Here's A Breakdown of What Each Module Gives You That Turns Stone Cold Traffic Into Profits.
Ground Zero Module: The 'Iceberg Formula' Blueprint
The exact blueprint that allowed us to scale a Facebook campaign from a shoestring budget to over $1.5m.
The 'Facebook Ignorance Tax' that could be costing you an arm and a leg. Make sure you're not a victim. (Watch minute 8:32 for this.)
What you MUST do from January 2015 or face getting your ads and maybe even your accounts shut down. (Minute 11:24 explains this.)
Plus, you'll discover the kick-ass software we use that's getting us up to 2000% ROI.
Module 1: The 'Iceberg Spotter' Method
"Facebook advertising doesn't work for MY type of business, right?" Wrong!
Minute 6:46 explains how ANY business with a physical or info product can make Facebook bring in ROI's of 1000% and above in our experience.
The single MOST important rule for laser targeting your 'starving crowd' with deadly accuracy. There are at least 6 ways to do it but only ONE works better than ANYTHING we've ever used.
Why you can't trust Facebook's built-in ______ to ______: Use this inexpensive tool instead so that you can remain in FULL control.
Module 2: The 'Iceberg Radar' Method
Apply the 4 simple steps to drill down and find the 'starving crowds' of people on Facebook who actually want to BUY your stuff.
Discover HOW to get your prospects to raise their hand and tell you that they're hungry AND interested for less than 1 cent-a-pop. Seriously.
Module 3: The 'Hidden Iceberg' Method
Discover HOW this one little graphic that I added bumped up conversions by 30% (It's so simple, you'll laugh when you see it!)
Shortcuts GALORE! If you want to risk spending a fortune figuring stuff out by trial and error, then that's fine.
Alternatively, you could simply deploy our swipe file of proven ads and skip having to learn by trial and error.
The BIGGEST mistake we've ever seen that almost EVERY rookie still uses and HOW to avoid it with very little effort and WHY you should avoid it. (Huge consequences if you ignore this.)
Module 4: The 'Snowball DNA' Method
WARNING! Avoid tracking these so called 'popular' metrics like the plague! It's simply a waste of your time. We'll show you which ones to follow and why.
Discover how to use this 'bizarre lost art' once you have your sales funnel setup. As soon as you start applying this you will change your marketing into something VERY SPECIAL and INSTANTLY.
How to 'slice and dice' your audience (but not literally) for maximum EPC's and recurring profits. This will make or break you online because it almost broke us and many other clients.
Module 5: The 'Iceberg Tracker' Method
There is a secret to earmarking winning campaigns and culling the losers before you lose your shirt. it's just a shame nobody has ever shown you this. until NOW!
How to easily avoid the dreaded 'information overload' with your Facebook reports. Instead we'll show you how to focus on just a handful of actionable insights that have lead to a increase in ROI of 200% to a whopping 2000%. (See minute 6:23.)
If you're not tracking this ONE metric, then you're literally 'flying without instruments' and it's likely only a matter of time before the inevitable crash landing.
Module 6: The 'Ice Purification' Method
How we (embarrassingly) almost missed this one HUGE problem that would have stopped us from scaling our business and would have almost made us go bust immediately. Invaluable experience for you here.
Look over our shoulder as we optimize and scale a live ad account with twice weekly updates so that you can simply COPY us and do the same to generate maximum profits just like us.
The little-known 'Divide and Conquer' Method for not only reducing your cost-per-click but also skyrocketing your conversions at the same time so that profit becomes predictable and almost effortless.
Module 7: The 'Unsinkable Titanic' Method
Discover HOW to scale on a shoestring - follow this technique to the letter and watch as your income and profits begin to soar.
Discover HOW to avoid these commonly used mistakes when approach scaling your campaigns. IGNORE this and you'll see nothing but stress and pain and massive failures time after time.
This last step really takes your business to a level that most people only dream about. And it's now ALL yours.
We'll show you EVERYTHING.
Let's Recap Exactly What You're Getting Here Today:
Ground Zero Module: The 7 Step 'Iceberg Formula' Blueprint (Value: $69.95)
Module #1: The 'Iceberg Target Scout' Method (Value: $99.95)
Module #2: The 'Iceberg Radar' Method (Value: $149.95)
Module #3: The 'Hidden Iceberg' Method (Value: $199.95)
Module #4: The 'Snowball DNA' Method (Value: $149.95)
Module #5: The 'Iceberg Tracker' Method (Value: $199.95)
Module #6: The 'Ice Purification' Method (Value: $249.95)
Module #7: The 'Unsinkable Titanic' Method (Value: $299.95)
Sales Page: http://archive.is/voUXN
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