Youtube top comments are a way to siphon massive traffic from high traffic Youtube videos. You can do this without having to create a video yourself.
The way it works:
- You find a video on youtube that has a ton of views in your niche.
- Comment on that video with a link to your own site or affiliate link.
- You use my techniques to get that comment promoted as a “top comment” so it stays at the top of the page.
- One single top comment on a popular youtube video in your niche can generate 500-5000 visitors a day.
This used to be a popular technique for making money on Youtube. I know guys that were making $1000+ per day on top comments alone.
Then Youtube shut the whole thing down.
But I’ve cracked the code again, you can use my techniques to get massive top comments traffic once again!
(The new way is much more stable)
And hardly anyone else knows how to do it.
This means you’ll often be the only person using this technique for traffic in your niche.
I see videos all the time that have ZERO competitors using this for traffic.
These types of videos used to have tons of people competing for the “top comments” spot.
These videos are just waiting for you to exploit!
Click Here to Sign Up for this!
I may close this down if too many people sign up, since this is a ONE on ONE training.
See screenshot below for a sample of what one of my “top comments” look like:

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