New Features Added
Find 1,000's Of Relevant Blog Posts To Post Your Comments On (Including .Gov & .Edu Sites) With A Click Of A Button...
Let This Software Do The Hard Work For You, And Save You Thousands Of Dollars And Hours Of Time!
This tool finds blog posts with open comments, based on keywords that you specify. You can then post relevant, useful comments on those blog posts, to get backlinks to your site (do not use this tool for spamming, if you like the blog posts that you find, post useful, relevant comments).
But real power of this software, is that it lets you search for .Gov and .Edu blog posts.
Here is what Backlink Finder will do for you...
* Find .Gov blog posts
* Find .Edu blog posts
* Find blog posts with all other domain extensions
* Find blog posts with only open comments
You can search by Page Rank, but don't expect to find a PR10 blog post. Also, you need to understand, that .gov and .edu sites don't have posts on as wide variety of topics as .com sites. So, if you have a very long tail keyword, you might have a hard time finding .gov and .edu blog posts related to that topic. However, you can find .com and other popular domain extensions blog posts on just about any topic.
One of the best features in this software, is that it lets you search for blog posts with open comments only. This alone will save you hours of time. Now, this feature is not perfect, but from my tests, when I use this feature, over 90% of the sites have open comments.
This will literally save you thousands of dollars and hours of time. I hope you see the value that this software will give you.
Here's How Easy It Is To Use Backlink Finder
Step 1: Enter the keyword to search for.
Step 2: Choose what domain extensions you want to search for (.gov, .edu or all extensions).
Step 3: click "Search"

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