
-Frequent updates
-High quality support via multiple systems
-Full Captcha API support
-All processes are stored so can be restarted in case of power failure
-Detailed logs of all processes
-Import/Export features for profiles, proxies. It is your data to take and do what you want with
-Redo / retry / pause / cancel any action
-Money back Guarantee
-100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Sales Page: https://rootjazz.com/tumblingjazz/
Hidden Block (you must be registered and have 1 posts):
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