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    edollarearn edollarearn edollarearn

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      Arrow Reinsteckers Social Media Automated Wordpress Blog Earning System

      This method can also be done with non adult stuff and everything that can be displayed by pictures (cars, weapons, cooking, whatever).

      Also I haven't reinvented the wheel. This is just a summary of what has worked for me compiled into a spoonfed manual.

      • Basic Overview

      We are going to create a Facebook Page with some softcore pictures and a wordpress blog to monetize the whole thing. Also we are going to use tumblr, blogger and so on for traffic. Because we are lazy we will automate the whole process to almost 100%. Also we will get some more traffic without doing anything for it.

      Facebook brings highly targeted traffic! And targeted traffic equals money!

      • What you need

      You will have to create some social media accounts and phone verify the facebook account. (of course you can buy PVAS somewhere).
      You will need a domain and hosting.
      You will need tons of niche related pictures.

      Advanced Renamer (Freeware) or anything to batch rename files.

      • How much can you earn

      Like always: sky is the limit! You won't get rich overnight with this, but with some patience and a little work (dont forget this is automated) you can easily earn a few bucks a day. If you really grow this thing big there is tons of cash you can make.

      • Account creation and Facebook Fanpage

      Alright lets start! But I have to warn you before! I will post ref links here (and of course also non-ref links). I think it would just be fair if you use the ref links. If you use them and PM me your account details i will give you a few things: -personal help with all problems, a ready to use installer package with wordpress, all the plugins, theme that you just have to install on your hosting and finally: Promotion for your facebook page, so it will grow faster!

      So register accounts at:

      - Facebook - register a normal user account (!!!!!!), pretend to be a girl. Find a good looking, non nude photo (should be hot, but reputable). Live in a big city, like girl-like stuff. Disable E-Mail notifications. Get some flirt and dating apps. Make lots of friends. Create some legitimate posts about shit people care about (earthquakes or whatever).

      Now create a fanpage with your normal user account (DONT use a business account). Name it something like "tits and cars" or whatever you like to post about. I know there are already tons of softcore picture pages, but who the hell cares? You grab your piece of the cake and that's it.

      -Google Webmaster Tools & Analytics
      - Blogger - similar name to facebook fanpage
      - Tumblr -- similar name to facebook fanpage

      For monetization we will need accounts at:



      Maybe you have to have a website first, before you can register at one of them. If that is the case, go to the next steps first and then register the accounts later.

      • Fanpage setup

      Create a title picture and add a hot girl as "profile picture" for your fanpage. Write some basic information about your page and post some pictures to your wall (remember: no nudity! otherwise your page might get banned quick). Like other pages like yours and comment on their entries (write nice and useful stuff, dont spam) to get some likes to your page.

      If you want to, you can buy a few hundred likes at fiverr after a week or two, this helped me to get the page growing fast.

      • Blog creation

      If you dont already have a domain and hosting get it now. Name your domain after your fanpage, or at least something similar. Also you can use subdomains, for upscaling purposes (having multiple blogs and fanpages) with just one domain (works fine for me).

      If you need hosting and domain I recommend using Arvixe, they are cheap and reliable, domain privacy is free(!!!!) and I never had any issues with them!

      Now lets get started:
      - Install Wordpress on your domain
      - Go to and grab a free adult theme (or use any other you like)

      -Install the following plugins:
      404 simple redirect
      acurax on click popunder
      automatic featured image posts
      drafts scheduler
      google analyticator
      hungred image fit
      hupso share buttons for twitter,facebook (...)
      nextscripts: social networks auto-poster
      open in new window plugin
      seo friendly images
      simple google sitemap xml
      web***** auto tagging

      Activate all the plugins

      - Delete all posts, pages etc.
      - Create a new category (if your page is "tits and cars" name your category "tits and cars")
      -go to settings -> and set auto image posts to create drafts-> webinja ats to add just your manual tags (add a few relevant ones)
      -> 404 redirect to a crakrevenue PPL program
      ->seo friendly images to add your tags to your pictures
      Go to Settings -> permalinks -> choose user defined (or custom or whatever) and insert /%postname%/%category%

      -Add your domain to Plugrush and connect the Plugin by entering your Plugrush API Key

      -Enable Popunders, Mobile Redirects and Adblock redirect to paid campaigns

      - If you haven't done yet, upload the new theme via ftp to your wp-content/themes folder. Activate the theme at the Appearance section.

      -Go to Appearance -> Editor -> Theme functions (functions.php) -> add the following code to the end of the file, just before the closing ?>

      function myprefix_change_afip_post_content( $post_content, $attachment_id ) { $my_uploaded_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id ); $post_content .= '<img src="' . $my_uploaded_image[0] . '">'; return $post_content; }
      Alright now you have set up a basic blog!

      Open Duplicator Plugin and save your blog to your local computer so you can clone it anytime.

      Now take your folder with your images and use a batch renamer to rename them to somthing like titsandcars01.jpg and so on.

      Upload at least 10 pictures by using the media section of wordpress. Your blog will automatically crop thumbnails and create posts containing the images. Publish all the posts. Congrats you have some content

      • Social setup and automatization

      Go to Settings -> Social Networks Auto-Poster -> Add accounts for facebook, tumblr, blogger etc.

      There is a detailed guide how to setup every account. You have to create a developers app, add the keys etc. Just check the guides and follow the steps.

      Choose image post and timeline at the facebook options of SNAP.

      Create a message like this Check out our pictures here: <p> Watch this entry at full size here: %URL%Repeat that for tumblr and blogger.

      Now upload a lot of images to your blog, creating a lot of draft posts (that may take a while). Go to Posts -> Draft Scheduler -> Choose tomorrow as start date, add a post frequency (every 2-4 hours is fine, dont post too often).

      Finally add your blog to Webmaster Tools and Analytics. Configure Google Analyticator (self explanatory). Submit your sitemap to Webmaster tools.

      • Monetization

      Now you have a blog that automatically posts to your social accounts and already brings in cash by using Plugrush.

      Next step: Head to crakrevenue and create to animated 300x250 banner ads for dating and cam offers (Dating: PPL, Cam: PPS or REVshare). Choose offers for your target country/audience. Go to Appearance -> Editor -> banners.php at your Wordpress and insert the ad codes there.

      Get a link for a PPL dating offer at crakrevenue and add it to acurax on click popunder (called popunder, right under your media section).

      Create plugrush widgets that blend with your blog (colors etc.). Make it look like a preview of other blog posts. Add the iframe code at Editor -> single.php right after

      <?php get_header(); ?> <div class="main"> <div class="content">
      • You are done!

      There are more possibilities to monetize (Juicyads etc.). I will update this post later. I am very busy at the moment, so please allow a few days for that. I you have signed up as my affiliate i will provide you with the installer and more stuff the next days. Just send me a PM or post here.

      Also I will explain upscaling methods, more tweaks and so on.

      I hope I haven't forgotten anything. Please leave your feedback!
      Last edited by Jony_Kolkata; 07-06-2013 at 11:30 AM.




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