Get mentored by world's top marketers entrepreneurs and thought leaders
Training and presentations featuring more than 60 of the world's top business and thought leaders, Including The Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, Dr. Stephen R. Covey, President F.W. deKlerk, Eben Pagan, Bill Harris, Vishen Lakhiani , Rick Sapio, Alex Mandossian and many others.
Course comprises of eight modules:
Module 1 Passion Potential and Positive Change
Module 2 Engagement Accountability and Contribution
Module 3 Mastering Your Mindset
Module 4 Business Principles and Innovation
Module 5 Fundamental Business Tools and Tactics
Module 6 Productivity and Implementation
Module 7 Marketing Insights and Strategies
Module 8 Increasing Your Impact Influence and Income
Special Bonuses
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http://megacloudfiles.com/users/mouse/104/Simple Wealth Academy - Engage