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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Mar 2013
      India, Kolkata
      Time Online

      Arrow Offline Method - Make Money Capturing Stray Animals

      This method is so simple, I can't believe I didn't think of it before.

      So on Wednesday, I was cleaning my backyard and reorganizing everything. I had my side gate open to move stuff from the garage to the backyard. I finished everything up, locked the gate and went back inside to watch tv. After about 30 mins, I hear this yapping noise in my backyard and was like, "wtf is that noise?" So I go to investigate and there is about a 10 lbs dog in my backyard yapping. I was like, "okay, it is a stray dog." I open the door and go outside, the dog growled at me but was relatively friendly. It had a collar and a steel dog ID tag.

      I read the tag and called the phone number listed. Told the guy his dog was in my backyard and gave him my address to come pick it up. He arrived promptly. I gave him the dog and he was damn near in tears to see the dog. He said the dog went missing on Monday and he couldn't find it anywhere. Then he opens up his wallet and hands me 5 $100 bills. He walks off with the dog and leaves. Just like that, I made $500 for about 30 mins of hassle.

      That got me thinking!

      I did some research on how the whole lost animal thing works. Basically, in my area, the local pound is completely useless at picking up stray dogs/cats so people often resort to offering rewards if you find their dog/cat. All you have to do is find one of these stray animals and call the owner. To find the owner information, it will simply be on the ID tag or some animals have microchip implant. If they have an implant chip all you have to do is go to petsmart/petco and ask to scan the chip which shows the owner information. When you have the information, just call the owner. When the owner arrives, make sure to say something along the lines of, "a donation for my efforts would be greatly appreciated." I'm sure they would gladly give you money since these days people treat pets like family members.

      If you find a stray that has no ID/microchip then just drop it off at the local pound. They are required by law to take in unwanted animals because stray/unneutered pets just breed like crazy.

      Now you know, next time you see that stray dog running on the sidewalk, don't walk past it! Capture it! The owner could be offering a reward for its return!

      I bought a medium sized dog cage, some extra thick gloves, several leashes and several collars. I'm gonna try this method out on the weekend. Who knows how much money I might be able to make.

      This method works and anyone can do it!
      Last edited by Jony_Kolkata; 07-13-2013 at 02:04 PM.




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