Learn SEO to Grow Your Website| Google Search-Engine Friendly

Search engine optimization or SEO for short has been around for quite some time, but not till recently has the search engines really cracked down on how they rank websites. Ranking for keywords is one of the most important and basic steps to growing visitors to your website.
Just for an example if you type in google "basketball shoes" - you will see that footlocker comes up number one in the organic search results. There are roughly 33,000 searches a month with this exact set of keywords. Can you imagine how many footlocker shoes are being sold because of this traffic?
Here is a lesson breakdown:--------
*What is SEO and how do search engines rank websites
*Setting up our project website
*Measure Existing Traffic with Analytics
*Choosing Keywords
*Onsite SEO (Internal Linking, Content, Meta Tags...)
*Offsite SEO (Link Breakdown, Building Backlinks...)
*SEO Tools for keyword rankings and backlink checkers
*Measure Traffic and Keyword Rankings
*Do's and Do Not's, Tips and Tricks
-Direct Download Links
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