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      Arrow [NEW] Bing Ads Content Network Mastery :: Affiliates, CPA Marketers, Business Owners Welcome

      Bing Ads Content Network Mastery

      Bing Ads Is The Place For Affiliates, CPA Marketers and Business Owners Alike!

      Here's a stat screenshot showing it's working too. I know it's just one, but it's profitable! (This is a conversion from the site I used to in the over the shoulder videos):

      This will not be open forever!

      Here's a couple comments on this already from WF members who bought it:

      Hello Again Fellow Warriors,

      This is a special off for you, you are going to get massive savings off the list price of my newest video training course at I listed it at $47 on, (where it's hosted), you are going to get it for FAR less. In this course, which has over 20 videos totalling over 2.5 hours of up to date video training, you'll learn how to use Bing's Content Network the right way in 2013. This is for affiliates, cpa marketers, business owners and anyone who wants to advertise on Bing Ads. They are a lot more relaxed in their rules versus Google Adwords.

      This video course walks you through step by step on how exactly to do it. I use one of my products as an example but you can EASILY substitute your own in there or any CPA offer or affiliate offer.

      This 20 part video guide with over 2.5 hours of content will walk you through how to get a ton of super high quality traffic from Bing Ads!

      Bing Ads is Microsofts answer to Google Adwords. Except Bing Ads has a couple things going for them that Adwords doesn't:

      1. Customer support is top notch. Yes you can get the odd weirdo on the live chat, but overall they're awesome.
      2. They STILL allow affiliates and cpa marketers. They know that we spend a lot of money and can be a very profitable group of customers for them.
      3. You can direct link with them. You do not necessarily need a landing page to use Bing Ads.
      4. The content network is relatively untapped at the moment, so you can get in before everyone does!

      This Is For Affiliate Marketers! It IS For Anyone With Their Own Product or Service To Promote OR Affiliates OR CPA Marketers

      This is a 20 part video with over 2.5 hours of content which shows you exactly how to advertise on Bing Ads Content Network. It is not about their search network. That's a different set of videos because it involves a whole different setup and management.

      The higher your click through rate, the lower your costs will be...

      The following screenshot shows exactly what you get, video by video:

      Hosted Entirely On

      If you haven't heard of they're going to be huge. They offer a place for instructors to teach students a variety of topics all online! Now this is a natural place for me since I've been doing exactly this since 2004 online. I will be releasing a lot of my future courses on there. It's an awesome place and support is built right in. You will get full instructions on how to access the videos after purchase.

      Those Who Can't Do Teach...

      That phrase is such baloney. Teachers have to be able to do the things they teach or why on earth are they teaching it!?!?! I've been "teaching"/coaching people online for over 5 years now and I do what I teach. This guide will prove that to you.

      Who should buy this guide?

      • Affiliates who want to promote their other peoples product on Bing Ads Content Network
      • Affiliates who want to promote their other peoples services on Bing Ads Content Network
      • CPA Markteres who want to promote CPA offers on Bing Ads Content Network
      • People who want to promote their own product on Bing Ads Content Network
      • People who want to promote their own service on Bing Ads Content Network
      • People who really want to finally succeed using Bing Ads Content Network
      • Action takers
      • People who do NOT give up easily
      • People willing to start small & reinvest right back into their campaigns
      • People who love step by step guides

      What this report is not about:

      • Search engine optimization
      • Media Buying
      • Cost per view
      • WSO selling
      • Outsourcing
      • Offline marketing

      Who should NOT buy this guide?

      • People looking for secret tips or shortcuts
      • People who never take action
      • People who give up easily
      • People who buy things then instantly return them saying "I already knew that"
      • People who are on a neverending mission to find and swallow that ever elusive, (and non-existent), magic pill
      • Anybody who wants a push button solution
      • Anybody who really believes you can make a fortune by working 4 hours a week, (hint: that is complete baloney)
      • People who hate step by step guides
      • Anybody who prejudges without even attempting anything
      • Anbody who is generally negative and overall not a pleasure to be around!

      This 20 part video training course with over 2.5 hours of content is a complete video guide of how to use Bing's Content Network I believe I am more then qualified to offer this to you having trained over 10,000 pay per click marketers over the past 5.3 years. I know what works and how to do it right. I'm going to show you exactly how in this up to date case study.

      So how much am I charging for this awesome video training? Hardly anything. It's starting at a measley $7, that's insane for what you're getting. It's listed on right now for $47 and will stay at that price. BUT you get it dirt cheap because of this special offer. The price will go up by $0.10 every 10 sales though, so please jump in now so you don't miss out!


      If you enjoyed this step by step video course and think others would benefit from it, please post a testimonial in this thread! These are totally optional of course. I have done my best to cover as much as I can for the price I'm charging.

      This DOES Have A 30 Day Refund Guarantee

      Normally I do NOT offer refunds. In this case I am going to. If you're not happy with this video training, please let me know within 30 days. I will refund your money, no questions asked. Don't bother with a reason, I know you won't have a valid one so telling me this is "rehashed" or "basic" is a bit nuts, not necessary, ridiculous and silly. If you insist on offering a "reason" please just say, "I'm going to take advantage of your refund policy because I just bought it to share it on a pirate forum." Then I'd have more respect for you because at least you'd be honest! (Side note: I love the people who buy a 2.5 hour video course and then email me 10 minutes later saying they want a refund. They must have some kind of time machine to view all the content so quickly.)

      I also ask that you return all my videos in the original packaging if you do get a refund. You cannot keep them if you do get a refund. That's only fair? (I also know it's delivered online and there's no packaging, but I digress).

      I am very confident in this course, (plus I have to offer this as it's a policy!). So if you want a refund, please email me your information and I'll refund it to you directly through the jvzoo system.

      There is no risk in taking this course and you will learn some things you didn't know.


      sales page

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  • #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
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    Default Re: [NEW] Bing Ads Content Network Mastery :: Affiliates, CPA Marketers, Business Owners Welcome

    hey thanks alot for this bro

  • #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
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    Default Re: [NEW] Bing Ads Content Network Mastery :: Affiliates, CPA Marketers, Business Owners Welcome

    nice geaft

  • #4
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    Default Re: [NEW] Bing Ads Content Network Mastery :: Affiliates, CPA Marketers, Business Owners Welcome


  • #5
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    Default Re: [NEW] Bing Ads Content Network Mastery :: Affiliates, CPA Marketers, Business Owners Welcome


  • #6
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    Default Re: [NEW] Bing Ads Content Network Mastery :: Affiliates, CPA Marketers, Business Owners Welcome




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