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    1. #1
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      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      Arrow Book Promotion Pro

      How One Indie Author Sold 135 Copies of His Book In Just a Few Hours Using This Hidden Resource!

      (Psst... Did I Mention: He Didn’t Pay A Dime?)

      We all want to sell more copies of our book. And there are tons of ways to do this. You can beg people to email their lists, you can pay for expensive ads in social media, and you can try to go the free SEO route.

      But There is One Big Problem: If You’re A New Author – Or Independent Author – Getting Exposure to Your Book Is Hard

      You really have to bust your butt to get the exposure you need to make sales of your book. You have to spend long hours begging Google or Amazon, tweaking keywords, categories, or building links.
      Or you have to dish out…get this…over 300 bucks per book promotion at the top site for Kindle! BookBub!

      Good Lordy Look At This…! Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That…Or Money!

      WHAT?! 440 Bucks…For An Ad…For A Free Freakin’ Book?!

      That’s only the half of it. BookBub is one of the hardest places to have an ad accepted. These guys can really push sales, for sure…but honestly that isn’t even the worst of it.
      Try getting an ad accepted at BookBub. Go ahead and try. And best of luck to you if you’re brand spanking new. You basically have to be a well-established, successful author to get in.

      BookBub Is One Of The Best…But Only If You’re One of the Elite. These “Elite, Ivory Tower” Bastards Have No Desire to Help You – Or Anyone Like You!

      So what are we going to do? BookBub is way too expensive and way too difficult to get in. I guess we get to scrounge for scraps while the uber-elite get fed steak and wine by the best book promotion site around.
      Are we left with nothing to do?
      Hell no. I have a solution.

      A Hidden Solution That Is Soon Going to Destroy BookBub. And I’m Sharing it With You First.

      I’m not just pulling this out of my rear. Check out these authors who have already experienced success with this free promotional resource.

      "My Promo Ended – I Still Got 30 to 50 Sales A Day! (at 3.97 per book no less)"

      "I’ve Used This Resource Three Times. My Biggest Promotion Resulted in Over 500 Sales In 24 Hours"

      "I Normally Write Books In Non-English Niches. My First English Language Book Is Now #1 Thanks to This Resource"

      "My First Promotion With This Resource Grabbed Me 1,510 Sales With A Gross Profit of 550 Bucks (At 99 cents) I’m Also #1 In All My Categories"

      "I Used This Resource and Sold 135 Copies in Just a Few Hours!"

      …And I’m Going to Reveal This Free Resource To You.

      But That’s Not All.

      I’m Also Going to Reveal One of My Biggest Secrets – How to Leverage This Resource and Others Like it For Long Term, Sustainable Book Sales

      All of this Inside:

      Book Promotion Pro

      Imagine Launching a Book and Grabbing Immediate Traffic and Sales
      ​ Imagine that you have a book, one that you've spent tons of time writing. You want it to be successful, right? I mean, we all do.
      To have it sit in your hard drive...or Amazon's hard drive...and have it bring in no money is depressing and defeating. It makes you want to quit!
      The answer is sales - and to get sales, you have to market. But what if you could tell a group of people - your fans - and they all instantly bought it? No need to spend tons of time marketing, begging, or paying for sales.
      That's the power of a Book Platform and inside Book Promotion Pro, I'm going to show you how.​

      Imagine Having Consistency and Dependability In Your Book Business
      ​Having a book platform is more than just having sales at the drop of dime. It's having guaranteed sales at the drop of a dime. Building a platform isn't just about building a sales machine, it's about building a guarantee that your efforts are going to pay off and be worth something.
      It's about consistency and reliability. Confidence that you're books can and will support you and your lifestyle, whatever that may be.
      If you don't have that in your book business now, then you need to grab Book Promotion Pro!

      Inside Book Promotion Pro, You’ll Discover:

      • Three Key, Hidden Resources (Including the One I’m Talking About Here) That You Can Leverage For Long Term Success
      • How to Leverage Twitter, Facebook, and Email Marketing to Explode Your Book Sales Without Spending Any Extra Time Marketing.
      • Why Building Your Platform Is So Important...
      • Including What a “Platform” is and How to Leverage It
      • The “BookBub” Killer – And How You Can Have Your Book Promoted For Free.
      • How to Move Book Readers Up the “Buying Chain” And Why It’s Important

      Sales Page:

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  • #2
    LifeTime VIP Member
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    Default Re: Book Promotion Pro

    great share thanks a lot

  • #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Koh Samui
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    5 Hours 38 Minutes 52 Seconds

    Default Re: Book Promotion Pro




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