HTML5 + CSS3 + jQuery
1200px responsive grid
Retina display support
Mobile first approach (optimizes bandwidth for smaller screens)
SMOF admin panel
Can manage header and footer logo, site favicon, custom site image (for Facebook) and Apple touch icons
Set SEO meta attributes like description and keywords
Ability to add custom CSS style and Google Analytics script
Updates automatically from latest ThemeForest version (no need to manually re-download the theme)
Can change base color (defaults to yellow), link colors and CSS3 animation applied to common elements
Easy homepage customization panel with drag and drop layout manager; includes options for each section
Customize layout and categories for portfolio and journal custom templates
Set contact form options, like: email address for receiver, subject line, additional information textarea and Google Maps embed
Ability to edit custom posts names and slugs (useful for localization)
Set links for social profiles to be used in custom shortcodes
Customize 404 page with special text and image
Ability to backup and restore the admin options